I’m too much in love

Moo Free vegan chocolate

An important part of my FGV job description is to search out the most delicious candy and chocolate in the world. I don’t want to do it, but I must if I intend to keep hold of my position. My chubby, queer fingers glumly wade through foil and wrappers in search of the best sugar out there. It is grueling.

But it isn’t all bad news, for you all get to live vicariously through my eating adventures. I don’t mind doing the hard yards if it means I get to share with you news of tasty vegan products. It is in this sharing spirit I inform you of one of the most delicious vegan chocolates available anywhere. Moo Free is creamy, tasty and incredibly satisfying. Want to see more? Come on then, I’ll unwrap it for you.

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Boutique in my backyard

How do you judge the appeal of a city? When and how does a location ‘arrive’ as an internationally-recognised destination?

Vx in Kings Cross, London

Some people will hold a city up against an arts and culture criteria. It becomes relevant when it can be seen as a cultural hub. Natural attractions are a draw for many others. There is nothing like a stunning mountain range or miles of golden beaches nearby to pull the punters in. History is often used as a measuring device when considering the worth of a city. A long list of ancient curiosities will usually drive the worth of a city sky high.

But I have my own way to determine how world-class a city is… does it have a vegan boutique? Well, you can add London to the list of ‘made it’ cities based on the existence of the wholly-vegan store known as Vx.

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Fry’s in a pickle

As many supermarkets and grocery store chains across the globe expand the choice of vegan products they offer, one leading UK health food retailer is seemingly going in the wrong direction.

Fry's Vegetarian... no more in H&B?

A recent tweet from a FGV reader alerted me to the fact that UK High Street retailer Holland & Barrett will no longer be selling the Fry’s Vegetarian range of frozen food. This news is a huge shock for the UK vegan community. Fry’s produce the finest range of frozen vegan goods in the world. Holland & Barrett has over 500 stores in the UK, reaching millions of consumers up and down the country. Consumers who are now without easy access to a quality brand of cruelty-free foods.

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250 strokes to beat it, I just can’t wait to eat it

Following weeks of planning (mostly me harassing people via Twitter), the London Vegan Potluck took place last night. It was a fabulous success.

London Vegan Potluck in Brixton

Held at the Ms. Cupcake store in Brixton, the potluck brought together vegans and non-vegans from all over London in a celebration of vegan food, vegan beer and fantastic people. Approximately 25 people gathered to try out dishes and drink beer kindly supplied by the good folk at Freedom Brewery.

The evening was a true community event. Old friends caught up and new friendships were cemented.

The selection of food on offer was wonderfully-diverse. Sweet cakes sat beside pasta specialties. Exotic salads jostled for attention with hearty stews. The choices were mind-boggling.

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Brunch with a bang

Here is a quick post to get you over the midweek blues and get you ready for the weekend.

Regular readers will be all too familiar with my love affair with 222 Veggie Vegan, a superb vegan eatery located on North End Road in West Kensington. You will have read about my first visit here and probably also saw my detailing of a subsequent visit here. Now let us return once again to discover what my favourite London restaurant has on offer for weekend brunch.

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