1066 victory

The reader tips I receive are invaluable. As much as I try to eat every vegan item in the UK, a Fat Gay Vegan can only spread so far.

One of the longest-serving reader contributors to my blog is the wonderful Jeanette. She has often sent me little snippets of information and has been a solid contributor with comments as well.

The latest piece of news sent my way by Jeanette is all about the fabulous 1066 Cake Stand in Hastings.

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Unbelievable news


People have been emailing me like crazy today saying they have been told by Tesco that this product has milk proteins as an ingredient even though it doesn’t say so on the label.

I have been on the phone with Tesco for a long time just now only to be assured by the customer service person there is NO milk protein as an added ingredient.

Of course I explained the mixed messages we are getting and my service person has told me they will look into it in fine detail and get back to me ASAP, but that might not be until Monday. In the meantime I suggest anyone who doesn’t want to eat a product that purposively contains dairy milk stays away from this item.

I’ll report back as soon as I can.


I don’t know what to say. I am overwhelmed by this vegan news out of London. Hold on to your jaunty hats, kids.

Last night I received a text message from Angela of The Third Estate with a very special grainy photo attached.

There are no words.

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More Berlin madness

Joe and Jess in Berlin just sent me the craziest set of photos featuring all the awesome vegan goodies they stumbled upon this week. I don’t think they are regretting their move from London to Berlin in the slightest.

Before I share the photos, I wanna post the brief message that accompanied the email.

Here are some photos for you:

Cookie dough ice cream
Cookie dough ice cream again

New Alpro dessert, we bought the lemon pie flavour

Oven tray with attachable lid – bet you want one for potluck!
Oh the oven tray and lid possibilities

Vegan festival
Veganz catering
Sandwiches from somewhere at the vegan festival

Vegan lard (yes, that’s right)

Now the photos!

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That’s what I’m talking about

My buddy Joe constantly sends photos of all the fab vegan food he has been spotting since he moved to Berlin. I can hardly take it!

I had only just calmed down from my latest rant about the lack of decadent vegan ice cream in the UK when the following photos crash landed in my inbox.

Thanks, Joe. You really know how to make a fat, gay vegan envious.

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Ms Cupcake bargain

You all know vegan pioneer Ms Cupcake has a super rad recipe collection out, right? Remember when I reviewed it here? The book has been incredibly popular and is available in book stores all over the planet.

Here is some new info about the book that has me all excited.

UK supermarket giant Sainsbury’s has an online bookstore selling ebooks and abridged versions of top-selling recipe books. Can you guess where I am going with this?

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Maple and pecan

The Vegan Ice Cream Wars continue. Night and day I search for worthy contenders but new developments are few and far between in the UK.

We live in somewhat of a vegan ice cream wasteland. We are still waiting for the big breakthrough that will spread decadent tubs of gourmet vegan iced confection across the country.

But it isn’t all doom and gloom, as I found out yesterday.

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Tesco frenzy

I have seen a few mentions online of hard-to-find vegan products making their way into Tesco stores, so of course my priority was to get into a participating store and eat everything.

I succeeded.

website banner
From the Tesco website

Select Tesco stores around the country are taking part in a promotion billed as the Lifestyle Food Fair. I have to admit it is quite a slick gimmick capitalising on the huge surge in popularity of specialty food expos sweeping the UK. The promotion features attention-grabbing banners in store with colour coded shelving to help you locate what you after. (Hint: anything on a blue shelf in the Lifestyle Food Fair aisle is vegan-friendly)

Wanna see the haul I came away with from the Slough branch? Don’t freak out.

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Coconut Collaborative

Quick news bite.

I was traipsing around Waitrose just off Holborn when my FGV eyes were drawn to the colourful packs of Coconut Collaborative. These super tasty (and very vegan) coconut-based yoghurts are slowly spreading across the country and I couldn’t be happier. They are the taste of happiness.

Have you tired them? Which is your favourite flavour?

You can follow Coconut Collaborative on Twitter


This photo originally featured on my Instagram account which you can check out here

You can vote for me in the Best Vegan Blogger category at the VegFestUK Awards by clicking here

Shake your love

If I already adored Cookies & Scream of Camden, how am I supposed to feel now they have created the finest vegan milkshake on the planet? I might just have to petition the Government to allow me to gay marry this vegan business.

My grasp of the English language is insufficient when it comes to doing justice to this drink. Let me just say it is fucking fabulous.

bourbon shake

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