Chocolate in the box

Is there anything more appealing than a mystery box of vegan treats being delivered to your front door once a month? I didn’t think so!

As I raced around the recent (and huge) Vegfest UK London, one particular stall caught my eye. How could I resist a neatly-packed box filled to the brim with tasty, cruelty-free food? I couldn’t.

What's in the box
What’s in the box?

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Return of the vegan ice cream wars

It feels like a very long time since we delved into one of the most popular features on this blog. I am deeply sorry it has taken me this long to get back around to celebrating vegan ice cream. I’ll never leave it so long again.

Two new frozen dessert brands sprung up unexpectedly, but I wouldn’t say I fell in love with both of them. Let’s crack on with a new instalment of the vegan ice cream wars. Ding ding!

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Vegan popcorn chicken

Have you ever had a dream about something so wondrous, you simply push it to the back of your mind because it would probably never come to fruition? Yeah, me too. One of my long-held food fantasies has been to taste the crunchy, savoury goodness of vegan popcorn chicken. My FGV nights have been spent tossing and turning, waiting for these mythical balls of compassion to materialise.

And you know what comes next, right? Yep. The wait is over!

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Be my guest

If you follow me on Twitter, you will already know I am eating and drinking myself into oblivion in Los Angeles. I am having a fab time in my favourite city and have eaten in some of the best vegan establishments in the world.

Vegan life in London has kept trundling along while I have been living it up in SoCal, specifically the annual London Vegan Festival. I am a bit down about missing out on all the cruelty-free action but I do still get a small insight into the proceedings as Josh very kindly collected some photos of the event and has even written a few words about what went down.

Let’s get straight into it. Thanks, Josh!

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Western Ghats what I’m talking about

Sagar vegetarian Indian restaurant

Something has been troubling me and I had no other choice than to bring in a guest. Many months ago Josh and I dined in a West London vegetarian restaurant. I was underwhelmed by the Indian food and have not been inspired to write a review about our experience.

Although much time has passed, Josh kindly agreed to write his first ever blog entry and has recounted our night at Sagar in Hammersmith as a FGV guest contributor. Take it away, Josh.

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An expensive lesson

The Gate Restaurant of Hammersmith

How much would you pay for a meal? When dining out in a fancy restaurant, do you set yourself a budget or do you sometimes allow yourself to splurge on fine food?

If you don’t mind distributing your wealth now and again, I have some advice for you. Think twice before distributing it to The Gate Restaurant, a vegetarian eatery located in Hammersmith, London. I am going to be blunt and brief. I found it to be over-priced, over-dependent on dairy and severely lacking in vegan options.

The restaurant itself is rather pleasant, if a bit grubby. My seat afforded me a lovely view across the restaurant to the massive feature window. Unfortunately I was also next to a wall that was riddled with bizarre scuff marks and scratches. I’m not above eating in a venue with a bad paint job, but after viewing the prices on the menu I would expect The Gate Restaurant to splash out on a lick of paint now and again.

Speaking of prices, I have never paid so much money for such unexciting, unadventurous and downright dull food.

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To market, to market

Do you want to get involved in one of the most exciting vegan projects that has ever taken place in London?

Peter from October Cafe is developing a multi-vendor market in the heart of the city! I won’t waffle on too much as I want to give Peter the floor to explain how it works. Let’s just say it is a dream of mine to shop at an all vegan market and I will be first in line to see what the cruelty-free vendors have on offer.

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Pushing the night into the daytime

Long before I was fat and vegan (gay always), I spent a lot of time in a seaside town that Australia forgot to close down. My friends and I constantly lived on the verge of adventure and despair as we dodged the equally-dangerous obstacles of local thugs and mediocrity. The main attractions were an almost-dilapidated pier, a skate park and many drive through liquor stores that asked very few questions of disengaged teenagers with a few dollars to spend. We would walk through the idling cars filled with older-than-us locals buying cartons of ice cold beer before boldly placing our orders for the cheapest drinks in the store.

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Say vegan cheese

Every now and then something so revolutionary comes along, it turns the vegan world upside down. Vegusto is one of those things. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Vegusto display at VegFest 2011

During the last few months I have been enjoying a new vegan cheese range known as Vegusto. It isn’t easy to find in the UK but when you do get your hands on it, you won’t soon forget. The plant-based cheeses are made in Switzerland and are slowly working their way around Europe. I spoke with representatives at the recent Bristol VegFest who assured me they are toiling away with plans to get the range into health food stores around the UK as soon as possible.

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I’m too much in love

Moo Free vegan chocolate

An important part of my FGV job description is to search out the most delicious candy and chocolate in the world. I don’t want to do it, but I must if I intend to keep hold of my position. My chubby, queer fingers glumly wade through foil and wrappers in search of the best sugar out there. It is grueling.

But it isn’t all bad news, for you all get to live vicariously through my eating adventures. I don’t mind doing the hard yards if it means I get to share with you news of tasty vegan products. It is in this sharing spirit I inform you of one of the most delicious vegan chocolates available anywhere. Moo Free is creamy, tasty and incredibly satisfying. Want to see more? Come on then, I’ll unwrap it for you.

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