Hummus Bros love

I was totally blown away by the fabulous people who came along to my pop up vegan event in Clerkenwell last night.

Everyone was super friendly and chatty. That could have possibly had something to do with the mass amounts of Asparagasm beer being guzzled in between tasty bowls of savoury food served by Hummus Bros.

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Maple and pecan

The Vegan Ice Cream Wars continue. Night and day I search for worthy contenders but new developments are few and far between in the UK.

We live in somewhat of a vegan ice cream wasteland. We are still waiting for the big breakthrough that will spread decadent tubs of gourmet vegan iced confection across the country.

But it isn’t all doom and gloom, as I found out yesterday.

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Hammersmith Thursdays

Poor old West London gets a bit neglected as all the cool vegan stuff tends to happen Central, South, North and East. Well get ready, ’cause Hammersmith is getting its vegan on.

I stumbled upon an outdoor food market set up in Lyric Square today and got a very pleasant surprise. There was vegan food available!

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Vegan Prosecco

Following on from all the drama surrounding non-vegan juices and soft drinks, I was in the mood for a glass of cold bubbly and found just the ticket in the nearest Sainsbury’s Local.

If you are a fan of Prosecco but you don’t like to spend a lot of money, this bottle is going to make you a happy vegan.

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Go to bread

I love bread.

My new favourite place to find vegan bread products is my local branch of the bakery chain known as The Bread Shop. How fun is that name?! It is a shop and it sells bread!

Servers in The Bread Shop don’t have a problem with answering questions about products suitable for vegans and a huge amount of their goods seem to fit the bill. Every loaf has a detailed ingredients card alongside the item price so you can even check for yourself.

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Coconut Collaborative

Quick news bite.

I was traipsing around Waitrose just off Holborn when my FGV eyes were drawn to the colourful packs of Coconut Collaborative. These super tasty (and very vegan) coconut-based yoghurts are slowly spreading across the country and I couldn’t be happier. They are the taste of happiness.

Have you tired them? Which is your favourite flavour?

You can follow Coconut Collaborative on Twitter


This photo originally featured on my Instagram account which you can check out here

You can vote for me in the Best Vegan Blogger category at the VegFestUK Awards by clicking here

Home style

I don’t mind paying people to cook for me, but the truth is my partner Josh and I do a mighty fine job of keeping the vegan food on the table ourselves.

Josh is more of a main meal creator whereas I love snacks such as decadent toasted sandwiches. Just like Hannah Montana, it’s the best of both worlds.

Below are a few photos detailing some of the delights that have been crafted in our kitchen over the last two weeks or so. I have added a ‘Josh’ or ‘FGV’ after each photo description to let you know which fat, gay vegan made the meal.

Once you have scrolled through all the photos, for a bit of fun vote in the comments by stating whose food you would rather sit down to every night. FGV or Josh?

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How to: FGV popcorn

A few days a go I posted some photos on my Instagram account of the best popcorn I have ever made. It garnered such a positive response online (and then again when I served it at London Vegan Potluck) that I have been compelled to share my secrets with you.

Wanna eat popcorn like a fat, gay vegan? Read on.

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