Who knows or cares what an imitation is?

Guest post time again. Josh is super excited about a new range of vegan products that are changing the shape of high street shopping and he really wants you to know.


It’s a vegan revolution – no really!

Tesco supermarkets across the UK are now stocking a range of vegan foods under their own branding.  If you had told me 12 months ago that my local supermarket would shortly be stocking their own range of melting cheeses, cream cheeses, yoghurts, creme caramel etc. all labelled as vegan, I wouldn’t have believed you.  Are you as amazed as I am?  I think it’s revolutionary that a high street supermarket would be pushing an entirely vegan range of milks, cheeses, yoghurts etc. and giving up a whole bay in their dairy aisle to display them.

Vegan dairy case at Tesco

I think one of the main challenges for people including more plant-based foods in their diet is availability.  Of course most vegans are used to shopping around and getting their groceries from a variety of sources (supermarkets, Holland & Barrett, independent stores, online etc.) but I know a lot of people prefer to do one weekly shop at the supermarket, so this could be a real game-changer.

Now down to business… here’s a summary of what’s on the shelf:

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Mairzy doats and dozy doats

I think I might consume too much soy. I’m not one of those soy naysayers who decry it as evil but as a vegan, it is very often my go to food.

Soy (or soya in the UK… I can never get used to that) is in so many of the delicious products I consume. Soy meats, soy cheeses and soy milk are the staples of my eating plan. Now, I’m not a health food specialist or qualified nutritionist but I do understand that all foods should be consumed in moderation.

With that in mind, I have taken to swapping out the soy milk in my breakfast for the occasional splash of oat milk. Provamel have come up with a high quality oat milk that is making my breakfast routine a little more varied.

Provamel oat milk porridge with Sweet Freedom & seeds

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London Vegan Potluck 5 review

If you missed out on September’s London Vegan Potluck 5, you are just going to have to take me on my FGV word… it was a fantastic event. Seriously.

There were well over 50 potluckers in attendance and many more dishes on offer. The food was never ending and you could find almost any type of cuisine. We had lasagna, fruit skewers, mini burgers, seitan, tofu, tartlets, cheese platters, raw spaghetti, mole, chicken alfredo, hand-crafted truffles, cheesecake, falafel, spaghetti bolognese, iced tea, vegan wines, fruit drinks, dips, crisps, home-baked bread and much, much more.

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I’m out of this world and I’m never comin’ back

Have you got a favourite retail outlet when it comes to vegan groceries? Somewhere that never lets you down and always ensures your basket is well-stocked? Me too.

Out Of This World health foods in Leeds

Out Of This World is a small, comprehensive grocery store located in Leeds city centre. This ethically-minded outlet dedicates shelf upon shelf to products free of non-human animals as well as vegetarian specialties and organic, fair trade goods. If you want a few slices of pig-free bacon or a couple of vegan cupcakes to see you through a chilly northern afternoon, Out Of This World is the place to shop. You can snap up vitamins, shampoo, vegan fudge, cider, organic wine and so much more.

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