Can the can

I was talking with my friends at the Cool Chile Co a few days ago about the different brands of seitan available in the UK. Following our chat, I went on a quick exploration of my usual shopping haunts to see if any new wheat meat products had passed me by recently.

And one had. Wheat chunks in a tin!

Wheat meat in a tin
Wheat meat in a tin

I am not sure how long this canned seitan product has been available in the UK, but my discovery in Vx last week marked the first occasion I had laid eyes on it.

Sadly, I am yet to taste the Nuvale Vegetarian Cubes as I flew out of London for Mexico City before I could attack the product with a can opener. Have you tried the chunks? What are they like? What is your favourite ready made seitan?

I light this candle

One of the true joys of traveling for me is experiencing unexpected food delights. Just when I least expect it, something tasty and delectable and intriguing pops up begging to be consumed. I always oblige. It would be impolite not to.

Josh and I are currently enjoying a brief road trip along the Florida Keys. This part of the world is gorgeous but the vegan options are a bit thin on the ground. Car journeys such as this require careful planning to ensure I keep my calorie intake at a level worthy of a fat, gay vegan. To be certain I ate well on the Keys, we did a quick Whole Foods Market trip before we left the mainland. I am delighted we did.

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The moment I got more than I could handle

I celebrate things that make me happy but I don’t partake in organised celebrations. You won’t ever get a Christmas card signed “All my love, Fat Gay Vegan xx” and you certainly will never be expected to buy me a birthday present. Many years ago, I decided to opt out of societal shenanigans and I have never looked back. The atheist inside me was particularly chuffed and I have managed to save a lot of money for myself and my friends.

But just because I don’t wish people a Happy New Year or a pleasant Diwali doesn’t mean I don’t like to feast on some of the foods available around festivals. I’ve certainly eaten my fair share of vegan chocolate Santas. It is this decided ignorance of celebration but love of overeating that led me to a vegan Thanksgiving extravaganza of delicious proportions last week here in London.

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Vegan Thanksgiving in London

I’m not a huge fan of traditions, especially when many traditions are inextricably linked to the subjugation and death of animals. Christmas and other various traditional celebrations often culminate in humans feasting on the flesh of non-human animals. There is no wondering why I usually walk a different path.

But something exciting is happening in London this month that is allowing me (and other vegans) an insight into what a celebratory feast is like. Vegan food creator The Vegan Ronin is planning a showstopping Thanksgiving feast without hurting anyone. Check out her food plans below.

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London Vegan Potluck guest review: November 2011

The London Vegan Potluck was such a ridiculous success last night I have had to bring in a guest reviewer with a snazzy camera to whip up a pictorial review worthy of such a fine night.

Kick back, relax and enjoy the food-inspired ramblings and visual evidence gathering of The Vegan Butcher.

Potluck food

Last night was London Vegan Potluck 7 and if you missed it I feel very sad for you. It was a hell of a night, with tonnes of food from our event sponsor (Beanie’s Health Foods), lots of amazing vegan creations from the attendees, and an alarming amount of vegan booze (a trend I hope continues). Let’s recap, shall we?

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This native love is restless

Native Foods Westwood

If you are contemplating opening a vegan restaurant and are looking for inspiration on how to do it just right, I suggest making a trip to your nearest Native Foods. The food is consistently incredible and it has been one of my favourite places to dine out in the USA for many years.

During my Summer vacation in the States, I made sure there was just enough time to swing on by Native Foods in Westwood. Even though the Costa Mesa location is my favourite to dine in, the Westwood Native Foods is very dear to my heart as it was the first restaurant bearing the name that I ever visited.

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Have you tried Wheaty?

In an ever-increasing market of vegan meats, there are a few definite standouts that always manage to find their way into my FGV basket. Redwood produce stunning rashers, roasts and sausages. Fry’s Vegetarian sell fabulous schnitzels, nuggets and strips. Rest assured, there are plenty of proteins out there and they keep on coming.

Now, I know I said there are plenty out there but plenty doesn’t mean enough. A range of vegan meats that has recently come to my attention is known as Wheaty and I couldn’t be happier that it is in my life. These succulent, plant-based deli meats are chunky, carve-able and oh-so-tasty. Produced in Germany, the seitan delicacies are among the world’s best.

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Vegans need more B12

There are a few more updates still to come from my trip to Barcelona, but before we get to those I would like to inform you of a stunning vegan eatery located roughly an hour north of this city.

In the northeastern Catalan city of Girona is a vegan food destination known as B12. This cafe is a gem of a location for vegans  and it is full of burgers, desserts, beers, colas, hot drinks and more. Every single item in the restaurant is 100% vegan and the staff are 100% helpful, welcoming and friendly.

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Seitan rejected my soul

I love a good piece of meat… fake, that is and fake meat rarely comes better than a chunky slab of seitan. Seitan is a meat substitute made of wheat gluten originating from China and it is particularly chewy. It is perfect for cooking with sauces and marinades as it sucks up liquid and flavours expertly.

I don’t see a lot of quality seitan in the UK so it was with immense delight that I watched Josh produce a jar of the good stuff from his grocery bag recently. Lima seitan is a quality wheat meat that is easy to carve and is barely flavoured, making it perfect to absorb any sauce you throw at it.

It doesn’t appear to be available in many stores but the Lima website does have a list of suppliers and retail outlets. It is apparently available in countries as far spread as the Czech Republic, Bahrain, Croatia, Spain, Israel, Slovenia and Iceland. Their availability reads like the Eurovision finalist list! We didn’t have to travel that far to nab our jar as Josh made his purchase in Alara Health Store located on Marchmont Street in Bloomsbury.

So what did I make with this wonder product?

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