New vegan donut café

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joe panel

Just when you thought that Berlin just couldn’t get any better for vegan food, along comes another place to make you drool. And this one is a corker!

Brammibal’s have been selling incredible vegan doughnuts at fairs and through other vegan cafés for about a year now, but finally they’ve achieved their goal of opening a café all of their own. And I’m pleased to say it’s excellent. The café is spacious and relaxing, a great place to spend an hour or so. It feels like it’s a piece of New York City transported across the Atlantic, I’m not quite sure why but that’s the feeling I get (in a good way!).

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The headline product is the doughnuts, of course. A wide range of sticky, sweet confections which are well worth travelling for. But it’s not all about the sugar – even though it’s not promoted much, they also have excellent coffee and sandwiches. We had one with grilled BBQ tempeh and portobello mushroom, and another with cashew cheese and smoked “lox”, made from thinly-sliced carrot. (Lox isn’t a word I’d ever heard in Britain, but I recently learned that it’s used in North America to describe smoked salmon. And it surely comes from the German word “lachs”.) They were both magnificent.

You can find out more about Brammibal’s online.

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Gorgeous vegan cake in London


It has been brought to my attention that this person supplied these photos to me without explaining they did not take them and that they were not even of vegan food. Follow up post coming soon!


Oh my Gaga!

There is a new vegan sweet treats company starting up in London and you people have got to take a look at this goodness.

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Vegan Sweet Porn is a new pop market stall selling some of the finest-looking cake on the island. Can you even stand looking at that cookie shot glass?

You can follow Vegan Sweet Porn on Twitter and Instagram.

There is also some sort of major, super impressive launch party for these vegan cake heroes on July 10, 2016 so click here to get the lowdown.


Chocolate and peanut butter swirl

Got plans to be in Los Angeles anytime soon?

Well, you had better make plans!

Today I stopped by a frozen yogurt shop on Robertson Boulevard in West Los Angeles as I had heard about dedicated vegan yogurt self service machines and toppings.

Milky’s is not a fully-vegan enterprise but they certainly do not shy away from their plant-based credentials. Check out the photos below and click play on the hypnotic video of me serving up a jumbo tub of chocolate and peanut butter swirl.


A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

A video posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

Extra note: these photos and the video all originally appeared on my Instagram account.


Vegan chocolate bars

I don’t really enjoy teasing with food photos from a country you might not live in, but I just can’t help sharing these delights.

Check out these stunning candy bars I picked up in a Whole Foods Market store in Los Angeles yesterday.

Currently eating #vegan candy bars made by @amyskitchen! Who knew?!

A photo posted by Fat Gay Vegan (@fatgayvegan) on

Who knew Amy’s Kitchen had jumped into the world of sweet treats production? Do be careful with grabbing these in a supermarket though as the range does include some non-vegan bars.

How do we get these in the UK? Try tweeting Amy’s here and here.

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New vegan café in Camden this week!

London. You are truly becoming a spoilt brat.

Do you remember reading about the drama vegan café Buttercream  Dreams was experiencing in Croydon. You can read about it here, but the short story is owner Lauren needed new premises and was going to have to leave Croydon and mover her business to central London if she couldn’t find something suitable.

She couldn’t find a venue. Sorry Croydon.

Lauren is now set to open the Camden version of Buttercream Dreams  at 126 Camden Road from Thursday 9th June, 2016. Yes, THIS week!


Before the café opens just steps away from Camden Road train station this Thursday, I wanted to share some of their tasty food photos with you.

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All of the above photos have been featured on the Buttercream Dreams Facebook page, which you should like NOW!

London, get along to support this new adventure for Lauren in Camden.

Croydon, all is not lost for you either.

Lauren has advised she will continue to keep doing a stall at the Surrey Street Market in Croydon and will keep looking for a suitable shop front. When she can find one, Buttercream Dreams will have two fabulous permanent locations.


Vegan donut stall comes to London!

Do you want luscious donuts? Not baked donuts that are kinda OK and almost like the real thing, but rather fried donuts with irresistible frostings, glazes and toppings?

London, you need to get friendly with Peanut Butter Bakery.

Lauren runs this baking business out of her home and has just started trading every Saturday at the legendary Boiler House market on Brick Lane.

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How good do they look?

Like the Peanut Butter Bakery Facebook page to keep up with the latest news and get along to Brick Lane this weekend to buy a few delicious donuts.

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Freakshakes go vegan in London

You have probably read this all over the Internet, but I’m here with a reminder.

Vegan freakshakes are going to be served from TOMORROW (Tuesday May 31, 2016) at The Canvas Café in London.

What is a freakshake? Check it out.


The Canvas Café describe these supercharged shakes as follows:

Each gorgeous freakshake made at The Canvas Cafe is made from scratch in our kitchen. Our homemade ice cream is created with coconut milk, which we blend with soya milk to create our scrumptious milkshake.

Then, we take a raw, vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free homemade cake – you’ll see raspberry / beetroot, coconut / matcha, and chocolate / avocado. The raw base of each cake is made with dates and nuts. This cake sits on top of whipped coconut milk, and is topped with a variety of flavour-filled sauces such as cranberry / raspberry, homemade vegan nutella, and chopped pistachios.

Like what you see?

Visit The Canvas Café online to find out more and get their details.

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Vegan product frenzy hits UK

There is not a lot more to say other than GET READY TO HAVE YOUR MIND BLOWN.

Online UK grocery giant Ocado has added a huge range of vegan products from Italian freefrom company Valsoia. The web-based selection includes pizza, ice cream, chocolate spread, whipping cream, ice cream sandwiches and more.

My greedy head is actually spinning.

See some of the products below and click here to see the entire range online.

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New vegan chocolates at Marks & Spencer

A super quick post to let you know about these three new vegan chocolate bars available at UK retail giant Marks & Spencer.


Have you tried them? Are they any good? Any mention of ethically-sourced ingredients? How is the price point?

BIG thanks to Gill for use of this photo.

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Chocolate dessert pots!

My buddy Bob emailed a few days ago to let me know about these gorgeous looking pots of goodness hitting the UK right about now.

Check them out!


I am a HUGE fan of Coconut Collaborative products so I’m sure these Little Choc Pots are not to be missed.

Excited by the sight of these pots, I popped over to the Coconut Collaborative Facebook page and saw a post for these other new delights.


Has anyone tried these? They look splendid.

Get shopping at places like Waitrose and Whole Foods Market for these new products. Tasty!

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