Vegan ice cream wars

It is part of my genetic make-up as a fat, gay vegan to be obsessed with ice cream. Dairy free desserts are becoming increasingly easy to locate with most major supermarkets stocking at least one or two brands of vegan ice cream for the discerning, sweet-toothed vegan to purchase. I have become quite the non-dairy … Read more

New vegan ice cream

Do you come here often? If the answer is yes, you will be familiar with my recurring post category known as Vegan Ice Cream Wars. This is the part of my blog were I risk life and limb to bring you the very best from the frozen dessert frontline. Put on your standard issue boots. We … Read more

Order ice cream

The Vegan Ice Cream Wars have just launched into cyberspace. Vegans are still celebrating the arrival of Almond Dream ice creams into Waitrose stores around the country, but not all outlets stock all four available flavours. As a matter of fact, a lot of their stores don’t have any. Thankfully, it’s 2015 and we have the Internet.

Lots of ice cream

It has been a bit quiet on the Vegan Ice Cream Wars front. Not much to report back from the trenches. Quiet, that is, until I stumbled into Waitrose in White City Westfield today. When you shop in a mainstream grocery store in the UK, you usually find just one brand of vegan ice cream (or two … Read more

Ice cream massacre

Forget all about our quaint Vegan Ice Cream Wars involving bland vanilla and reserved raspberry. Shit just got serious and vegans are rushing all over the UK to find these new flavours by Almond Dream. It appears these tubs of frozen goodness only started appearing a few days ago in selected Waitrose freezers and already we … Read more

Ice cream defeated me

The Vegan Ice Cream Wars have left many casualties throughout a long and tumultuous history. Sadly, the FGV himself (that’s me!) is the latest in a long line of the fallen. I should learn restraint, but I don’t have an off switch when presented with a full tub of chocolate ice cream. I keep eating until … Read more

We have a winner

If you are new to this blog, you might not know about the post category called Vegan Ice Cream Wars. Reading these posts will open your eyes to all my frozen dessert adventures, although I mostly showcase store bought items due to a distinct lack of vegan ice cream parlours on the planet. I don’t think … Read more