FGV on the loose

I know you love these photo heavy posts. I know because they always get a whole lot of traffic. Forget about me pouring my heart out, you greedy so-and-sos want food photos and you want them now.

I won’t stand in your way.

Following is photographic evidence of my first ever trip inside a Veganz store (Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg branch). As all plant-eaters know, Veganz is a chain of mini grocery stores and delis, founded in Germany, where every single item for sale is vegan.

OK. Here goes.

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More Berlin madness

Joe and Jess in Berlin just sent me the craziest set of photos featuring all the awesome vegan goodies they stumbled upon this week. I don’t think they are regretting their move from London to Berlin in the slightest.

Before I share the photos, I wanna post the brief message that accompanied the email.

Here are some photos for you:

Cookie dough ice cream
Cookie dough ice cream again

New Alpro dessert, we bought the lemon pie flavour

Oven tray with attachable lid – bet you want one for potluck!
Oh the oven tray and lid possibilities

Vegan festival
Veganz catering
Sandwiches from somewhere at the vegan festival

Vegan lard (yes, that’s right)

Now the photos!

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Raw cake in Prague

My buddy Kay has just sent me some fab photos and info following on from her trip to a raw vegan cake cafe in Prague. How awesome is that?!

Check out the photos below (including a wonderful pug portrait) and see what Kay had to say about the experience.

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That’s what I’m talking about

My buddy Joe constantly sends photos of all the fab vegan food he has been spotting since he moved to Berlin. I can hardly take it!

I had only just calmed down from my latest rant about the lack of decadent vegan ice cream in the UK when the following photos crash landed in my inbox.

Thanks, Joe. You really know how to make a fat, gay vegan envious.

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I don’t speak German

My mate Joe recently moved to Berlin and it sounds like he is having a grand time. According to his reports to me via email, vegan food is everywhere.

One store in particular impressed him. Have you all heard of the chain of stores called Vitalia Reformhaus

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Donuts, dumplings and hot damn

Enough with the torturous posts about divine food half a world away from where the majority of my readers reside. I will stop teasing.

Well, I will stop after this post. I promise.

I have given you some decidedly convincing reasons why you should visit San Diego. The Southern California city is a gorgeous location bursting with attractions that will keep compassionate people on the delirious side of happy. See the vegan drive thru and the vegan market stall as examples.

And there is more.

Moncai Vegan is exactly what I see when I close my eyes at night. It is like the dream I have where the food is irresistible, the service is lovely and there are vegan donuts in a large glass case.

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Everybody comes to Hollywood

Apologies to my loyal non-Californian readers who have been suffering through post after post about vegan food well out of their reach. Maybe you can think of it as the motivation you need to scrape some savings together and get away on holiday. Make Southern California your next vacation destination.

So really, these tempting posts of decadent dishes are a public service. My civil duty to inspire the plant-inclined people of the world to broaden their horizons.

To carry on in this completely selfless fashion, let me tell you what you are missing by not eating at Doomie’s Home Cookin’ in Hollywood.

Doomie’s is the FGV version of heaven. Vegan pulled pork sandwich served with mac and cheese? Check. Cocktails and cold beer? Check. Decadent vegan desserts and sweet treats? Double check.

If I lived in Hollywood, I would most certainly develop an unhealthy emotional relationship with this meat free restaurant. Their menu is what you would show someone wanting to understand the term comfort food.

The only thing that I can’t approve of is the fact Doomie’s offer cow-derived cheese on request. Their food is so utterly delicious and out of this world, offering dairy seems such an unnecessary concession. I can’t imagine that any diner would feel short changed by eating the vegan versions. It is all staggeringly good.

Check out my meal photos below, including the bonus photo of the jumbo vegan burger Doomie’s served me during the Los Angeles Vegan Beer Festival.

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How many snacks?

I have been busy catching you up on the amazing meals I enjoyed during my recent Southern Californian vacation, but a lot of what I consumed wasn’t from any restaurant.

Check out the photos below of all the vegan snacks I got my chubby, queer hands on. There is a huge range of plant-based products featured, some of them are my old favourites and some are newly discovered tasty treats.

Do you like the look of any of the following snacks? Are any of your faves featured? If you could only pick one, which one would it be?

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How much

Being a frequent traveller, I am used to the exorbitant prices charged for food items at airports. I am not sure if the food vendors are paying a premium for the space or they have just discovered people will pay anything because they are trapped in that location.

Let’s play a guessing game.

How much do you think I paid for this vegan salad at Los Angeles International Airport last week? The answer is below the photo in US dollars. Take a guess and then scroll down to see how close you were.

cobb closed

cobb open


Ready for the answer?

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