More Best Vegan Candy in the World

As if I wasn’t losing my mind enough over these things, I got word that more of the best vegan candy in the world is heading to the UK.

My mate Joe in Berlin sent the following photo and I am beside my chubby self with excitement.

You will notice these goodies are made by the producers of the aforementioned No No’s which you can buy currently via Vegan Tuck Box.

Rudy in Vx has let me know he will be stocking all three products very shortly, so keep pestering him on Twitter to find out when they land in London.

Anyone else as excited as me?

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Vegan jam jar

This is a super quick post to ask a question.

Has Hartley’s always labelled their jam jars as suitable for vegans? I only noticed last week and was pleasantly surprised. Have they been doing this for a while? Have you noticed any other mainstream products being labeled recently?

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Vegan peppermint slice

Get to your nearest Waitrose store, buy a box of these vegan delights and start eating.

I was waddling through Waitrose in Westfield White City a few days back when my chubby eyes spied an intriguing box of biscuit treats. Of course having the word ‘vegan’ printed on the package meant I hastily tossed them into my basket and trotted happily to the checkout line.

For a gluten free product, the Lazy Day peppermint slice is an outstanding item. Heck, it is a super high standard regardless of the freefrom credentials.

Tasty, crunchy and incredibly difficult to stop eating.

You can like Lazy Day Foods on Facebook.

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Chocolate by post

One of the taste highlights of the recent vegan show in Kensington Town Hall were the truffles and chocolates crafted by Cocoafeliz. If you were at this event, you probably know exactly what I am talking about. They were a smash hit.

If you didn’t make it along to see this new confectioner in the flesh, I have some good news for you.

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Vegan for miles

Just over a week ago I visited the Specialty & Fine Food Fair held in London Olympia and I am now only getting around to sharing photos of some of the fabulous vegan products I encountered.

I have included social media links for each company, so please feel free to reach out to them and let them know how keen you are to see their products in stores. Some of the products are even available to order online so make sure you do some investigating.

Here we go.

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Chocolate biscuit spread update

Don’t put a jar of chocolate biscuit spread in front of a vegan, tell them it’s vegan and then tell them it isn’t vegan. We will cut you.

Ever since I posted this story about a supposedly vegan bourbon biscuit spread sold by Tesco, my social media has been blowing up with folks telling me they had been informed by the chain that it contained non-vegan ingredients. I decided to dedicate a couple of hours of my life to finding out the truth.

Here is what I was told via a phone message left by a Tesco customer service operator:

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Cake liberation front

If you have been following me on Instagram and Twitter these past few days, you would have seen I have been eating everything vegan I could get my hands on in Manchester.

One thing related to veganism that I didn’t eat was this very interesting poster hanging on the notice board of V Revolution.

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