To infinity and beyond

Infinity Foods in Brighton

I love a quality co-operative grocery store and that love turns to adoration when a grocery store is completely vegetarian.

If you are in Brighton and on the look out for vegan groceries, you couldn’t really do better than stopping by Infinity Foods on North Road. This 40 year old institution contains many of my favourite foods and several I had never seen before strolling through their doors. So what do they have on offer?

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A plant-based feast

There is a charming eatery tucked away in West Yorkshire that is a firm favourite of the FGV. Dandelion & Burdock is a completely vegan restaurant that serves up some of the finest cruelty-free food anywhere in the world.

I recently returned to the lovely town of Sowerby Bridge with a large group of friends for weekend brunch and the food we consumed was intoxicating (read about my previous D&B visit here). Nestled beside a window overlooking the picturesque river, my friends and I ordered enough delicacies to sink a barge.

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Say vegan cheese

Every now and then something so revolutionary comes along, it turns the vegan world upside down. Vegusto is one of those things. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Vegusto display at VegFest 2011

During the last few months I have been enjoying a new vegan cheese range known as Vegusto. It isn’t easy to find in the UK but when you do get your hands on it, you won’t soon forget. The plant-based cheeses are made in Switzerland and are slowly working their way around Europe. I spoke with representatives at the recent Bristol VegFest who assured me they are toiling away with plans to get the range into health food stores around the UK as soon as possible.

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October is my favourite month

Being vegan in London has just been blown sky high with amazingness. If you think that sounds like hyperbole on overdrive, check out the new vegan patisserie known as October Cafe and you’ll soon see the reason for my excitement.

Following a disappointing, half-uneaten breakfast at another vegan establishment, Josh and I were on the lookout for something to lift our spirits. We hopped a few buses, walked along Old Street in the City of London for a short while and arrived at one of the loveliest vegan experiences in existence.

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Crisp alert

The approach of summer really isn’t amounting to much here in the UK. The warm days are few and far between while the rain has been visiting more than usual. We are in dire need of a morale boost in these grey times and Tyrrells just might be the folk to dish it out.

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Vegan ice cream wars are back on

Pompompous Maple Pecan by Booja-Booja

The lovely people of Booja-Booja recently got in touch with me to ask if I would be willing to give one of their vegan ice cream flavours a try. Ummm… how long do you think I needed to think about that one?  I’m not sure I finished reading their email before I hit the reply button.

If you cast your mind back a short while, you will remember my ecstatic review of the Booja-Booja Hunky Punky Chocolate variety. I have been a massive fan of their frozen treats since that day and the flavour that was recently delivered to me by the company has only cemented my love.

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Legumes for me

Delicious vegan snack

Here we have a super fast post about a terrific snack on the go.

When it comes to snacks, one of my favourite companies is Tyrrells. Operating out of Herefordshire, Tyrrells produce a large range of gourmet potato crisps of which a significant amount are marked as suitable for vegans. I have long been a fan(atic) of their crisps and now I have an extra reason to sing their praises. That reason is Habas Fritas.

This packet of glory contains broad beans that have been covered in some sort of magical and irresistible coating before being cooked to crunchy perfection. Never before have I experienced such an urge to keep eating. Every time I have torn a packet open, the bag hasn’t left my hand until every last bean was in my belly.

Apologies for the short post but I’ve worked myself into such a Tyrrells frenzy I need to go shopping. You should grab a bag soon and let me know what you think.

Habas Fritas in my FGV hand

London Vegan Potluck II review

London Vegan Potluck II

Last night was simply amazing. London-based vegans and their friends converged on Ms. Cupcake in Brixton for the 2nd London Vegan Potluck and what a night we enjoyed!

The company was engaging, the free Sweetbird smoothies flew off the table and the vegan food on offer was beyond amazing. Thank you to everyone who poured their heart into a dish. There is nothing like staring at a table of over 30 dishes and knowing everything is vegan.

Before we move on to looking at the photos, I need to say a massive thank you to Sweetbird for the sponsorship. Please tweet, message on Facebook or contact via their website to let Sweetbird  know how much you appreciate them getting behind our vegan event. If you tried one or more of their smoothies, let them know what you thought. They would love to hear from us. Keep an eye out for them in shops, cafes and coffee outlets too.

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I’m too much in love

Moo Free vegan chocolate

An important part of my FGV job description is to search out the most delicious candy and chocolate in the world. I don’t want to do it, but I must if I intend to keep hold of my position. My chubby, queer fingers glumly wade through foil and wrappers in search of the best sugar out there. It is grueling.

But it isn’t all bad news, for you all get to live vicariously through my eating adventures. I don’t mind doing the hard yards if it means I get to share with you news of tasty vegan products. It is in this sharing spirit I inform you of one of the most delicious vegan chocolates available anywhere. Moo Free is creamy, tasty and incredibly satisfying. Want to see more? Come on then, I’ll unwrap it for you.

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Kick it right down

Brighton is full of fantastic food choices for the discerning vegan. There are numerous vegetarian cafes scattered throughout the town and certainly no shortage of options on the menus of omnivorous eateries.

Unfortunately, there is a vegetarian restaurant that I feel is letting the Brighton team down in the race to deliver quality, cruelty-free dining.

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