Here is a quick post to get you over the midweek blues and get you ready for the weekend.
Regular readers will be all too familiar with my love affair with 222 Veggie Vegan, a superb vegan eatery located on North End Road in West Kensington. You will have read about my first visit here and probably also saw my detailing of a subsequent visit here. Now let us return once again to discover what my favourite London restaurant has on offer for weekend brunch.
Pizza is a treat not often on offer to vegans. Most mainstream, mass-produced pizzas are heaped with dairy cheese and/or contain animal fats within their dough bases. Vegans have for a long time been excluded from this common snack, but there are more than a few places on the planet where you can get a nice slice free from non-human animal content.
One of my favourite restaurants in the world is the gorgeous and quaint Threeworlds Organic Cafeon the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia. This low key location sells the most delicious and nutritious pizzas I have tasted. Cruzer Pizza in Los Angeles has mastered the art of copying firm favourites such as meat lovers without hurting anyone. The Grove Cafe in Leeds, UK offers up a selection of pizzas topped with Vegerella vegan cheese. All of these restaurants have the good stuff, but I have always struggled to locate a pizza without cruelty in London. That was until Franco Manca came into my life.
Kensington High Street in West London is a shopper’s paradise. Huge department stores coexist alongside snappy boutiques and regular town street stores. If you have money to spend, Kensington High Sreet and its inhabitants will gladly assist you in removing a lot from your wallet.
But it isn’t just clothing and accessories on offer to tempt eager consumers along this famous shopping strip. Vegan foodies will be delighted to learn of a sophisticated eatery serving up 100% plant-based fare. It is called Saf.
The UK is alive with excitement. The sun is out in full force, the temperature is rising and people are wearing a lot less clothing. I arrived in a bustling, blistering Leeds today just in time for a long, long weekend and I’m more than ready to have a good time. I’m sure you know nothing says ‘good time’ quite like vegan cider and the vegan cider is better still when it is strawberry-flavoured and in a can.
Here is some excellent news to get you over those midweek blues.
Freedom Brewery is a fabulous producer of lager and beer operating out of Staffordshire, UK. They have been supplying drinkers with outstanding beverages since 1995 and all of their products are certified by the Vegan Society as suitable for a vegan diet. A little while ago, I published a short review of their lager and I have been enjoying this drink ever since I put that story out.
The Internet has been ablaze the last few days with heated debate. Vegan-aimed magazine VegNews has been exposed by blogger Quarrygirl for printing digitally-altered photographs of meals made using dead animals and presenting them as visual accompaniments to vegan recipes. The outcry from long-term and casual VegNews readers has been overwhelming, while a substantial amount of readers don’t seem to be offended much at all.
I am outraged as a vegan, but I’m about to take you on a different journey. My rant is not one simply of distress at having been fooled into looking at murdered animals while being tricked into thinking they look tasty. No, I am approaching the VegNews fiasco from a broader angle of certain misrepresentation and possible deceitful provision of product/services.
Back in the day, the early 90s to be more precise, I was a teenager madly into music. Madonna seductively clung to my bedroom walls, Public Enemy powerfully educated me via my stereo and Morrissey practically insisted I do nothing for days on end but listen to his releases. I knew what made me happy and I always got what I paid for. The same couldn’t be said for some of my friends.
One of my best friends was a guy named Glen Fox. Glen was the one in our gang who somehow always managed to be a bit behind the 8 ball. His taste in music was certainly eclectic. I recall music shopping with Glen on the day he bought a Milli Vanilli CD. I was vile and teased him mercilessly. You can imagine my sheer delight when the entire Milli Vanilli act turned out to be a sham and the two ‘lead singers’ (Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus) hadn’t contributed in any way to their Grammy Award-winning recordings.
I promise this story is going somewhere other than affording me the opportunity of getting another kick into poor Foxy. The Milli Vanilli case turned into a media storm of epic proportions. The band was stripped of its Grammy award, dropped by its label and subjected to ferocious hounding by the press. Class action lawsuits were filed across the US and a rebate scheme was devised wherein consumers were given an opportunity to claim back a percentage of the cost of Milli Vanilli CDs, cassettes, records and concert tickets.
Glen Fox was sad and dejected as he applied for some of his expenditure back. Milli Vanilli‘s management and record label conceded consumers were justified in believing the music videos, album sleeves and promotional appearances showed the two lead singers of the band, when in fact Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus hadn’t sung a note. Some money was returned to consumers because what was presented as a legitimate product was in fact fabricated, untrue and dishonest.
I understand my Milli Vanilli analogy was a tad wordy but I believe it hammers home the message rather clearly. When people are in a video mouthing along to lyrics and posing on album covers, consumers understandably imagine they are the legitimate performers. They have the right to demand an explanation and perhaps compensation when it is proven to be a false representation.
Enter VegNews. When a colour photograph is nestled beside a vegan recipe within a market-leading vegan magazine, readers will assume the photo is free of animal products. The visual and written texts, VegNews’ billing as a vegan magazine and the publishers wish to be known as “the best meat-free reading you’ll find anywhere” all combine to suggest that the paying reader is purchasing photos of cruelty-free meals. With no disclaimer stating otherwise, VegNews has for years presented its content as something it clearly isn’t.
Milli Vanilli were stripped of awards and companies that profited from the deception apologised publicly and profusely before offering partial rebates to disgruntled consumers. VegNews has offered an explanation for their practice but no apology and, so far, no talk of compensation for loyal consumers who have paid money for a product that isn’t what they were led to believe.
Brighton is a shining star for vegans looking to brighten their lives with some cruelty-free dining. Unfortunately the shine has been dimmed a whole lot with the sad closing of a vegetarian supernova.
Red Veg was a fantastic idea. As a vegan I often longed for the type of fast food that is usually only sold by mass-murdering corporations. Red Veg took that concept of burger, fries and a drink and rescued the cow. They weren’t a completely vegan company, but they did have many tasty options suitable for vegans and their burgers couldn’t be beaten. I am hesitant to sing their praises too loudly as it will only make you (and me) miss them all the more.
There is such an incredible amount of history and character crammed into London, it is sometimes difficult for a visitor (or a local) to know where to start. Well, I know a place… a place called Bermondsey.
Bermondsey is a true gem in an international city already bursting with (crown) jewels. Situated only walking distance from the heart of the capital, the district enjoys a rich and diverse history encompassing crime, pop culture and royalty. You could probably unearth a story featuring all of these elements at once. Morrissey exploited the darkened underpasses of the suburb in his Last of the Famous International Playboys music video. Tragic reality TV celebrity Jade Goody hailed from Bermondsey and upon her death, the market square was inundated with floral tributes. Musical icon Tommy Steele lived here, as did disgraced ex-gay comedian Michael Barrymore.
Have I convinced you to visit Bermondsey yet? How about if I tell you there is a traditional pub on the river that serves vegan cider and has one of the best river views in London?
Flavoured syrup is a dietary staple, right? A fabulous range of products known as Sweetbird has got me thinking that very thought.
A box of vegan goodies from Beyond the Bean wholesalers
A little while ago I was contacted by a friendly human asking if I would be interested in sampling some of their vegan syrups. I hammered out a positive response as quickly as my fat, gay fingers could type. It surely would go against the natural order of the universe for me to decline. It is always lovely to be offered a gift, but I’m a whole lot happier when the gift turns out to be ample amounts of sweet liquids and powdery chocolate.
I love vegan food. I love vegan beer. I love roller derby. Cram these three things into a fun afternoon in London and I’m a fabulously-happy FGV.
Derby at York Hall in Bethnal Green
A few weekends back, Josh and I went on a little journey to Bethnal Green in order to be part of a fantastic afternoon of roller derby hosted by the London Rockin’ Rollers. As the derby explosion grips the UK, the Rockin’ Rollers are busy carving their own chunk of the pie. In gorgeous York Hall on Old Ford Road, skaters battle it out on a wooden flat track as punters cheer on from the balcony seating or trackside. With vegan bottled beer on sale and a vegetarian eatery doors away, I could be forgiven