Get into Vx

Do you need convincing to get into vegan grocery store Vx this weekend? Because I’ve got some compelling arguments for you to hurry down there right now, London.

Check out my solid reasons for making a speedy trip to this King’s Cross retail outlet ASAP.

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Cheap sweets

I am going to tell you two things in this blog post.

  1. You can buy the big tubs of Goody Good Stuff Christmas gummy sweets for just £1 at Whole Foods Market in Fulham. I am not sure if other branches around the UK are offering this deal. Perhaps someone will comment if they have seen it elsewhere. You will probably never see these vegan sweets at this price anywhere else.

goody good stuff2. An activist organisation called Direct Action Everywhere held protests at Whole Foods Market stores all over the USA a few days ago to raise awareness of animal suffering they allege is taking place on farms supplying the retail giant.

I am a bit confused about the campaign message presented by Direct Action Everywhere. Yes, Whole Foods Market is directly responsible for the death of countless animals but I don’t know what the activists are asking people to do. This action seemed to be about the mislabelling of eggs as humane when Direct Action Everywhere have presented footage they say shows horrendous conditions for birds in farms supplying the chain.

Are they asking Whole Foods to keep better watch of their suppliers or are they asking consumers not to eat animals? I love seeing compassionate people rise up in unison but I wish the message here was clearer and more well-defined.

You can watch a Direct Action Everywhere video about the egg production facilities here. Maybe you will get a clearer idea of the direction of the campaign than I could. The video contains horrifying footage of animal suffering but it is very muddled in its message.

I hope Direct Action Everywhere can tighten up their campaigns and of course I hope activists can convince Whole Foods Market to take animal products out of their stores.

Photo via here
Photo via here

That’s your Whole Foods Market news for today.

Online cheese shopping

Slowly, but surely, UK supermarket chains are waking up to the demands and needs of vegan shoppers.

Tesco is the latest company to add a previously difficult to find vegan product to their online shopping website. One of the most revolutionary vegan cheeses to ever hit the UK is now available to order online via

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Vegan cheese won’t quit

With only five weeks until I visit the east coast of the USA, my brother-in-law Ben is ramping up my excitement by sending me photos of vegan products he is finding in his local grocery store.

The latest pics below have me delirious with anticipation. I love a good cream cheese.

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Order ice cream

The Vegan Ice Cream Wars have just launched into cyberspace.

Vegans are still celebrating the arrival of Almond Dream ice creams into Waitrose stores around the country, but not all outlets stock all four available flavours. As a matter of fact, a lot of their stores don’t have any.

Thankfully, it’s 2015 and we have the Internet.

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Vegan again

One of my favourite things to eat is cheap, rapid cook noodles. Sainsbury’s used to have a range of pot noodles and instant noodles that were all suitable for vegans. Over the course of a few years, these changed leaving not one vegan option in the range of their own brand instant noodles.

But things have changed, again!

My hangover today had me on my knees in my local Sainsbury’s, rummaging through the instant noodle section in a desperate attempt to see if any of the flavours were vegan. I am delighted to report I found a vegan option.

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Lots of ice cream

It has been a bit quiet on the Vegan Ice Cream Wars front. Not much to report back from the trenches.

Quiet, that is, until I stumbled into Waitrose in White City Westfield today.

When you shop in a mainstream grocery store in the UK, you usually find just one brand of vegan ice cream (or two if you are fortunate). My experiences as a vegan consumer have left me disappointed by the freezer section of most supermarkets.

This is what makes the ice cream freezer at the White City Waitrose so impressive.

I didn’t see one brand. Or two. Or three. I saw four brands of vegan ice cream or frozen desserts. This sighting was also impressive as each brand featured had at least two flavours available.

Check it out below.

(After the pics, I’ll let you know which one came home with me. Can you guess?)

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Get stuffed

Apparently it is the season for stuffing, so why not make your choice for stuffing a compassionate one.

I was in Sainsbury’s earlier tonight and their Taste the Difference stuffing range caught my eye, especially as each flavour is priced at just £1 for a limited time.

Out of the five varieties on offer, four are labelled as suitable for vegans. Check the range out below.

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