I am going to tell you two things in this blog post.
- You can buy the big tubs of Goody Good Stuff Christmas gummy sweets for just £1 at Whole Foods Market in Fulham. I am not sure if other branches around the UK are offering this deal. Perhaps someone will comment if they have seen it elsewhere. You will probably never see these vegan sweets at this price anywhere else.
2. An activist organisation called Direct Action Everywhere held protests at Whole Foods Market stores all over the USA a few days ago to raise awareness of animal suffering they allege is taking place on farms supplying the retail giant.
I am a bit confused about the campaign message presented by Direct Action Everywhere. Yes, Whole Foods Market is directly responsible for the death of countless animals but I don’t know what the activists are asking people to do. This action seemed to be about the mislabelling of eggs as humane when Direct Action Everywhere have presented footage they say shows horrendous conditions for birds in farms supplying the chain.
Are they asking Whole Foods to keep better watch of their suppliers or are they asking consumers not to eat animals? I love seeing compassionate people rise up in unison but I wish the message here was clearer and more well-defined.
You can watch a Direct Action Everywhere video about the egg production facilities here. Maybe you will get a clearer idea of the direction of the campaign than I could. The video contains horrifying footage of animal suffering but it is very muddled in its message.
I hope Direct Action Everywhere can tighten up their campaigns and of course I hope activists can convince Whole Foods Market to take animal products out of their stores.

That’s your Whole Foods Market news for today.