Who the hell is Melanie Sykes?

You will probably have noticed that I like to start my stories with an anecdote or two. Just a little something to make you sure you made the correct choice by clicking on my link.

But I have a problem.

I sat down with an idea in my head on how to write about a fabulous health food store I discovered in the English countryside. My desire was to make witty references to several famous citizens from the town where the store is located. I searched high and low for a famous name I recognised, but I kept hitting a brick wall. Time after time and search after search, only one name came up as a notable person from the village. Dear readers, I give you the lovely northern town of Mossley and whoever the heck Melanie Sykes is…

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Eighth wonder

Eighth Day Co-op in Manchester

Would you enjoy shopping for groceries and dining on wholesome food all in the same place? Of course you would. If I mentioned you could also buy tasty vegan slices, cakes and treats from a deli case in the same location, how long would it take you to rush there?

The people of Manchester are onto a good thing with the glorious vegetarian grocery store and cafe called Eighth Day Co-op. This city centre retail outlet is jam-packed with vegetarian and vegan groceries, as well as mouthwatering food to settle your rumbling tummy. The shelves are packed with household products, chilled foods and personal hygiene goods. A huge variety of what is on offer is certified cruelty-free.

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That’s the Philly in I

Even though my trip to Philadelphia was several months ago, I am still sifting through the memories in order to bring some international flavour to this blog. This particular jaunt down memory lane takes us to Essene Market & Cafe in South Philly.

Essene is somewhat of an institution in South Philadelphia. This organic grocer, bakery, delicatessen and cafe has been a part of the city landscape since 1969 (their original store was just around the corner from their current South Fourth Street location). Ask any local for a natural food store and you will surely be told to head to Essene. Even the arrival of a Whole Foods on South Street has failed to dampen the love people feel for this retail stalwart.

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Follow that unicorn on the road to love

Unicorn Grocery in Manchester

Manchester has a lot of things going for it. From the innumerable musical acts that have risen from the streets to its rich industrial history, Manchester is a place like no other in the north of England that keeps me coming back for more.

Undoubtedly one of the most intriguing attractions in the city for compassionate visitors is the 100% vegan grocery store known as Unicorn. Yes, that is correct. Every single item for sale in this owner-operated co-operative is cruelty-free. Fresh fruit and vegetables line the entrance while wine, cider and beer jostle for space along the shelves. Bulk goods sit beside household cleaning products and a huge deli case brims with tasty treats. Wanna see what I bought?

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¡Viva la comida vegana!

New vegan mince by Sainsbury's

During a recent stroll through my local Sainsbury’s, I glanced without expectation at the usual suspects in the chilled section. One brand of tofu, multiple Quorn products containing egg and little else of vegan interest.

Just as I was about to spin on my FGV heels and exit empty-handed, I spied an intriguing box of soya mince with a snappy label. I was readying myself for instant disappointment as I scanned the ingredient list for egg and/or milk. Imagine my utter joy and delight when I saw the most loved of all supermarket words: vegan. I snatched up the container and waddled as quickly as I could back to my kitchen to create a masterpiece…

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Sweet and spicy

One of the things I adore about living in London is the vast array of food readily available.

The city is such a remarkable melting pot of cultures and this is reflected in the styles of cuisine on offer. Vegans can dine on Indian food, pizza, Palestinian falafel, Chinese-inspired dishes and even cruelty-free cupcakes. But you don’t need to dine out to dip into this diversity. Supermarkets and grocery stores all over the capital reflect the eclectic population and vegan shoppers can take advantage of it.

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What’s in store

Another post from Barcelona and with only a week remaining in this gorgeous city, I had better get a move on if I want to feature all of the vegan food I have been experiencing. There are just so many options for vegans and the two cruelty-free grocery stores are perfect places to start. That’s right… Barcelona has two completely vegan grocery stores!

The first of these stores I want to talk about is Veganoteca. Located a short walk from the bustling tourist area of La Rambla, Veganoteca is a small piece of retail heaven for vegans.

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Where you’re breaking my heart

I have been missing in action for almost a week and I apologise to all of you who have been refreshing the home page in order to read my latest tale of food depravity. I do have a rather solid excuse though… I am in Barcelona!

Following a rather intense period of work back in the UK, I am celebrating my freedom by taking in the Catalan sights for a few weeks before jetting off on a whirlwind jaunt around the USA. Being the FGV means I will be doing my best to keep you informed of all the scrumptious vegan food that I encounter, as well as supplying you with interesting trivia and snapshots of my experiences.

Here we go… FGV is on the road!

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Pushing the night into the daytime

Long before I was fat and vegan (gay always), I spent a lot of time in a seaside town that Australia forgot to close down. My friends and I constantly lived on the verge of adventure and despair as we dodged the equally-dangerous obstacles of local thugs and mediocrity. The main attractions were an almost-dilapidated pier, a skate park and many drive through liquor stores that asked very few questions of disengaged teenagers with a few dollars to spend. We would walk through the idling cars filled with older-than-us locals buying cartons of ice cold beer before boldly placing our orders for the cheapest drinks in the store.

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I find another beauty mark with every glass of red wine

I wanted to write a post with a long title and a short story.

Vegan red wine is available at UK supermarket chain Sainsbury’s in a plastic bottle. This pleases me immensely. The Cabernet Sauvignon is delicious and ridiculously inexpensive.

Over and out.

Vegan red wine by the plastic bottle