London Vegan Beer Fest tickets

London Vegan Beer Fest is a boutique summer drinking event showcasing independent breweries making beer suitable for vegans. In 2013, the festival is taking place in the hall, chapel and grounds of the gorgeous St Margaret’s House in Bethnal Green.


Join a host of independent breweries serving craft beers and the kitchen staff of The Gallery Cafe as they serve mouthwatering vegan BBQ food. Doors open 1pm on Saturday July 13th, 2013.

The day will be a celebration of vegan drink, food, independent businesses and music.

Visit the London Vegan Beer Fest website for full list of participating breweries, latest news, BBQ menu updates, sponsor lists and more!

On sale time for tickets is Monday 17th June, 2013 at 9am.

Click here for the ticket page

Running time 

Midday:    VIP ticket holders welcomed

1:00pm    London Vegan Beer Fest 2013 opens to all ticket holders

8:30pm    Last orders in the beer hall

10:00pm  London Vegan Beer Fest closes

Ticket types

Hop Head – general admission//£7.50 plus booking fee

  • access to beer hall, vegan BBQ and lawn (beer/food not included in ticket price)
  • entry to the fest from 1pm onwards

Golden Keg – limited VIP//£25 plus booking fee

  • limited to 50 tickets
  • exclusive early entry (midday)
  • access to beer hall, vegan BBQ and lawn
  • access to VIP indoor beer garden & chapel seating
  • 1 London Vegan Beer Fest goodie bag featuring snacks
  • 1 complimentary beer (additional purchases not included)
  • 1 complimentary BBQ item (additional purchases not included)

Swift Half – walk up on the day//£10

  • access to beer hall, vegan BBQ and lawn (beer/food not included in ticket price)
  • entry to the fest from 1pm onwards dependent on capacity
  • wait times for entry likely
  • cash payment only

Cheeky Half – late walk up on the day//£5

  • access to beer hall and lawn (beer/food not included in ticket price)
  • entry to the fest from 6pm onwards dependent on capacity
  • wait times for entry possible
  • cash payment only

Tickets are extremely limited. Bookmark the ticket link and set a reminder.

Here’s the Scoop

*A reader says Scoop advised chocolate is not vegan. They told me it was. Any other feedback?*

*UPDATE – OK. I just got an update from Scoops via Twitter. The brand of chocolate is Callebaut and the product they use is made from vegan ingredients (cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar, natural emulsifier, soya lecithin) and is labelled ‘may contain traces of milk’ as it is made in a factory with milk chocolate.*

Late night, tipsy walking around Soho can reveal special joys. Hidden surprises spring up but often disappear again as the fog of cider clear from your head the following day.

However, I experienced a glorious and accidental discovery last night I am certain will be etched into my memory forever. No amount of cider (mixed with wine and beer) could wash the wonderful thoughts away.

People. Hold onto you seats. Kip and I discovered hot, fresh vegan churros accompanied by hot, melted chocolate in a gelato store in Soho, London.

What a find!
What a find!
Delicious, vegan churros
Delicious, vegan churros

I won’t waste your time with witticisms and queen of the world retorts. I understand you are probably walking toward the door right this second, thinking of the quickest route to Soho.

Here are the details:

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Potluck love

I want to take a moment to digress from my usual food rants to show my appreciation for London Vegan Potluck.

London Vegan Potluck came into being over two years ago when I had the idea to create a regular, monthly event that was as much about socialising as it was about vegan food. I wanted to create a safe and welcoming gathering that would always be there for (and because of) the vegans of London.

The event started as a tiny get together of 20 people in the arcade next to the Ms. Cupcake bakery in Brixton. I remember being terrified that nobody would show up, but almost instantly the sense of community surrounding the potluck came to life and we haven’t stopped growing since that first night.

After six months of hosting the event in Brixton, I had to say goodbye to Ms. Cupcake and move London Vegan Potluck to bigger premises. It was just that popular! Thanks to the immense generosity of the Syracuse University London Program and its staff, we were able to secure a huge central London space equipped with everything we needed to make the event a continued success.

We have now been celebrating the potluck in our Holborn location ever since and to say it is a runaway success would be an understatement. The attendance numbers have broken the 100 mark on several occasions and I am always overwhelmed by the number of new attendees I meet every month.

The list of vegan and vegan-friendly companies that have supported the event with samples is mammoth. I am grateful to the traders who have personally attended to not only share their products with us, but to also make connections within the vegan community. I am humbled by the travellers and tourists from around the UK and the world who go out of their way to make London Vegan Potluck a stop on their already packed schedules. We have enjoyed the company of visitors from Australia, France, the USA, Canada, Spain, China and many more locations than I can recall.

Tim & Ellen of Oakland, California meeting Ms. Cupcake at the June 2013 London Vegan Potluck
Tim & Ellen of Oakland, California meeting Ms. Cupcake at the June 2013 London Vegan Potluck

It is hard work putting the potluck together every month. I couldn’t even begin to calculate the amount of time I have spent moving chairs, washing dishes, arranging tables, liaising with sponsors, updating websites, answering queries, shopping for supplies and hosting the actual event.

But I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Sure I get irked when people show up with no food to contribute or complain the event doesn’t suit their taste/schedule/sensibilities, but the positive contribution and social capital I see being paid back into my community on the first Wednesday of every single month overrides any negativity.

The immense interest surrounding the potluck led me to create and host the monthly London Vegan Drinks event which is even more successful and draws well over 100 people on the third Thursday of every month. I have received messages from people around the UK who have been inspired by the London event to create their own local potluck. The goodwill generated by that first-ever event in Brixton is infectious and continues to spread.

London Vegan Potluck works to support vegans on their journey to remain vegan, helps the curious and kind-hearted make the transition to a plant-based diet and creates a safe and dependable space for people to exist as compassionate eaters without judgement for two hours each and every month.

In my opinion, all of this improves outcomes for animals, people and the planet. What more could you ask for?

I think every city could do with a monthly vegan potluck. Don’t you agree?

That’s so Ravens

Josh is jumping in again with his take on our eating experience at a vegan restaurant in California. You are all going to be fans of his writing and you won’t want me back!

Take it away, Josh.

A couple of weeks ago FGV and I were on our way to Portland, driving up the Northern Californian coast, marvelling at ancient redwood trees and gasping at stunningly dramatic coastal roads.  On our way, we stopped to stay with our friend Susan in delightful Mendocino, a picturesque period town overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Not only is Mendocino visually charming, it is also home to the luxurious Stanford Inn which incorporates the legendary Ravens’ Vegan Restaurant. Of course there was no doubt about where we were heading for dinner!

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Never enough: the final chapter

Like all good love affairs, my recent dalliance with vegan snack across the USA had to end.

I’m sure it wasn’t the reality, but my memory leads me to believe I ate from the time I set foot on San Franciscan soil to the moment they rolled me onto a London-bound plane departing Philadelphia. Readers based in the US know how readily-available vegan junk food is and my chubby hands were rarely empty.

Following are a collection of photos documenting my final days of vegan vacation snacking. These pictures, together with the previous posts, detail the food adventures Josh and I experienced throughout San Francisco, Oakland, Mendocino, Bend, Portland, New York City and Philadelphia.

Enjoy the visuals!

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Pukk you, Miss

If you have visited these pages recently, you wil be well aware of my current trip around the USA in search of vegan food.

These travels landed me in New York City, where Josh and I have been hitting up food trucks, cafes, grocery stores and restaurants all in our quest for tasty treats. Josh has decided to take the controls for this post and tell you all about our experiences with a vegetarian Thai food outlet in the East Village.

Take it away, Josh.

Pukk of NYC
Pukk of NYC

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Never enough again and again

My previous posts detailing my vegan over eating throughout the USA were nothing compared to this installment.

Since we last spoke I have been on a food consumption journey. I ate in Bend, Oregon. I ate in Redwood forests. I ate in the rental car. I ate in the mountains. But most importantly, I ate during a three-day conference for vegan bloggers in Portland.

Hold on tight as I power through this list of vegan delights.

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Never enough again

My consumption of vegan snacks during this trip through northern California and Oregon is nothing short of staggering.

All of the brands and products MUST be consumed as and when they catch my eye, otherwise I will return to the UK full of remorse and thoughts of ‘if only’. This over eating marathon is not simply a product of my greedy temperament, it is also a necessary process to ensure I don’t feel too depressed back in London.

Don’t laugh. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.

Following is a short collection of photos of the vegan snacks that have found their way into my belly over the last few days. Of course I am also eating fruit, but I assume you didn’t come here to stare at a banana.


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Never enough

As I enjoy a short stay in the glorious city of San Francisco, I am proving beyond a shadow of a doubt why I possess the name Fat Gay Vegan.

Here is a super quick post highlighting the vegan snacks that have kept me company during my first few days in the USA. You will notice the lighting is terrible. Obviously I am photographing these snacks on the bed in a dimly-lit hotel room. Is there any other way to overeat in solitude?

Enjoy the photos and if you are a food importer in the UK, I want all of these available by the time I get back.

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Will you remember me?

When you put a lot of time and effort into something, it’s nice to get some recognition. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, right?

I have been plugging away at this blog and its associated activities for two and a half years. How time flies when you are guilt-tripping yourself into meeting self-imposed publication dates. Seriously though, I feel I have been consistent in sharing my thoughts on vegan food, products and events throughout the UK and the world. I’m proud of this little corner of the Internet.

My first FGV blog entry... EVER!
My first FGV blog entry… EVER!

It would seem the pride I have in my own abilities isn’t completely unfounded as my blog has been nominated for an award.

VegfestUK is a series of huge vegan festivals that take place in Brighton, Bristol (happening this weekend May 24-26, 2013) and London. Running for ten years, the events are a celebration of all things plant-based and are hugely popular outings for vegans and non-vegans alike.


To celebrate their tenth year, VegfestUK organisers want to recognise vegan businesses, personalities and products with their own award show. Thankfully, they have included a vegan blog category meaning I was able to sneak in with a nomination.

Please visit the voting page and pop a little tick next to my name (if you feel I deserve it). If you do vote for my blog, please let me know in the comments section below. I would like to include you in my acceptance speech at the award ceremony taking place in London this October.*

*This might not happen in reality