Friends. This is a one day only kinda situation.
Take a look at this incredible vegan roast dinner and as you are admiring the plate, understand that it is available this Sunday only in London.

London vegan news, reviews & events
If you are looking for a vegan Sunday roast experience, I’m pretty certain you’d be hard pressed to find one that looks as good as this.
This vegan and gluten free meal is being served this (and every) Sunday at The Northern Seaman micro pub in Rochester, UK.
Doesn’t it look stunning?
Steph of Ponga Foods served this Sunday roast dinner last weekend and it proved so incredibly popular, she has committed to cooking it up every week. Pre-sale tickets sold out in record time.
The plate shown includes butternut squash, roasted potatoes and even a Yorkshire pudding. Everything on the plate is vegan and gluten free.
You need to book this meal in advance each week online. Click here to see if there is any availability remaining for this week. Tickets are only £13 and that also includes a pot of beer, cider or a soft drink.
If you are too late to secure a spot this week, keep watching Ponga social media for weekly menu updates and ticket links.
I think my buddy Kay likes to tease me.
There I was minding my own business in Mexico, considering what I should put on my tortillas for Sunday brunch, when Kay taunts me with a photo of one of the best vegan Sunday lunches I’ve ever seen.
Check it out.
For those of you unfamiliar with a Sunday roast in the UK, this one appears to have all the crucial elements. Right down to a Yorkshire pudding!
Get along to Loving Hut in Brighton so you can let me know if this is the best vegan Sunday roast in the country.
You can find the location of Loving Hut Brighton on their website.
Extra note: Londoners can check out this Sunday roast option while people in Leeds might want to try this.
Have you ever been to the Cowley Club in Brighton?
The Cowley Club is a member-run co-operative space in Brighton that hosts a huge number of events to raise awareness and funds for numerous social justice causes. (This is the abridged description – go to the ‘about‘ section of their site to learn more)
If you get along to this location tomorrow (Sunday April 3, 2016) from 1pm, you can consume a delicious vegan roast dinner and then stick around for a meeting to discuss your part in the planned May 7th Day of Action Against Detention Centres.
The meeting kicks off at 5pm so you have plenty of time to fill your belly with compassionate Sunday roast before knuckling down to do some good for people in need.
You can RSVP to the Sunday roast over on the Facebook event.
Leeds is on fire for vegan food.
You’ve seen my recent post about the wonderful fry-up I enjoyed a few weekends back and now I’m revisiting the northern city to let you know about probably the finest Sunday roast you are going to get anywhere in the country.
London doesn’t have an amazing choice for Sunday roast dinners, so it is wonderful to see this new addition to the plant-based landscape.
This glorious plate of vegan comfort food is now being served up by Kabaret @ Karamel every Sunday (they just celebrated one year of being a vegan bar/restaurant!).
The mighty meal contains smoked tofu, chestnut & almond Wellington, roast potatoes, carrot & turnip mash, Bavarian red cabbage, peas and red wine gravy.
Good stuff!
Visit Kabaret online, like them on Facebook and follow on Twitter.
Manchester is rapidly carving out a reputation for being a particularly special place for vegan food and the photo that crash landed in my inbox today is further proof.
Tucked away in the once derelict (and now slightly less derelict) barrio of Manchester known as the Northern Quarter, a non-vegan canteen and bar called Soup Kitchen is serving up one of the most impressive vegan meals I have heard of in the UK.