New vegan cheese launch

London, hold steady when you read this news.

One of the best vegan cheeses I have ever tasted is launching in the capital tomorrow (Saturday September 24, 2016) and you will be kicking yourself if you don’t make an effort to get some.

I first tried Mouse’s Favourite at the Viva! show in Brighton a few weeks back and was beyond blown away. Their Camembert is probably one of the finest vegan cheeses on the planet.


Rarely do you get a plant-based product this outstanding and now you can buy some of the good stuff for your very own.

Get along to GreenBay Supermarket on Saturday for a world exclusive as the makers of Mouse’s Favourite cheese set up a tasting station from midday and sell their finery in a retail setting for the first time ever.

Check out what the company had to say about the launch event:

This Saturday at GreenBay we are giving out samples of Mouse’s Favourite for customers to try. The samples on offer will be our newest cheese, Camembert, as well as our Cider Washed Rind, Almond Pyramid, Original Cream and Smokey Cream. This is almost our complete range except for the Rich Aged Dulse which won’t be aged in time.
We are very excited about Saturday because it will be the first time ever that our cheese is available in a shop, and not just any shop, we couldn’t be more delighted that it’s in GreenBay the newly opened 100% vegan store. All the above cheeses will be available for purchase (again except for the Rich Aged Dulse – but it will be in the future).
Having Mouse’s Favourite in GreenBay is the culmination of 5 years of research and development by Gabrielle to produce the finest quality ‘cheese’ made from the best possible ingredients. The production processes and techniques mirror the traditional craft of hand made cheesemaking wherever possible.  We have both been vegan for ten years and believe that you don’t have to sacrifice anything or feel like you are missing out. As well as perfecting the taste and texture, we have tried to make a product every bit as alluring and beautiful and varied in range as dairy cheese. Vegetarians often cite cheese as the one food that they couldn’t do without, the one thing stopping them becoming vegan. It’s a gratifying thought that our cheese could help people along on their journey.

Wow. Let’s take a look at some of those other cheeses.

almondpyramid cashew_cream_cheese_packaging washed_rind_cashew_cheese_slice

From top: Almond Pyramid, Cashew Cream Cheese and Washed Rind Cashew Cheese.

Be one of the first people in London to get your hands on Mouse’s Favourite at GreenBay Supermarket tomorrow from midday. Be quick. This stuff is going to fly out the door, especially that Camembert.

You can visit Mouse’s Favourite online, follow them on Instagram and like them on Facebook.

You can also get details about GreenBay online and follow them on Twitter or Instagram, as well as like them on Facebook.

south of france cruise

More vegan Quorn products

It seems the major vegetarian food brands are in a race to bring out more and more vegan products. The tide is turning at a rapid rate for plant-based supermarket products and I can hardly keep up.

A few days ago I reported on new vegan soups by Quorn while only yesterday I posted about new products suitable for vegans by Linda McCartney Foods.

Now Quorn are back at it again with these new breaded fillets, popping up in mainstream supermarkets everywhere this week.


Have you tried this new item? What did you think? Sound off in the comments below!

south of france cruise

Quorn launch vegan soups


I’ve never eaten vegan Quorn but seeing as news of their brand almost broke my blog last time, I figured you would all want to know about this development.


The Quorn Facebook page states these are available in Sainsbury’s right now.

Both of these soups feature the vegan Quorn pieces. This is a perfect example of how huge corporations are responding to vegan demands. If it makes money for them, they will do it.

What do you think?

south of france cruise

Vegan relish

Here’s a super quick blog post to let you know about a supermarket find that has me grinning.

All of these are #vegan and all are on offer in Waitrose right now.

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

How terrific do these look?!

All three bottles were spotted in my local Waitrose and all were on special offer.

Which one would you start with?

south of france cruise

New vegan grocery store for London

I very rarely get to bring you news this huge, so hold on tight to your green smoothies.

London, you have a brand new 100% vegan grocery store called GreenBay opening on Saturday August 13, 2016.

Yes, this is BIG news.

GreenBay Supermarket is the brainchild of Paula and Anderson, two people committed to bringing fabulous plant-based food to the masses at reasonable prices.

paula y anderson

Paula and Anderson are keen to make their store a haven for people looking for plant-based shopping and believe me when I say this corner store on North End Road (yes, just a few doors along from 222 Veggie Vegan) is absolutely rammed solid with everything you would need, want and expect to find in a supermarket.

You need to get along this weekend for their grand opening at 228 North End Road (just a 7 minute walk from West Kensington Underground on the District Line) and help these compassionate business people celebrate the opening of this wonderful retail outlet.

shop front greenbay

As a special thank you to anyone who comes along on grand opening day, GreenBay has teamed up with Follow Your Heart for some very special offers.

VeganEgg will be available as a buy one get one free offer while the Vegan Gourmet cheese shreds will be for sale at 30% off. Stock up!

GreenBay really has everything you would expect to find in a non-vegan grocery store.

Chocolate, plant milks, cheeses, bread, fresh fruit, vegetables, ice cream, personal care products, toilet roll, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, soup, flour, baking ingredients, beer, wine, vodka, pet food….. I could go on and on and on.

Follow GreenBay Supermarket on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Visit the shop for its grand opening this weekend.

Now look at some cheeky photos I snapped inside.

almond dream beans beer casheese cereal coyo drinks homecare IMG_7708 meat cheese milks oatly oils pudology rebel yogurt rebel snacks vegenaise vego wine yeast

Please note: not featured is the fresh fruit, vegetables and bread because it is getting delivered fresh for Saturday morning!

Also, this just in: Watch the live broadcast I did from inside the shop tonight. It is excellent!

south of france cruise

Garlic bread and dough balls

Here’s a super quick blog post that might just have you making a rapid dash to your nearest Tesco.

You can now buy not only frozen vegan garlic bread from the UK supermarket chain, but also frozen vegan garlic dough balls.

I picked up a pack of each last night in a London Tesco Extra.

Tesco have #vegan garlic dough balls and garlic baguette in the frozen section!

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

Looking forward to trying them!

Have you tried these vegan and gluten free products yet? Feedback below!


Milk protest

Have you seen the signs in Tesco supermarkets suggesting their milk helps care for dairy cows?

The signs are part of a broader campaign in which the supermarket giant is telling shoppers that their cow milk products are fairly sourced, making them the right choice for anyone looking to improve outcomes for farmers and cows.

People who understand the cruelty connected to the dairy industry are not too happy about these signs.

All over the UK, consumer activists are removing the signs from dairy cases and positioning them in front of plant-derived milk products such as almond, soya and rice. Vegans are attempting to subvert the advertising campaign and use the signs to get people thinking about the cruelty of dairy.

Below is a photo I took in Tesco Roundhay, Leeds yesterday. It shows that one of the signs has been moved to a shelf holding almond milk.

It would appear this peaceful action of relocating the signs is gaining momentum, with many shoppers sharing their own experiences on social media of moving signs themselves or having seen evidence that others have done so.

In addition, The Vegan Society has asked Tesco to remove all signs from all store is this open letter.


Vegan jelly in a supermarket

Josh and I had just downed a couple of beers in the wonderful Bundobust bar and Indian street food kitchen in Leeds city centre last night when we wandered into the nearest Co-operative supermarket to look for snacks.

As we were mooching along past the pre-packaged fruit, Josh spotted some raspberry jelly cups on the shelf and suggested we check to see if they were vegan.

Being the vile and cynical FGV that I am, I curled my lip and said, “They won’t be vegan”.

I do like being proved wrong sometimes.

What?! Grabbing all the #vegan jelly and fruit cups from Co-Op supermarkets!

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

Yes! Vegan jelly cups in a UK-wide supermarket!

I was too tipsy to eat mine last night but I will be investigating later today. Have you tried this cup? What did you think?

Extra note: This photo originally appeared on my Instagram account.


Big Holland & Barrett news

News has been announced today of a partnership between two of the biggest retailers on the planet.

Multiple news outlets are reporting on the new deal bringing Holland & Barrett outlets into already existing Tesco stores.

I visited my local Tesco Extra last week and was surprised that its NutriCentre had been shuttered, but it makes sense now. It seems all of these are to be turned into Holland & Barrett stores!

To be clear, I’m not excited about two arms of two multi-national corporations joining forces. However, I think it is rad that this move will drastically increase the range of vegan groceries available to people all over the UK. Holland & Barrett stocks amazing brands such as Fry’sTofurky and so many more. It’s terrific news for a lot of these independent vegan food companies as they will have a direct passage to one of the biggest retailers on the planet.

The first Holland & Barret inside a Tesco opened in Dudley yesterday and apparently more are set to open in the next few months in Watford, Coventry Arena, Newcastle, Cambridge and Gatwick. I expect if these prove popular, we will see a lot more in the near future.

Are you excited?

tesco panel


Vegan jam tarts in UK supermarket

Not a lot of writing with this post but what needs to be said other than VEGAN JAM TARTS?!

Get to Sainsbury’s to try these gluten free, vegan jam tarts. I love them!

Yes! Jam tarts in Sainsbury’s labelled #vegan

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on