Best crumble

How often do you find a vegan crumble with custard in a London pub?

If you answered, “Never FGV, never!” I would believe you and act extremely sympathetic. The lack of vegan pub desserts in the capital is close to a disgrace. An emergency, if you will.

Thankfully, the Old Ship W6 is here to elevate our compassionate pudding experience.

Not only is this pub serving up one of the items on my ‘top 13 vegan things to consume in London list’, they are also offering this seasonal dessert that would surely satisfy most anyone.

Oh my. Apple and plum #vegan crumble with coconut milk custard at the Old Ship W6. #london

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

What do you think? Do you like the sound of that crumble?

Check out the current vegan menu on offer at the Old Ship W6 here.

London favourites

At least a few times a week I am asked to name my favourite, must-eat vegan dishes in London.

The list of food and drink I can’t live without in the capital changes now and again, but here is the current crop of things that make me go “Yummers!” in London.

Get ready to work your way through Fat Gay Vegan’s Top 13 Things to Consume in London.

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Vegan jellies

A lot of great food and drink happened to me in Leeds during my recent trip north, including this cup of gorgeous fruit tea with vegan jellies.

I was walking through a small shopping arcade when I was shocked by the sight of the ‘v’ word. You know that little thrill mixed with panic you experience when you see ‘vegan’ written somewhere unexpected?

iocha bubbletea is an independent bubble and fruit tea outlet in Leeds city centre. Their collection of vegan jellies for adding to the teas is extensive and the servers were only too happy to indulge my need for conversation. I was so excited, I chatted them up for ages about how fab their shop was while they just smiled and made drinks for customers.

store frontvegan signiced tea with vegan jellies

Do you have a favourite bubble tea shop in your area?

You can follow iocha bubbletea on Twitter and Instagram.

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How much is too much?

I like to buy vegan food and I have the perfect excuse. This blog.

When I see something new in the supermarket, I usually justify the expense by telling myself I have a duty to my readers to share the information.

It is rare for something I want to not end up in my shopping basket and you are all to blame!

But yesterday I hit a wall. Would you pay the asking price for these seasonal chocolates? I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

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That time of year

It is time.

The leaves have turned, the wind is whistling and Caffè Nero has started selling its vegan mince pie.

I picked up my first mince pie of the season at the Caffè Nero in Richmond today.

Releasing a vegan mince pie is now seemingly a yearly tradition for the coffee chain.

Have you tried one this year?

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Cookies! Brownies! Lemon Curd!

Get your credit card at the ready. It is time to order Christmas cookies, brownies, fudge and even lemon curd online and have them delivered to your home!

Keep scrolling to see the gorgeous haul of vegan treats delivered to my house yesterday by the award-winning Hannah Banana Bakery

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Vegan icing

Need quick and simple icing for cake decorating purposes? Of course you do!
Pop into your local Sainsbury’s for these squeezy tubes of convenience.

Both tubes have the word ‘vegan’ printed on the reverse and both can be found in the baking section of the supermarket. As you can see in the photo, the tubes come with three piping nozzles for creating designs and lettering.

Have you tried these cake toppings?

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Best dessert ever

Dear everyone.

This is the best dessert in the history of desserts.


  • Take one large Vego bar
  • Heat it until it is liquid (microwave or saucepan over moderate heat)
  • Fill a bowl with vegan vanilla ice cream
  • Pour hot liquid over ice cream
  • Devour

Additional steps:

  • Lick the bowl/cup/saucepan in which you melted the chocolate for added pleasure
  • Ask a friend to wash everything to allow you time to run to the shop for another Vego bar
  • Die happy

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