Christmas snacks

One of my favourite things to do in a supermarket is to trot down the seasonal aisle. You know the one. The aisle rammed with novelty gifts and food products related to whatever time of year it is.

It’s where the shops cram the latest gimmicky toys at Christmas time or the One Direction mugs with chocolate eggs in them leading up to Easter.

This aisle is often the site of vegan junk food finds, especially if you are cruising the seasonal aisle at your local Sainsbury’s. Remember when I snapped up these vegan sweets at Halloween time? They were in the seasonal aisle.

The lucky dip that is the seasonal aisle of my nearest Sainsbury’s coughed up some new, never-before-seen vegan snacks for me yesterday and I only bought them in order to share with you all. Of course.

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Halloween suckers

This time of the year is all about Day of the Dead for me, but if I was giving Halloween a look in I’m sure these vegan sweets would be a major concern in my house.

As I was ambling around my local Sainsbury’s a few nights ago, I made time to peruse the Halloween sweets and candy aisle. Strangely, the very first packet I picked up had the ‘vegan’ symbol on the back.

sweetsThis pack of orange flavoured jellies is the perfect addition to your shopping list if you want to get involved in the Halloween tradition of dishing out candy to strange children. It would be pretty awesome to hand a few of these to trick or treaters. Covert vegan action via celebration sweets!


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Ms Cupcake bargain

You all know vegan pioneer Ms Cupcake has a super rad recipe collection out, right? Remember when I reviewed it here? The book has been incredibly popular and is available in book stores all over the planet.

Here is some new info about the book that has me all excited.

UK supermarket giant Sainsbury’s has an online bookstore selling ebooks and abridged versions of top-selling recipe books. Can you guess where I am going with this?

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Vegan Prosecco

Following on from all the drama surrounding non-vegan juices and soft drinks, I was in the mood for a glass of cold bubbly and found just the ticket in the nearest Sainsbury’s Local.

If you are a fan of Prosecco but you don’t like to spend a lot of money, this bottle is going to make you a happy vegan.

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New kicks

One of my favourite past times is trolling up and down supermarket aisles looking for vegan products. The first thing I love to do when arriving somewhere on vacation is find the nearest grocery store. It is my signature move.

I recently (as in two days ago) moved housed to another part of London so of course before I even unpacked, I made a direct route to the supermarket.

My new local Sainsbury’s is a big one, with plenty of vegan goods to keep me overfed. Much of it was the same old stuff I’ve seen everywhere else, but three products caught my attention.

They have all possibly been on the market for a while, but it was the first time my fat gay eyes had seen them.

Have you tried any of the treats below? Do you love supermarket tourism as much as I do?

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