PB glory

I think I have mentioned my childhood obsession with peanut butter previously on this blog.

Apparently I was overheard by my sister Michelle as I hid in the food pantry, smooth talking the crunchy peanut butter into running away with me. It was a pivotal moment in my life. Food and I were in love.

The romantic talk came out of me again last week when I discovered this fabulous product in a deli on Marylebone Hight Street.

These peanut butter cups by Up Cakes are just my sort of thing. Compounded and crunchy peanut base topped with thick, hard chocolate. The cashier told me I wouldn’t be able to stop once I opened them and she was spot on.

I paused briefly only to profess my love.

You can check out the company website here to see the other vegan products they create.



Fat Gay Vegan has teamed up with much-loved express food experts Hummus Bros to bring you a vegan dining event with a twist.

Attendees at the EAT. DRINK. MEET. with Fat Gay Vegan evening will enjoy luscious food prepared especially by Hummus Bros chefs as we take over their entire Exmouth Market location in central London. Yes, that’s correct. The restaurant will be closed for our private party.

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Kamps it up

I jogged today. Not for the sake of exercise, but to get to a bakery selling vegan breads and pastries.

The fabulous @Vegan_Hausfrau reached out to me today on Twitter to alert me to the following Facebook update by Kamps, the German bakery chain with two locations in London.

Read carefully.

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Vegan brewery news

I am all about beer this week. Vegan beer has taken over my life as I gear up for London Vegan Beer Fest. I am up to my ears in hops so you would think the last thing I would have time to write about is a vegan brewery.

But you people need to know about Partizan Brewing.


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Coconut Collaborative

Quick news bite.

I was traipsing around Waitrose just off Holborn when my FGV eyes were drawn to the colourful packs of Coconut Collaborative. These super tasty (and very vegan) coconut-based yoghurts are slowly spreading across the country and I couldn’t be happier. They are the taste of happiness.

Have you tired them? Which is your favourite flavour?

You can follow Coconut Collaborative on Twitter


This photo originally featured on my Instagram account which you can check out here

You can vote for me in the Best Vegan Blogger category at the VegFestUK Awards by clicking here

Breakfast can’t wait

A rapid post to hip you to a fun breakfast I recently enjoyed.

Following on from a quick trip to Chatsworth Road Market to buy vegan cake (see here), Josh and I were of course still hungry. What’s the nearest vegan food provider to the market? Black Cat Cafe!

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Ghosts in our machine

The wonderful activist and outreach group Animal Equality are hosting a film event you do not want to miss.

Grab your friends, buy your tickets and help pack out the Hackney Picturehouse on July 15th for the UK premiere of The Ghosts in Our Machine.

I asked Laura Gough from Animal Equality to say a few words about why the group is hosting the screening.

Laura stated, “The Ghosts in Our Machine is an inspiring and powerful documentary that will invite viewers to consider animals as individuals. Sometimes it’s easy to forget about what really happens to the animals in our society, and we believe that this documentary will change perceptions and help people care more about this issue.”

So what is this highly-anticipated film about? Watch the trailer below before scrolling down for the ticket buying link.

As you can see, this film looks to be an extremely emotional piece of work. The film website includes this synopsis: The Ghosts in our Machine is a multi-award winning documentary by Liz Marshall that illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world. Through the heart and photographic lens of the acclaimed photographer Jo-Anne McArthur, we become intimately familiar with a cast of animals. The film follows Jo-Anne over the course of a year as she photographs several animal stories in parts of Canada, the U.S. and Europe. Each story is a window into global animal industries. Are animals property to be owned and used, or are they sentient beings deserving of rights?

  • Book your tickets for the UK premiere of The Ghosts in Our Machine (featuring a Q&A with the director) on July 15th in Hackney by clicking here now.
  • In addition to the film screening, Animal Equality is hosting a pre-film reception where you will have the opportunity to mingle with the director and members of Animal Equality. Buy tickets for the pre-film reception by clicking here now.


How very

Has it been a month already?

My season of free film screenings known as FREE WINONA is coming to an end. I have shown Beetlejuice, Mermaids and Reality Bites. What do all of these films have in common? You are correct if you noticed they all star Winona Ryder.

All of the above films went down a treat but I have certainly saved the best for last.

how very

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