In too deep

Whenever you eat vegan food in a non-vegan establishment, you really are at the mercy of the place. I recently found out that one of my favourite non-vegan vegan food suppliers was maybe not taking my food choices as seriously as I was.

Does this story have a happy ending? Read on…

The Gallery Cafe on Old Ford Road

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Calm yourself

I am seriously into the grand, sweeping vegan announcements such as new restaurant openings and scandalous posts about non-vegan food being sold to plant-eaters. It must be the drama that attracts me.

But a FGV needs to decompress now and again. I can’t live my whole life at 10. Sometimes I need to relax and cruise around the 2 or 3 dial. That is why you get a post like this one today. It’s for my mental wellbeing.

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So you don’t have to

I’m going to start this negative review by saying no one could be more surprised by FGV not liking a potato-based snack than FGV. I am so obsessed with potato, I’m not far from eating it raw. I eat it steamed, mashed, fried, boiled, baked and any which way you wanna serve it.

But I won’t eat it out of this packet ever again…

Just Crisps… not gonna be OK

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Take this for just what it is

A few whispers have been floating around the vegan London scene for a short while and I jumped into the action today to discover the truth for myself.

Are the pita pockets at Maoz in Old Compton Street vegan? I found out…

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All I ask is you remember me

I love a good sausage.

Of course there are a million jokes in the above statement, but I’ve no time for playground humour. I’m too busy stuffing my FGV mouth full of a new savoury delight. Meet the the meat-free Red Onion & Rosemary sausages from Linda McCartney Foods.

Red onion & rosemary vegan sausages

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Plant-based PR

There is big news that I have posted on Facebook and Twitter but have somehow managed to keep from my dear readers here…

I am now the proud operator of a new company called fgv/PR.


As far as I know, I am the first 100% vegan PR company in the UK. I promote only vegan products and services. fgv/PR specialises in social media campaigns, traditional PR, events, trade show support and media appearances.

Pop on over to my new website to see what it is all about. You never know when you will need a fat, gay vegan to help you get some exposure.

Vegan airline meal fail – guest post

Continuing with what is becoming a bit of a tradition around these parts, my Twitter pal Tumblebee stopped globetrotting long enough to visit and share a vegan airline food story with us.

Follow Tumblebee on Twitter

Visit Tumblebee online

And of course, send in your own food in the air experiences so I can share with the interested masses!

Take it away, Tumblebee!

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Gimme that Pudology

If you missed out on September’s London Vegan Potluck, I am sorry to say you also missed out on one of the best vegan dessert products to ever be available in the UK. But don’t be too sad… Pudology tubs are spreading across the country like wildfire.

Dairy-free desserts are becoming increasingly common, but not much of the market can claim to be anywhere near as delicious as these creations. Pudology make their mouthwatering puds in chocolate, strawberry and banoffee flavours.

My personal favourite is the chocolate. You know when something is sweet, creamy, smooth and irresistible all at the same time? Enough said. When Pudology samples were available at the potluck, the banoffee flew off the shelves and many attendees were singing some fairly extravagant praises for the dessert.

FGV eating Pudology
Delicious vegan desserts

Grab some of these vegan and gluten free wonders today from Goodness Direct and Selfridges.

Visit Pudology online

Follow Pudology on Twitter

Like Pudology on Facebook

Many thanks to Cookie Von Stir for the photos

Heather my dear, there’s a new flapjack in town

Isn’t the word ‘flapjack’ a bizarre thing? Where on Earth does it come from? I would love to know the etymology of the word flapjack. Answers on the back of a Morrissey postcard, please.

While I sit back and wait for the mountains of mail adorned with pictures of the Mancunian poet, I might as well inform you of a delicious vegan flapjack I discovered on a recent food expedition.

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