Plant-based PR

There is big news that I have posted on Facebook and Twitter but have somehow managed to keep from my dear readers here…

I am now the proud operator of a new company called fgv/PR.


As far as I know, I am the first 100% vegan PR company in the UK. I promote only vegan products and services. fgv/PR specialises in social media campaigns, traditional PR, events, trade show support and media appearances.

Pop on over to my new website to see what it is all about. You never know when you will need a fat, gay vegan to help you get some exposure.

Keep it kosher

I don’t plan my eating around religious concerns, unless you consider indiscriminate vegan overeating a religion. My food consumption, like all areas of my life, exists outside organised religion.

But my food atheism certainly doesn’t prohibit me from benefiting from belief systems that instruct devotees to separate their animal products when eating.

Enter Kosher Kingdom of North London.

Kosher Kingdom of Golders Green

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¡comamos! vegan tapas supperclub

Spanish food is simply romantic, intoxicating and delicious. ¡comamos! Spanish supperclub is your chance to be swept up by the romance of this globally-adored cuisine.

Join blogger and London events ringleader Fat Gay Vegan as he presents the renowned Vegan Peasant Catering in a unique evening of vegan tapas, wine and Spanish music.

Held in the gorgeous surrounds of London boutique The Third Estate, ¡comamos! is set to be a magical night filled with gorgeous handcrafted delicacies, sumptuous vegan wines and la música española.


(subject to change due to availability)


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Some hope and some despair

It is no secret that I eat extremely well… and by well, I mean a lot. Food is a passion of mine and I am always seeking and searching for new experiences.

Enter Vgango.

Vgango of Battersea

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Cheesy vegan stuffed crust deep dish pizza

My friend Vegan Ronin (who cooked me one of the best meals of my life) has done me a massive favour. She has written a marvelous and comprehensive review of our trip to the vegetarian pizza parlour known as Karma Free Pizza.

Wanna know about greedy vegans stuffing their faces with vegan pizza? Read on!

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Edgware of glory

There is something comforting about the international chain of franchised vegan restaurants known as Loving Hut. They are simply everywhere. I have eaten in LH locations in Brisbane, Australia and Madrid, Spain. Outlets have popped up in Philadelphia, Nice and Xalapa. When you are in an unknown city and feeling a bit challenged in your quest to find a vegan meal, Loving Hut can really be a welcome sight.

The finest Loving Hut I have eaten in is definitely the restaurant located in Edgware in London, UK. Yes, it still comes with the sometimes intrusive Ching Hai information espoused in all Loving Hut locations but their menu is by far the most expansive and impressive I have seen.

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The moment I got more than I could handle

I celebrate things that make me happy but I don’t partake in organised celebrations. You won’t ever get a Christmas card signed “All my love, Fat Gay Vegan xx” and you certainly will never be expected to buy me a birthday present. Many years ago, I decided to opt out of societal shenanigans and I have never looked back. The atheist inside me was particularly chuffed and I have managed to save a lot of money for myself and my friends.

But just because I don’t wish people a Happy New Year or a pleasant Diwali doesn’t mean I don’t like to feast on some of the foods available around festivals. I’ve certainly eaten my fair share of vegan chocolate Santas. It is this decided ignorance of celebration but love of overeating that led me to a vegan Thanksgiving extravaganza of delicious proportions last week here in London.

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Vegan Thanksgiving in London

I’m not a huge fan of traditions, especially when many traditions are inextricably linked to the subjugation and death of animals. Christmas and other various traditional celebrations often culminate in humans feasting on the flesh of non-human animals. There is no wondering why I usually walk a different path.

But something exciting is happening in London this month that is allowing me (and other vegans) an insight into what a celebratory feast is like. Vegan food creator The Vegan Ronin is planning a showstopping Thanksgiving feast without hurting anyone. Check out her food plans below.

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London happy, Leeds sad

The Third Estate in Leeds

This news is simultaneously good and bad. The phenomenal clothing and footwear retailer The Third Estate has announced its final days trading in Leeds city centre and the subsequent move they are making to London. Like I said, happy London but sad Leeds.

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will recall a story I did on The Third Estate back in January. This shop has been a haven for vegan shoe shoppers for many years and also has been one of the most comprehensive stockists of cruelty-free footwear the UK has ever seen.

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Amazing cheese now in Camden

Remember how I went on and on about Vegusto vegan cheese? You don’t? Surely you recall when I announced it to be amongst the finest in the world. No? Take a quick trip back in time to refresh your memory here and then hold onto your fedora with a faux feather because I have some exciting news for you.

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