This impressed me. Not the products themselves, rather the label.
A recent trip to Tesco was interrupted by a sighting of the word ‘vegan’ shouting at me from behind a closed freezer door. It appears not only are Tesco product developers smartening up to the demand for plant-based foods, they have also realised the ‘v’ word is a desirable thing to place front and centre of a packet.
The spread of vegan food through our mainstream supermarkets marches on with the launch of frozen soya mince by the enormous Tesco chain.
Tesco has usually played second fiddle to its competitors when it comes to labelling for compassionate shoppers, however they do appear to be making an effort of late. This effort can be seen in the showcase of vegan-suitable products taking place in limited stores, as well as this newest frozen meat substitute.
Check out the photos of the frozen vegan mince below.
It must be a struggle for parents and carers of young children to navigate the minefield that is modern day junk food. Every high street store in the country is packed to the rafters with fat, sugar and artificial additives. If you are raising your child on a vegan diet, the challenge to find healthy and appealing snacks must be even more complicated.
But for those of you shopping for children, you are in luck! Your friendly FGV eats like a 10 year old but reads ingredients like a world-weary extremist… and has good news for you.
I don’t plan my eating around religious concerns, unless you consider indiscriminate vegan overeating a religion. My food consumption, like all areas of my life, exists outside organised religion.
But my food atheism certainly doesn’t prohibit me from benefiting from belief systems that instruct devotees to separate their animal products when eating.
Every now and then something unexpected comes along and changes my life. My existence is peppered with random signposts, events and life-altering moments that have impacted deeply upon me.
One such occasion occurred last week as I was innocently trolling the Internet. I was casting an eye over the Vx website (as I had heard they were hosting a 2 year anniversary celebration) when I stumbled across an invaluable nugget of information: there is a new vegan ice cream on the market in the UK. My world was once again turned on its head.
The humans behind the new vegan desserts known as Bessant & Drury’s are wildly talented individuals. I can’t recall ever having been so instantly enamoured with a vegan ice cream in my life. Stunning doesn’t cut it. Would you like to share in my accidental, life-changing joy? Read on.
The vegan ice cream wars have been rather quiet lately. Old favourites such as Booja Booja and Swedish Glace have been keeping me company but there hasn’t been much competition to speak of. I have been trundling along with my predictable frozen dessert consumption for months.
It’s not that I don’t adore the delights made by these companies, but a FGV needs to change it up a bit now and again… and change it up I did during a recent visit to the United States of America.
It might technically be the middle of winter, but I’m in a summer lovin’ kind of mood. Josh and I just spent four glorious days of sunshine in Florida where we soaked up the goodness of tropical weather. My current location of Philadelphia is nowhere near as warm, but the temperature here is certainly unseasonal. Instead of snow drifts and ice patches, I’m faced with blue skies and cool but pleasant temperatures.
The word from back in the UK is much of the same, so all this non-wintry weather has got me thinking about a frozen treat I sampled some time ago. Is it warm enough where you are to enjoy an ice lolly/popsicle?
One of the true joys of traveling for me is experiencing unexpected food delights. Just when I least expect it, something tasty and delectable and intriguing pops up begging to be consumed. I always oblige. It would be impolite not to.
Josh and I are currently enjoying a brief road trip along the Florida Keys. This part of the world is gorgeous but the vegan options are a bit thin on the ground. Car journeys such as this require careful planning to ensure I keep my calorie intake at a level worthy of a fat, gay vegan. To be certain I ate well on the Keys, we did a quick Whole Foods Market trip before we left the mainland. I am delighted we did.
There is a vegan food revolution sweeping the world and I’m making sure I have a front row seat.
Fry’s Vegetarian have already established themselves as one of the world’s finest vegan food companies in the world. The South African-based, family-owned business produces absolutely stunning vegan meats that are peerless. Readers of this blog will be familiar with my love of Fry’s and my recent story about their stunning new vegan popcorn chicken.
Now the vegan wonder company are taking the good eating thing to another level with the unveiling of their brand new Louisiana Tenders. Seriously, you must check these beauties out.
Have you ever had a dream about something so wondrous, you simply push it to the back of your mind because it would probably never come to fruition? Yeah, me too. One of my long-held food fantasies has been to taste the crunchy, savoury goodness of vegan popcorn chicken. My FGV nights have been spent tossing and turning, waiting for these mythical balls of compassion to materialise.
And you know what comes next, right? Yep. The wait is over!