The moment I got more than I could handle

I celebrate things that make me happy but I don’t partake in organised celebrations. You won’t ever get a Christmas card signed “All my love, Fat Gay Vegan xx” and you certainly will never be expected to buy me a birthday present. Many years ago, I decided to opt out of societal shenanigans and I have never looked back. The atheist inside me was particularly chuffed and I have managed to save a lot of money for myself and my friends.

But just because I don’t wish people a Happy New Year or a pleasant Diwali doesn’t mean I don’t like to feast on some of the foods available around festivals. I’ve certainly eaten my fair share of vegan chocolate Santas. It is this decided ignorance of celebration but love of overeating that led me to a vegan Thanksgiving extravaganza of delicious proportions last week here in London.

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Chips, ice cream, cake & sausage

The Globe of Glossop

I recently enjoyed the chance to return to one of the best vegan food providers in the UK. The Globe pub in the northern town of Glossop is as near to a religious experience a vegan atheist can get. The cosy inn delivers plate after plate of cruelty-free comfort food and my only regret is that it isn’t situated closer to where I live.

That said, I must admit location is but a mild irritation. Distance exists only to be laughed at when a FGV is hungry and let’s face it, when am I not at least peckish? So grab your warmest coat and wrap up tightly… we are heading into the windy wilds of Derbyshire for a spot of overeating.

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Make mine a gin & tonic

It is well-documented across this site that I am more than partial to a spot of cake now and again. I am also known to enjoy drinking. For years I have dared to secretly dream of an unusual  combination of my two passions. Sure there are plenty of rum cakes being carved up around the world, but I had been longing for something fresh and creative.

Well, somebody must be on the same dream frequency as me as I recently enjoyed a delightful cake infused with a drinking spirit during my visit to the northern city of Manchester.

I was in town to attend a concert by pop/rock experts Ash when I decided to pay a visit to the upmarket restaurant know as Bistro 1847. This handsome vegetarian eatery is located in the centre of the city, just a short stroll from just about anywhere. I had sampled their wares once before, but that was a rushed visit and I was determined to delve a little deeper into their vegan options.

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Here I go, singing low

Blackbird Pizzeria in South Philly

Let’s keep this short and sweet. Do you want to taste astonishingly-good vegan pizza? Yes? Then get your bag of bones to Philadelphia and dine on the tasty delights of Blackbird Pizzeria. It will amaze you.

During my trip to the east coast of the USA earlier this year, I was keen to pay a visit to a new restaurant that I had been hearing a lot of buzz about. Blackbird Pizzeria opened during 2010 and has been serving up 100% vegan delicacies ever since. The cruelty-free food outlet gives compassionate diners an opportunity to enjoy an impressive range of treats not limited to simply pizza. Enough chit chat… wanna see what I consumed? Let’s do this.

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London Vegan Drinks review: November 2011

What do you get when you cram 100 people into a room in Central London, supply them with food and serve them alcohol? Why, London Vegan Drinks of course!

The London branch of the worldwide Vegan Drinks phenomenon is only in its third month but already has turned into a wildly successful event. Last night, close to (or over?!) 100 vegans and vegan friendlies descended on tibits in Heddon Street for  food, drink and a whole lot of socialising. Vegan wine, beer, cider and juice flowed all night, as did the stream of people enjoying an event that already feels like a London institution.

London Vegan Drinks

tibits made a tremendous effort supplying us with extra vegan options on the food boat. It was a gesture that was greatly appreciated. Special items included kale salad, vegetable gratin, pineapple curry, tiramisu, cheesecake, sticky pudding, blood orange cream and mandarine cream. Everything was stunning. Like tibits on Facebook and let them know what you thought of their hospitality on the night.

So many thanks to everyone who made the evening the fabulous night out that it was. A special mention must go to Ms Cupcake and her bakery crew for turning up en masse. Much love to you all.

See you all the the December London Vegan Drinks!

Ms Cupcake crew at Vegan Drinks
So many vegans & their friends

*Thanks & love to The Vegan Butcher for the photos

I truly adore you

Vegan pralines by Moo Free

Do you dream of luscious, creamy pralines? Can you imagine yourself gently removing a delicate ribbon to reveal a tray filled with decadent chocolate treats?

Thanks to the fabulous people of Moo Free Chocolates, the opportunity for vegans to delight in the wonder of boxed, gourmet pralines is now a reality. And if this fat, gay vegan dares to be so bold, I would like to say they have certainly created one of the finest vegan confectionery items on the planet. Do you want to lift the lid and discover the goodness inside the blue box? Read on and be prepared for a rumbling belly.

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I want to see your grill

What the world (and this FGV) deserves is vegan fast food. People need to be able to access cruelty-free comfort food on a grand scale. I like to think it is just a matter of time until a global-reaching fast food chain takes on the cruel and unhealthy giants of conveyor belt eating. I also have a hunch it could very well be Veggie Grill.

This chain of plant-based restaurants is remarkable not just for the delicious food served, but also how mainstream and accessible it all is. Locations are dotted around Southern California in strip malls, plazas and markets. The interior is low key and tasteful while the staff offer the kind of service you would expect from a polished, speedy turn-around fast food joint.

Veggie Grill is always on my to do list when I visit Los Angeles and I made sure I stayed true to this pattern during my last vacation. My meal at the Veggie Grill in the Los Angeles Farmers Market was superb. Let’s run through my order:

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No single bite could satisfy

Dairy cows are some of the most abused creatures on the planet and their suffering is unjustifiable. Humans do not require cow milk to live healthy lives and there is absolutely no reason to exploit cows in order to give humans chocolate.

Chocolate is delicious though, so I am eternally grateful to the fabulous people of Moo Free Chocolates. This company is dedicated to creating mouthwatering chocolate treats that are dairy-free and delicious. This FGV has been in love with their products for a while now (see here) and my love just grew stronger with the release of several new tempting items.

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That’s the Philly in I

Even though my trip to Philadelphia was several months ago, I am still sifting through the memories in order to bring some international flavour to this blog. This particular jaunt down memory lane takes us to Essene Market & Cafe in South Philly.

Essene is somewhat of an institution in South Philadelphia. This organic grocer, bakery, delicatessen and cafe has been a part of the city landscape since 1969 (their original store was just around the corner from their current South Fourth Street location). Ask any local for a natural food store and you will surely be told to head to Essene. Even the arrival of a Whole Foods on South Street has failed to dampen the love people feel for this retail stalwart.

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Vegans helping vegans

This is the kind of blog post I adore writing. There is nothing more satisfying than helping spread news of vegan companies helping organisations dedicated to furthering the well-being of non-human animals.

I recently spoke with Lisa of UK-based vegan food distributor Beanie’s Health Foods about the wonderful support they offer to whale protectors Sea Shepherd. Lisa and her father own and run their company that supplies Fry’s Vegetarian frozen foods to the whole of the UK (Remember our campaign to get them back in a certain High Street retailer?). They are the sponsors of next week’s London Vegan Potluck 7, so you can just imagine the amount of delicious, vegan food we will be consuming.

Enjoy this brief chat I had with Lisa about why her company supports Sea Shepherd, what you can do to help their cause and what exciting developments the future holds for Beanie’s Health Foods and Fry’s Vegetarian in the UK. Sounds like there are some massive plans afoot…

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