Vegan cake topping

I was skulking through the Sainsbury’s cake decorating section a few days ago when I saw two mini tubes of cake sprinkles.

I flipped the containers around and smiled. Suitable for vegans!

vegan cake decorations

These freeze dried fruit pieces would be the perfect go-to topping for cakes, desserts and even ice cream if you were in a hurry.

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Omega 3 for vegans

I don’t know much about nutrition. I know why I’m fat, but that’s about it.

There are vegans who will tell you about food combining, daily intake requirements and even how many bananas to eat per day. I give you beer and fried things and expect you will look after the essential nutrients part yourself.

I’m breaking with this tradition to let you know that Sainsbury’s have started selling omega 3 tablets that are suitable for vegans. Hopefully somebody more in-the-know than I will jump into the comments to explain what benefits vegans can obtain from consuming these tablets containing linseed oil. I have a flimsy understanding that the essential fatty acid contained within the oil can help protect your heart and lower cholesterol levels.

The above statement is in no way based on scientific knowledge or understanding.

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Vegan cola

Remember when I posted a story about juice not being vegan in some instances?

The story is one of the most read ever on my blog and it opened a whole can of vegan gummy worms. Readers started sharing knowledge that many colas and sodas were also not vegan due to the use of animal-derived ingredients. You can read the original post here.

Finding a vegan cola can be a minefield for soft drink lovers, but the good news is a UK supermarket chain has its own brand of colas all labelled vegan.

Check it out.

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Vegan cereal

I spotted these boxes of vegan cereal in my local Sainsbury’s and I wanted to find out what people think of them.

I bought the golden syrup version and I wasn’t super impressed. It was a bit meh. Should I bother investing in any of the other flavours? Would you recommend that I try one in particular?

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Cheap vegan

Here is a game for us to play.

Is this the most inexpensive product you have ever seen with a vegan label?

fetch-UID-This jar carries the Sainsbury’s ‘vegan’ label on the reverse. I want to know if you have seen a product cheaper that is also labelled vegan.

Answers in the comments below. This will be fun!

Let’s get cheap.

Please note: the product needs to be labelled vegan for it to count.

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Chip shop curry sauce

Oh, yes. Vegan chip shop curry sauce in a jar thanks to Sainsbury’s.

I’m from Brisbane, Australia so it is understandable that I have never eaten chips with curry sauce. We were too busy experiencing homophobic bullying at the hands of a corrupt police force to hunt out such exotic food stuffs. (Kinda joking. Google ‘corrupt Queensland police’ if you enjoy that sort of thing. But pack a lunch, it will be a long read).

Due to my mundane food experiences as an oppressed queer teenager, I don’t know too much about the chip shop curry sauce phenomenon.

Is it a thing all over the UK or just in certain parts? Is it delicious? Or horrendous?

Extra note: this jar carries the Sainsbury’s vegan label and the photo originally appeared on my Instagram account which you can see here.

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Vegan again

One of my favourite things to eat is cheap, rapid cook noodles. Sainsbury’s used to have a range of pot noodles and instant noodles that were all suitable for vegans. Over the course of a few years, these changed leaving not one vegan option in the range of their own brand instant noodles.

But things have changed, again!

My hangover today had me on my knees in my local Sainsbury’s, rummaging through the instant noodle section in a desperate attempt to see if any of the flavours were vegan. I am delighted to report I found a vegan option.

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Get stuffed

Apparently it is the season for stuffing, so why not make your choice for stuffing a compassionate one.

I was in Sainsbury’s earlier tonight and their Taste the Difference stuffing range caught my eye, especially as each flavour is priced at just £1 for a limited time.

Out of the five varieties on offer, four are labelled as suitable for vegans. Check the range out below.

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