International Vegan Junk Food Day

Have you ever wondered how these national and international days come about? International Day of Pizza or National Burger Day. It has always amused me to think that some random person decides to do it and it takes off. Well, today I am that random person.

It only comes around once a year so let me be the first to wish you a happy International Vegan Junk Food Day 2014!

inter vega junk

IVJFD is a celebration of mouthwatering comfort food that just happens to be kind to animals. No cow was killed to make your juicy burger on IVJFD14. No need to support the cruel dairy industry to enjoy decadent chocolate during this globally recognised day.

How can you get involved?

  • Post your vegan junk food photos to Twitter and Instagram tagging them with #IVJFD14
  • Make sure you use #IVJFD14 on Facebook as well
  • Buy a non-vegan friend, family member or colleague a vegan junk food snack and wish them a happy IVJFD
  • Copy the image above and share widely
  • Write a blog showcasing your IVJFD indulgences
  • Post comments below telling us what you are eating today
  • Enjoy vegan junk food and celebrate being a compassionate junk food fan

Happy International Vegan Junk Food Day 2014!

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Best news ever

There is so much good news to cram into this blog post, I can barely sit still due to my excitement levels.

I’m just going to have to give it to you in bite size chunks in order for you to be able to take it all in.

Here goes:

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Up North

I am thrilled to announce that on September 13th, 2014 I will be hosting a vegan speed meeting event at the Northern Vegan Festival taking place in the Empress Ballroom of the Winter Gardens in Blackpool.

blackpool meet

Here is a short piece of information about the event I am running to tease your interest:

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Vegan food at a wedding

A few weeks ago, Josh and I attended the wedding of our friend Mirel and her partner Mark. It was a fabulous event and we were thrilled to be part of the celebrations.

But of course any invitation to a party such as a wedding brings along associated food fears for vegans. We always worry if our choices have been considered or if we’ll be stuck with a bowl of lettuce.

Our fears were unfounded as Mirel (a vegan herself) made sure the many plant eaters in attendance were thoughtfully fed. Check out the photos below to see the vegan thali served for lunch, the masses of vegan cupcakes and the towering vegan wedding cake (the latter two both made by London business Ms Cupcake).

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Tear down the arches

Why are McDonald’s restaurants closing all over the UK?

I was walking along the high street of my new neighbourhood when I noticed a shop front that looked to be recently vacated. Staring carefully at the place where the business sign used to be, I could make out the outline of the word McDonald’s.

closed mcd

How fantastic! Any McDonald’s closure is a good thing for animals. This particular branch had minced up and sold dead animals for more than 30 years and now it was gone. But why are these stores closing and does it even mean people are eating more compassionately?

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Wanna chat?

I get emails every day from people wanting information about where to eat/shop/visit and as much as I love to help, there is only one FGV to go around.

So I hatched a plan.

I decided to create a space on my blog where anyone could register and share information about their favourite vegan topics.  I wanted to make it possible for visitors to my blog to have as much useful information as possible at their fingertips.

That’s why you can now be a part of FGV Forum.

The FGV Forum has areas for users to share info on topics such as:

  • best places to eat around the UK, Europe and the world
  • vegan deals in UK supermarkets
  • vegan alcohol brands
  • recipes
  • demonstrations and petitions

In addition, there is a place for users to introduce themselves and chat about any topics related to veganism.

The FGV Forum is brand new and will probably experience a few teething problems. For instance, Hotmail email addresses are experiencing sign up difficulties but this problem is being worked on.

I would be delighted if you could assist me in making it an important hub for new and longtime vegans alike. The more information we all post, the more valuable the forum becomes.

Head on over to the FGV Forum now and get posting!

Buy a bag

The fun and glory of London Vegan Beer Fest will long be remembered by the almost 500 attendees. We had sun, beer, food and music. Everyone felt like a winner. (see the photos here)

If you couldn’t be with us on the day, here is your chance to take home a little piece of the magic.

You can now buy on of the limited edition London Vegan Beer Fest tote bags. Your friends will be jealous as you strut through town with this organic cotton bag draped over your shoulder.

The logo is printed with vegan ink and you can choose from red or white cotton.

bag collage lvbf

Get buying!

I only have a few of these bags remaining and I will ship anywhere in the world (price is inclusive of shipping/postage). Every order will also get a physical copy of the London Vegan Beer Fest programme.

Choose your bag colour and finalise your order below! (contact me for multiple bag orders for combined shipping)

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