Looking back on my colourful childhood, I can vividly recall one of my favourite recurring memories.
My family didn’t have a lot of very much at all, so our recreation time was filled with cheap and cheerful activities that posed minimal threat to our meagre budget. We lived near the beach, so we went to the beach. Drive-ins were still big news Down Under, so my mother used to sneak me past the payment booth in the trunk to save money. And inexpensive store-bought pizzas were eaten in front of VHS screenings of low-budget horror films that were highly-inappropriate for people of my age.
So many of my formative hours were spent in front of titles such as The Burning, I Spit On Your Grave and Blood Beach while stuffing my face with greasy pizza. Such fond memories.
Flash forward a few decades and I am in London with no drive-in and no beach. I still adore gore flicks but the store-bought pizza has been a bit more troublesome to recreate for vegan me. Sure, Karma Free look after the herbivores but they are a long way from my house. Thankfully, I have discovered a pizza joint just 12 minutes away by car that serves a range of piping hot vegan pizzas! You know the rest…
Strap yourself in for a tale of epic eating proportions. I purchased two 16 inch vegan pizzas from Village Pizza and settled in for a night in West London in front of a bad horror movie.