Vegan Prosecco

Following on from all the drama surrounding non-vegan juices and soft drinks, I was in the mood for a glass of cold bubbly and found just the ticket in the nearest Sainsbury’s Local.

If you are a fan of Prosecco but you don’t like to spend a lot of money, this bottle is going to make you a happy vegan.

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Vegan brewery news

I am all about beer this week. Vegan beer has taken over my life as I gear up for London Vegan Beer Fest. I am up to my ears in hops so you would think the last thing I would have time to write about is a vegan brewery.

But you people need to know about Partizan Brewing.


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Shake your love

If I already adored Cookies & Scream of Camden, how am I supposed to feel now they have created the finest vegan milkshake on the planet? I might just have to petition the Government to allow me to gay marry this vegan business.

My grasp of the English language is insufficient when it comes to doing justice to this drink. Let me just say it is fucking fabulous.

bourbon shake

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White bag red bag

This just in: amazing ethical tote bags available to buy at London Vegan Beer Fest this Saturday. Sponsored by the wonderful Animal Equality, the commemorative tote bag for the 2014 event is available in red or white.

bag collage lvbf

These bags have been a labour of love for everyone involved. Kip‘s eye-catching design was lovingly hand printed onto each bag by Angela of The Third Estatewhich were in turn hot pressed by FGV (that’s me!) to secure the screened ink.

The bags are organic cotton and were manufactured using solar and wind energy, while the ink is specially-sourced and vegan. Not only do the bags look fabulous, they are on the kinder end of the global production spectrum.

Of course the bags are extremely limited and will never be produced again. 50 red and 50 white will be available during London Vegan Beer Fest for the price of £5 per bag.

Will you be buying red or white?

Please follow Animal Equality on Twitter and thank them for supporting this event and for all the incredible work they do to improve outcomes for non-human animals.

Buy London Vegan Beer Fest tickets now.

You can vote for FGV as your favourite vegan blogger in the VegFestUK Awards by clicking here.


Brewery love

As you know, London Vegan Beer Fest is just one week away.

To celebrate, I have added information below detailing all participating breweries. If you love beer as much as I do, you are in for one hell of a treat.

We are down to our final 50 tickets, so book now if you want to secure guaranteed entry.

Now, brewery time.

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Never was vegan

You know when you think something is vegan because the company has told you it is vegan, so you have been drinking it for years and then you find out it probably never was vegan to begin with because it contains gelatine?

Yeah, that.

Vegans are angry. It has transpired via social media that Rekorderlig cider uses gelatine during the production process but told people it was vegan. These claims of the drink being vegan-friendly were made to consumers via Twitter and email over a period of time stretching back a few years.

don't drink

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Love Like Hate

London Vegan Beer Fest is rapidly approaching and plans are well underway. Super cool breweries are locked in, the 100% vegan BBQ menu is being devised and early bird tickets are flying out the door.

It is all terribly exciting, I’m sure you will agree. But hold onto your sun hats because that’s not all.

London Vegan Beer Fest is giving you music.

I am thrilled to have just confirmed Australian band Love Like Hate as performers at this year’s event.

Love Like Hate B&W

Brisbane-based (FGV’s hometown!) band Love Like Hate are a duo combining post punk electric guitars with free form piano melodies to create a sound described as dark pop. Currently touring Europe on the release of their single Electric Ships from the upcoming second EP, Heather and Sonja have made special arrangements to be part of the biggest vegan party of the year.

Check out the music video for their fab song Electric Ships below then buy your super cheap London Vegan Beer Fest early bird tickets now.

Beer, food, summer and music. We all win.

Follow Love Like Hate on Twitter

Like Love Like Hate on Facebook

Visit Love Like Hate online

Everybody comes to Hollywood

Apologies to my loyal non-Californian readers who have been suffering through post after post about vegan food well out of their reach. Maybe you can think of it as the motivation you need to scrape some savings together and get away on holiday. Make Southern California your next vacation destination.

So really, these tempting posts of decadent dishes are a public service. My civil duty to inspire the plant-inclined people of the world to broaden their horizons.

To carry on in this completely selfless fashion, let me tell you what you are missing by not eating at Doomie’s Home Cookin’ in Hollywood.

Doomie’s is the FGV version of heaven. Vegan pulled pork sandwich served with mac and cheese? Check. Cocktails and cold beer? Check. Decadent vegan desserts and sweet treats? Double check.

If I lived in Hollywood, I would most certainly develop an unhealthy emotional relationship with this meat free restaurant. Their menu is what you would show someone wanting to understand the term comfort food.

The only thing that I can’t approve of is the fact Doomie’s offer cow-derived cheese on request. Their food is so utterly delicious and out of this world, offering dairy seems such an unnecessary concession. I can’t imagine that any diner would feel short changed by eating the vegan versions. It is all staggeringly good.

Check out my meal photos below, including the bonus photo of the jumbo vegan burger Doomie’s served me during the Los Angeles Vegan Beer Festival.

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