HUGE vegan event back this weekend

You know what? I absolutely adore the West Midlands Vegan Festival so I’m a bit depressed I am missing it this weekend.

But just because I am out of the UK doesn’t mean you should miss out on this super fun annual event that now spans two full days in Wolverhampton.


There are always a whole lot of great food stalls, a vegan bar and a bunch of cooking demonstrations.

Get over to the Facebook event page to RSVP and invite friends. Visit the website for more details.

Have fun everyone!


Vegans cooking for vegans

I think you need to make plans to visit the West Midlands before the end of the year.

As you all know, a fabulous 100% vegan food truck launched a while back called The Vegan Grindhouse. The idea behind the business was to supply events in the local area with completely plant-based tea, coffee, cakes and treats. I wrote about them here.

The truck has enjoyed an incredibly successful start, but things are about to change slightly for the vegan business.

I reached out to Lisa, the owner of The Vegan Grindhouse, to see how things were progressing and I received some not so good news and some excellent news.

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Never again

Sit back, relax and enjoy a brief review of one restaurant I will probably never eat in again.

Josh and I were on our way to the West Midlands Vegan Festival when hunger struck. A bit of vegan keyword searching, followed by a touch of Google mapping, and we were standing inside a vegetarian restaurant located in the town of West Bromwich. The name of the establishment? Jalapeños.

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