An email tumbled into my inbox a few days ago heralding some wonderful news accompanied by an enticing photo.
What do you think? Have there ever been a finer collection of words?
London vegan news, reviews & events
An email tumbled into my inbox a few days ago heralding some wonderful news accompanied by an enticing photo.
What do you think? Have there ever been a finer collection of words?
Chips. Fries. Pommes frites. Papas fritas. Frieten. Whatever name you give to it, sliced potato cooked in scalding oil and dusted with salt is my favourite food of all time. I can’t get enough of it. No seriously, I cannot get enough of it in London.
I need your help.
Where can I buy freshly cooked chips that are vegan in the capital? I don’t want fries that have been reconstituted with lard. I am not interested in thick cut chips that have been fried in the same oil as fish. Please don’t tell me about potato that is covered in chicken-flavoured salt as soon as it comes out of the basket.
I need more vegan chips in my life.
Here are some photos of my favourite chips and fries in the UK. I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can point me in the direction of any London cafes, shops, restaurants or market stalls that will do right by me and potato.
Suggestions below!
My recent trip to Paris was a vegan eye-opener. I hadn’t been to the French capital for almost a decade and I didn’t hold many fond memories of plant-based food availability.
Things have changed, people.
I am delighted to report that the Paris vegan scene has exploded. You can choose from Asian cuisine, a vegan grocery store and baked goods. There are even a smattering of health food supermarkets through the city selling a decent range of vegan products.
Out of this new surge of animal-free options, one of the best places to emerge is a cute fast food joint called East Side Burgers. Burgers, hot dogs, fries and soda are just the tip of the food pile. The cosy outlet serves up a whole manner of savoury delights such as quiche by the slice as well as sweet treats (including my favourite chocolate on the planet, Moo Free).
Of course I am disappointed the place isn’t completely vegan. Actually, I can’t get my head around why it isn’t. I can only hope that is a goal they are moving towards because apart from the animal products served, East Side Burgers is one fabulous place to eat vegan.
Visit East Side Burgers online
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My recent trip to the gorgeous Mexican city of Xalapa was downright sensational. I enjoyed a long hike through coffee and banana farms, I took in the sights of the glorious Teocelo waterfall and I swam during a torrential tropical rainstorm.
Oh, I almost forgot. I ate a lot of vegan food, too.
The city of Xalapa in the state of Veracruz won’t win any awards for being vegan-friendly. Heck, I even passed a restaurant that proudly proclaimed ‘NO VEGETARIANO’ on its front sign. Yes, it can be difficult to eat plant-based in Xalapa but the addition of a Loving Hut to the landscape has certainly brightened the outlook.
Loving Hut outlets are seemingly popping up everywhere and it is making vegan travel easier. After our gruelling day of hiking and sightseeing, Josh and I were desperately in need of some recharging. Loving Hut Xalapa came to the rescue in a big way.
My trips to NYC come along more frequently than most people can enjoy and for that I am humble and grateful. Travel is a luxury and New York is one hell of a destination. I am extremely fortunate.
But I can’t help feeling sorry for myself when I think of how very far I live from Red Bamboo and how infrequently I experience their delights. Come with me as I step back in time to December 2011. That date marks my most recent trip to this vegetarian paradise. Preparing the photos for this post was enough to make my head spin. Take a peep, won’t you.
If you are contemplating opening a vegan restaurant and are looking for inspiration on how to do it just right, I suggest making a trip to your nearest Native Foods. The food is consistently incredible and it has been one of my favourite places to dine out in the USA for many years.
During my Summer vacation in the States, I made sure there was just enough time to swing on by Native Foods in Westwood. Even though the Costa Mesa location is my favourite to dine in, the Westwood Native Foods is very dear to my heart as it was the first restaurant bearing the name that I ever visited.
As I am busy preparing for London Vegan Drinks (that is, harassing people via email and Twitter), Josh has kindly stepped in to keep you informed of vegan eats and drinks in the town of Oxford.
Take it away, Josh.
During a recent trip to Portland to attend Vida Vegan Con 2011, I was overwhelmed by vegan food choices. Every restaurant appeared to cater thoughtfully to my type, no matter if they were a veggie establishment or not. The picturesque city was packed wall to wall with cruelty-free dining options.
By far my favourite dining experience was the Homegrown Smoker food truck. Actually, it was so stunning I dined with them three days running. Everything I ate was tasty like I’ve never known, the staff were incredibly welcoming and I adored the concept of ordering my meal from a mobile kitchen parked up on a city sidewalk.
I must warn you the following pictures could lead to growling tummies. I make no apologies.
After spending an entire weekend with other vegan bloggers at the Vida Vegan Con event in Portland, I am buzzing with possibility and new enthusiasm. There were so many interesting and compassionate people sharing news, views and practical advice. I personally got so much from the weekend and hopefully made a few new friends.
One of the themes of discussion I heard throughout the conference was bloggers not wanting to write negative or disparaging comments or reviews about vegan establishments. As much as I understand this approach in the writing of other people, it doesn’t float for me. Yes, I write this blog as a means to help people find veganism and also as a tool to entertain and show off my ready-wit, but I’m not going to say something is amazing when it isn’t in my opinion. I want to give my opinion and I want people to disagree if they feel compelled. It’s called open dialogue.
This is building to something. I’m just preparing you all for a rather negative review of a 100% vegan restaurant. Of course speak up in the comments if you have an opinion on the eatery. Don’t let my fat, gay mouth have the final word.
When you visit a small town in the UK, the vegan food can be extremely thin on the ground. I often find myself wandering aimlessly around provincial towns in the hope of discovering something cruelty-free to eat.
A few months ago I experienced this exact predicament in Hastings. Hastings is a picturesque seaside town steeped in history, located on the southeast coast of the mainland United Kingdom. The vegan dining options are not abundant but the people of cafe chain eat@ are somewhat redressing this imbalance.