Chelsea don’t eat no meat

I’m not a fan of festivals. The thought of searing sun, overpriced booze and fools with flags has been deterrent enough for most of my FGV life. Up until a few weeks ago, I had only ever been lured to a music festival once in my life and that was by the promise of seeing Morrissey live. I suffered through a stifling Australian day back in the Summer of 2002 and was forced to listen to some truly dreary supporting bands.

Fast forward almost a decade and Morrissey managed to drag me back to my second ever festival. A few weeks ago, I found myself strolling around a rather pleasant field of people in Kent as a cavalcade of musical legends (including Morrissey) thrilled on stage. Patti Smith, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop and Prince (yes, Prince!) drew tens of thousands of people to the three day event known as the Hop Farm Festival. Morrissey and Prince were my major draw cards and both artists were close to the best I have ever seen them, but I must say I was also blown away by the copious amounts of vegan food on offer.

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Seitan rejected my soul

I love a good piece of meat… fake, that is and fake meat rarely comes better than a chunky slab of seitan. Seitan is a meat substitute made of wheat gluten originating from China and it is particularly chewy. It is perfect for cooking with sauces and marinades as it sucks up liquid and flavours expertly.

I don’t see a lot of quality seitan in the UK so it was with immense delight that I watched Josh produce a jar of the good stuff from his grocery bag recently. Lima seitan is a quality wheat meat that is easy to carve and is barely flavoured, making it perfect to absorb any sauce you throw at it.

It doesn’t appear to be available in many stores but the Lima website does have a list of suppliers and retail outlets. It is apparently available in countries as far spread as the Czech Republic, Bahrain, Croatia, Spain, Israel, Slovenia and Iceland. Their availability reads like the Eurovision finalist list! We didn’t have to travel that far to nab our jar as Josh made his purchase in Alara Health Store located on Marchmont Street in Bloomsbury.

So what did I make with this wonder product?

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To market, to market

Do you want to get involved in one of the most exciting vegan projects that has ever taken place in London?

Peter from October Cafe is developing a multi-vendor market in the heart of the city! I won’t waffle on too much as I want to give Peter the floor to explain how it works. Let’s just say it is a dream of mine to shop at an all vegan market and I will be first in line to see what the cruelty-free vendors have on offer.

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Pushing the night into the daytime

Long before I was fat and vegan (gay always), I spent a lot of time in a seaside town that Australia forgot to close down. My friends and I constantly lived on the verge of adventure and despair as we dodged the equally-dangerous obstacles of local thugs and mediocrity. The main attractions were an almost-dilapidated pier, a skate park and many drive through liquor stores that asked very few questions of disengaged teenagers with a few dollars to spend. We would walk through the idling cars filled with older-than-us locals buying cartons of ice cold beer before boldly placing our orders for the cheapest drinks in the store.

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London Vegan Potluck 3 review

After such a successful potluck last month, it was getting difficult to believe part 3 could be bigger and better. But guess what? London Vegan Potluck 3 was bigger and better!

The vast array of delicious dishes on offer pushed our tables to the limit. With over 40 fabulous potluckers, there was an incredibly-diverse range of foods to choose from. It got so busy up in there I had to push my way through to the tables at one point.

The centerpiece was two massive trays of meatballs. These delicacies were made possible by the kind folk of the Redwood Wholefood Company. The award-winning, all-vegan food producers supplied us with a generous portion of their meatballs which were turned into Italian and English style dishes by the glorious staff at Ms. Cupcake. The Redwood meatballs are versatile, tasty and chewy. Thank you Redwood. You helped make our event extra special.

Proper gratitude must also be paid to Ms. Cupcake and her staff for all the hard work they put in to helping make the potluck the success it is, as well as allowing their space to be used once a month. A million thanks.

Following are a few photos of just a fraction of the food that was offered up tonight.

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Am I moving too fast for you?

There is a place in the north of England with crooked lanes paved with old stones. This town knows a brutal and harsh history. Pubs are named after torture devices and methods of execution while a seemingly-benign grass patch hides the remains of a cholera burial ground. It is a location that both delights and astounds with its past of inglorious tales.

It is also a place where many fabulous occurrences take place. Within the space of a few hours in the city this past weekend I ate at a completely vegan Spanish restaurant, had my photo taken with superstar of screen and fashion Chloë Sevigny and witnessed Morrissey perform a stellar concert to a venue packed with adoring fans.

Welcome to York.

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I find another beauty mark with every glass of red wine

I wanted to write a post with a long title and a short story.

Vegan red wine is available at UK supermarket chain Sainsbury’s in a plastic bottle. This pleases me immensely. The Cabernet Sauvignon is delicious and ridiculously inexpensive.

Over and out.

Vegan red wine by the plastic bottle

To infinity and beyond

Infinity Foods in Brighton

I love a quality co-operative grocery store and that love turns to adoration when a grocery store is completely vegetarian.

If you are in Brighton and on the look out for vegan groceries, you couldn’t really do better than stopping by Infinity Foods on North Road. This 40 year old institution contains many of my favourite foods and several I had never seen before strolling through their doors. So what do they have on offer?

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A plant-based feast

There is a charming eatery tucked away in West Yorkshire that is a firm favourite of the FGV. Dandelion & Burdock is a completely vegan restaurant that serves up some of the finest cruelty-free food anywhere in the world.

I recently returned to the lovely town of Sowerby Bridge with a large group of friends for weekend brunch and the food we consumed was intoxicating (read about my previous D&B visit here). Nestled beside a window overlooking the picturesque river, my friends and I ordered enough delicacies to sink a barge.

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Say vegan cheese

Every now and then something so revolutionary comes along, it turns the vegan world upside down. Vegusto is one of those things. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Vegusto display at VegFest 2011

During the last few months I have been enjoying a new vegan cheese range known as Vegusto. It isn’t easy to find in the UK but when you do get your hands on it, you won’t soon forget. The plant-based cheeses are made in Switzerland and are slowly working their way around Europe. I spoke with representatives at the recent Bristol VegFest who assured me they are toiling away with plans to get the range into health food stores around the UK as soon as possible.

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