VBites cafe opens in Chester

Let’s hope this is the start of something huge.

Earlier this week, I found myself in the northern city of Chester for the grand opening of the VBites cafe located inside a Holland & Barrett outlet. I had been invited along by the PR team for the health food chain (they kindly paid for my train ticket) as they wanted me to see the new concession in action, as well as chat with owner Heather Mills about the cafe.

My take on the new cafe? It’s a completely revolutionary concept for the UK.


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VBites Cafe

I’m not sure if vegan food in the UK really is as lacklustre as I think it is or if the problem is I have eaten in incredible restaurants that have made me hyper-critical, but I am getting grumpy about second rate options in this country.

There are moments of deliciousness and innovation, but overall I find the UK vegan food scene to be desperately in need of a revolution.

Take VBites Brighton as an example.

shop front

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Raisin my interest

The Redwood Wholefood Company is one of the true vegan megastar companies. The Heather Mills-owned business produces a staggering range of cruelty-free delicacies and has won numerous awards throughout their history. This FGV has been in love with their products for over a decade and some of my favourite Redwood items include Cheatin’ Roast Turkey, Cheatin’ Rashers, Breaded Pepperjack Style Cheezly Bites and Gourmet Meat Free Chicken Style Pieces. Oh yes, I’m extremely familiar with Redwood.

With a lustrous reputation for good-tasting and compassionate food, my life is spent in anticipation of new Redwood products. My appetite and interest have been temporarily satisfied by a tasty new item that is simple yet irresistible.

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Bite me

This post is tiny, just like the super-cute and mega-tasty product I am reviewing.

Redwood are undoubtedly one of the finest vegan food providers in the world. The food they produce is stunning. For many years I have been a devout consumer of their vegan bacon, deli slices, roasts, cheese, cocktail sausages and many other items. Just when I think they can’t go further to impress my taste buds, they pull another winner out of their basket. FGV readers… I give you Breaded Pepperjack Style Cheezly Bites.

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We said meh. M-E-H, meh.

After spending an entire weekend with other vegan bloggers at the Vida Vegan Con event in Portland, I am buzzing with possibility and new enthusiasm. There were so many interesting and compassionate people sharing news, views and practical advice. I personally got so much from the weekend and hopefully made a few new friends.

One of the themes of discussion I heard throughout the conference was bloggers not wanting to write negative or disparaging comments or reviews about vegan establishments. As much as I understand this approach in the writing of other people, it doesn’t float for me. Yes, I write this blog as a means to help people find veganism and also as a tool to entertain and show off my ready-wit, but I’m not going to say something is amazing when it isn’t in my opinion. I want to give my opinion and I want people to disagree if they feel compelled. It’s called open dialogue.

This is building to something. I’m just preparing you all for a rather negative review of a 100% vegan restaurant. Of course speak up in the comments if you have an opinion on the eatery. Don’t let my fat, gay mouth have the final word.

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That’s the way I like it

Hungry but can’t be bothered to cook? This dilemma visits the Haus of FGV often and forces me to enjoy uncomplicated meals from time to time.

Redwood Fish Style Steaks

A few evenings ago, Josh and I were prettying ourselves for a fabulous night out in London. Plans were afoot for an evening of hilarity with singer/comedian/actor Sandra Bernhard at the Leicester Square Theatre followed by camp shenanigans as ex-Dead or Alive front person Pete Burns turned out a midnight PA at The Eagle in Vauxhall. It was going to be a big one so we were in need of sustenance before our wild night. With not much time to spare and even less enthusiasm for food preparation, we opted for a fishless sandwich.  It was fast, tasty and animal-friendly.

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