New vegan burgers and sausages

You should all be familiar with the Cauldron brand seen in most mainstream UK supermarkets.

They are probably most familiar to vegans thanks to their tofu and because a lot of their other products are only vegetarian.

However, the brand appears to be exploring more plant-based items with the launch of vegan burgers and sausages now available in Morrisons and Waitrose.

The sausages are billed as featuring mediterranean grilled vegetables, haricot beans and tomato pesto while the burgers are made from cauliflower, aduki beans, spinach and chipotle.

With the runaway success of Quorn vegan items, I expect we will see a few more Cauldron lines that are 100% plant-based rolling out soon (the two brands are owned by the same company).

Have you tried the new Cauldron burgers and sausages? What did you think?

Inexpensive vegan ice cream

There are so many vegan ice cream stories to tell, I’m frankly getting tired of relaying them. My main annoyance being all the news relates to the UK and I’m a long way from that part of the world.

My fab friend Mirel sent me the following photos of what she found in her local Morrisons supermarket this week.

With each box priced at just £2, you might just be able to afford to try them all.

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It looks as though a company is making these treats for UK supermarkets to rebrand as their own product. These Morrisons ice creams look very similar to what I reported on from Tesco a short while ago.

Anyway, affordable vegan ice cream for those who want it.

south of france cruise

Vegan ice lollies only £1 for 5!

Even though I’m in Mexico City sweltering with near (or just over) 30 degrees Celsius temperatures most days, I’m not going to pretend I don’t know how exciting it is when the weather gets a little warmer in the UK.

I saw on a news website that some parts of the country are even pushing 20 degrees Celsius. I am thrilled for you all as I know the last few months have been a bit rough when it comes to weather.

To help you celebrate, I thought I would share this information.

You can buy a box of five vegan ice lollies from Morrisons for just £1. That is damn good value.

Put on your best bikini, grab four of your best friends and get down to the local common with a box before the sun disappears again.


Click on the image above to visit the listing on the Morrisons website.

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Fry’s online


I’m just a few weeks out from my move to Mexico, meaning my job with Fry’s Family Foods UK is coming to an end. I will no longer be the first to bring you exciting news such as the following:

Fry’s now have four products available to buy via Morrisons online!

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You can click on the above image to visit the online shop.

The supermarket is selling just 4 of the 20+ product range available in the UK, but it is a great start.

Do you shop with Morrisons online?

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Vegan chocolate spread

Don’t blame me when you become hopelessly devoted to this product. I’m just the messenger.

Morrisons stock a chocolate hazelnut spread in a jar for just 80p. All of the ingredients are plant-based, however it does carry the ‘might contain traces’ warning with which we are all familiar.

Check it out.

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Something strawberry and vegan for the weekend

The UK is alive with excitement. The sun is out in full force, the temperature is rising and people are wearing a lot less clothing. I arrived in a bustling, blistering Leeds today just in time for a long, long weekend and I’m more than ready to have a good time. I’m sure you know nothing says ‘good time’ quite like vegan cider and the vegan cider is better still when it is strawberry-flavoured and in a can.

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