An exciting and joyous event is upon us. Grab your money carrying vessel of choice and run (don’t walk) to the nearest outlet selling these amazing new vegan crisps. I’ll race you.

London vegan news, reviews & events
Wanna know how amazing Conscious raw chocolate is? I ate some a few minutes ago and I’m blogging about it now. I couldn’t wait to share my thoughts on this decadent product any longer.
Conscious is a company devoted to producing healthy and thoughtful treats. Trading since 2006, the gourmet chocolate manufacturer knows a thing or two about top quality sweet eating. Their raw, organic bars are handmade in West Kent and carry the Vegan Society logo. Each bar is free from pesticides, dairy, gluten and refined sugars (they are only ever sweetened with agave syrup).
Vegan beer, vegan cider and a view of one of the most iconic neighbourhoods in the world. It is all available in Soho’s White Horse pub.
There are a few select places in the world that can evoke a sense of excitement, mystery or wonder by name alone. Mention Sydney and it conjures scenes of huge passenger ferries chugging past the Opera House on their way under the Harbour Bridge and beyond. Silver Lake, Los Angeles is all about vegan eateries, cruisy gay bars and California Palms reaching for a brilliant blue sky muted by pollution. Madrid is late, late nights of drinking strong drinks in bustling bars before waking just in time to exploit the siesta tradition. And then there’s London’s West End.