When an opportunity comes along to help a vegan business, it is our duty to seize it.
The Mighty Food Fight is a super fun food truck parked in Bristol that has been serving up 100% vegan treats to locals since October 2014. When I mentioned I was traveling to Bristol for a business trip a few months back, I was inundated by people telling me I must track down this truck. It is a much-loved resource in the city.

The food truck is the brainchild of Hannah and Isabel, two dedicated and compassionate people on a mission to bring quality plant-based foods to the Bristol masses. They work tirelessly to give their customers a cruelty-free option and they have won many adoring fans in the process.
For all the above reasons, you simply have to support The Mighty Food Fight in their time of need.
The truck is currently in a garage, waiting on repairs. Repairs cost a lot of money, you know. To get The Mighty Food Fight back on the road is going to set Hannah and Isabel back approximately £750.
That is certainly a lot of money for a small, independent vegan business but not that much when you combine the awesome power of our community.
Let’s break it down like this.
75 people could donate £10 and the truck could be repaired. How about 150 people fronted up a fiver to get the job done? It is completely reasonable to believe there are 750 compassionate humans out there willing to part with just £1 each to make sure the world doesn’t lose this incredible vegan food truck.
To me, this is a no brainer. If every single person reading this gave at least £1, Hannah and Isabel would be back on the streets of Bristol in record time. If you don’t buy one coffee or tea this week and give the loose change to this cause instead, they will reach their goal easily.
Click here to donate now. Do it! It is a kind and thoughtful act of selflessness, plus you are giving cruelty-free food a much-needed boost in the UK.
Please follow The Mighty Food Fight on Twitter.
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