Oceans apart

Bowl For Oceans is turning into what will surely be an amazing event. We have vegan snacks to feed attendees. We have three very different DJs to supply us with an eclectic mix of tunes. We have karaoke. We have ten pin bowling. We even have pool tables.

But one thing we won’t have with us on the day is all of you.

final bowling

Distance gets in the way of a lot of celebrations and Bowl For Oceans is no exception. That noted, a lot of you have reached out to say even though you can’t be physically with us on the day, you would still like to make a contribution to the fundraising efforts.

In order for friends to make a financial contribution even if they are not in London on the day, we have created a special non-attendee donation ticket. For just half the price of a full ticket, you can help us in our campaign to raise money and awareness for the UK arm of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

Click here to buy a ticket or make a donation NOW!

Your ongoing support and dedication to helping animals is what makes events like Bowl For Oceans possible. Please spread the word across all of your networks and help us make the biggest donation to Sea Shepherd that we possibly can.

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