Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has put vegan sweets on the London food map quite like Mellissa Morgan. Mellissa’s Ms. Cupcake brand is known and loved by people all over the capital, while her recipe collection has sold by the pallet load to devoted fans.

Ms. Cupcake is a vegan brand that has come an impressive distance in a short time, but a booming Brixton bakery and plans for a follow up book do not signal anywhere close to the end of the story.

Ms. Cupcake and Mellissa Morgan have some big news to share.

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Ms Cupcake bargain

You all know vegan pioneer Ms Cupcake has a super rad recipe collection out, right? Remember when I reviewed it here? The book has been incredibly popular and is available in book stores all over the planet.

Here is some new info about the book that has me all excited.

UK supermarket giant Sainsbury’s has an online bookstore selling ebooks and abridged versions of top-selling recipe books. Can you guess where I am going with this?

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Buy cake without leaving the house

I make no secret for the respect I have for Ms Cupcake and the hard work Mellissa Morgan has put in to make her brand one of the most respected independent businesses in London. Notice I didn’t say ‘vegan’ before businesses? That’s right. Ms Cupcake is in the majors.

One of the secrets to their success has surely got to be the relentless attitude to keep creating new products and new ways to get them to people.

Take for instance their new mail order service. 

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Free vegan food in Brixton


If you didn’t know, I run a PR business. I only work supporting vegan companies or products. As a rule, I try not to promote my clients on this blog but if my blogger and PR roles ever intersect I make sure it is very clear.

The reason I have decided to post the following information regarding my client Fry’s Distribution is that I want as many people as possible to be aware of this event where free vegan food will be given away. Yes, my business interest is to help them but my personal interest is to support the spread of veganism.

With that disclosure out of the way, will you be coming along for a free vegan sandwich? I’ll be serving!


Brixton locals are set for a free dinner next week as leading vegetarian food company Fry’s Distribution undertakes massive food giveaway on Coldharbour Lane.

Join frozen vegan food giants Fry’s Distribution on Thursday August 29th, 2013 from 6:00pm as they cook up and serve hundreds of mouth-watering sandwiches for the people of Brixton.

Pat Drummy of Fry’s spoke of the motivation behind the event:

“At Fry’s, we pride ourselves on reaching out to local communities in order to show them how easy, tasty and healthy meat-free eating can be. Our message is about doing what is best for your family, animals and the planet by reducing the amount of mass produced animal products you consume.”

Pat continues:

“2013 has been an incredible year for our company with record increases in sales due to meat scandals and our entire range has recently been listed with online supermarket Ocado. People are coming around to the idea of not having meat with every meal and we want to show the people of Brixton how it can be done.”

The giveaway is taking place inside the much-loved Ms. Cupcake bakery located at 408 Coldharbour Lane. The owner of the bakery, Mellissa Morgan, spoke of her support for the event:

“I am always looking for inventive and interesting ways to give something back to the Brixton community. When I was approached by Fry’s Distribution about using my shop to host this giveaway, my initial reaction of saying yes was based on what a great thing it will be for the people in the area. As a vegan business owner myself, I also look for opportunities to spread information about kinder and more environmentally friendly food.”

More than 300 sandwiches will be given away on a first come basis and the event will commence at 6:00pm sharp.

Fry’s products can be purchased at Brixton Wholefoods in Atlantic Road.

Most vegan-friendly location in London

I get asked a lot of questions as a vegan blogger based in London. People want to know where they can get a fry up, which beers are vegan and who sells the biggest range of plant-based products.

I am usually able to assist but there has always been a question  for which I have struggled to determine an answer. People want to know the most vegan-friendly suburb/location/area in the UK capital.

The problem with London is the vast distances you must travel to find vegan food. Catch the Tube to Edgware for one of the best Loving Huts on the planet to understand what I mean. Vegan business are spread far and wide, making it difficult to name the number one spot for plant eaters.

However, there certainly are hotspots popping up around London where a vegan would have no problem eating their fill. Take Brixton, for example.

Following is a collection of vegan food I stumbled across this weekend as I strolled around the iconic London neighbourhood. From make-shift market stalls to one of the most well-known vegan bakeries in the world, Brixton is certainly not short of cruelty-free food options.

The collection below doesn’t even cover everything on offer in Brixton. There is a raw juice bar, a vegan-friendly pizza restaurant, a falafel stall and much more.

Check out the mouthwatering photos and then let me know in the comments your pick for London’s most vegan-friendly neighbourhood!

cake and shake
Oreo milkshake & cotton candy cupcake from Ms. Cupcake vegan bakery

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A slice of vegan history

Read to the end for a free Ms. Cupcake recipe!

I thought sitting down to write a blog post about the release of the Ms. Cupcake cookbook would be a simple process that involved reviewing the book, saying how much I adore her food and sticking in a few photos.

However, on reflection the idea of simply talking about the book as just another collection of recipes seemed beyond insufficient. This book acts as distinct marker in the timeline of vegan London and Mellissa Morgan is more than a mere cupcake maker. She has been one of the guiding forces in the veganisation of the UK capital and walks at the forefront of a plant-based wave sweeping the country.

No, this isn’t just a cookbook. It is historical evidence of how an independent baker helped change the way London and the UK think about veganism.

Ms. Cupcake – The Naughtiest Vegan Cakes in Town!

The story of the rise of Ms. Cupcake is especially poignant and personal for me. It wasn’t long after I started this blog that Mellissa moved her well-loved market stall business into her very own bakery on Coldharbour Lane in Brixton. It was the story about this move that went on to become one of the most read posts of all time on my blog.

When I had the idea of creating London Vegan Potluck, it was Mellissa and the Ms. Cupcake crew who welcomed my crazy idea with open arms. The potluck has since moved to larger premises, but I will never forget or take for granted what the bakery did for me and my event. Mellissa’s commitment to the vegan community in London helped me create one of the most enduring and loved social events in the country.

The Ms. Cupcake bakery is a focal point for vegan London. The rise of such a successful vegan business lit a spark that has grown to an inferno and inspired all manner of events, food providers and support networks. Many of the people who work or have worked in the bakery have become my dear friends. The cookbook tells Mellissa’s story and the recipes are testament to her creativity and persistence, but it also acts as reminder for vegans everywhere how we can change the world around us if we decide to act.

Buy the Ms. Cupcake book if you would like to know how to create mouthwatering cookies, cupcakes, muffins and loaves. Buy the Ms. Cupcake book if you want a invaluable guide to vegan icing, stockists and methods. Buy the Ms. Cupcake book if you enjoy owning recipe books brimming with colourful and stylish artwork and photos. But most importantly, buy the Ms. Cupcake book if you want to own a piece of the story of how London truly became an international vegan city.

Order now online from Amazon.

Tracy aka The Vegan Butcher with Jaffa Cakes
Tracy aka The Vegan Butcher with Jaffa Cakes

As a special treat, Ms. Cupcake and her publisher have given me permission to include the following recipe taken from the new book. I followed the easy recipe to make my own batch of Nanaimo bars and the process was completely hassle-free, even for a non-baker like me.

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Four good reasons

Do you need another reason to visit the Ms. Cupcake vegan bakery in Brixton? Well, I have four reasons under my FGV belt that will convince you to get down there. Enjoy!


The new mint Mini Moos by Moo Free Chocolates
The new mint Mini Moos by Moo Free Chocolates


The new Thumbs Up candy bar by Go Max Go Foods
The new Thumbs Up candy bar by Go Max Go Foods


Vegan biscotti
Vegan biscotti


Lovely people
Lovely people

Meet you there?

Follow Ms. Cupcake on Twitter

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Visit Ms. Cupcake online



Fill me in

As you all know, there is a glorious vegan food destination located down in Brixton that has been keeping me well fed for over a year and a half. The Ms. Cupcake bakery is a world-class cupcake specialist that also supplies hungry people like me with chocolate, cookies, snacks and vegan ice cream.

If you haven’t managed to get down there yet, this piece of news I’m about to share with you will seal the deal. If you are already a regular, you might just want to prepare to do your happy dance for what is in store.

Read on…

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