If you have ever been to Glasgow, you will have eaten with The 78, Mono, Stereo, The Old Hairdresser’s and/or The Flying Duck.
What you might not know is that all these vegan venues are owned by the same organisation, Thoughtful Enterprises.
In the biggest vegan news out of Scotland for ages, Thoughtful Enterprises has announced plans for a brand new vegan café and bar in Edinburgh!
Details are still rolling in, but in the meantime maybe you or some people you know would like to apply for one of the jobs being advertised in the new Edinburgh venue.
Details below:
The MONO/STEREO/THE 78/FLYING DUCK/OLD HAIRDRESSER’S family is expanding and we are excited to announce the opening of a NEW VEGAN BAR & KITCHEN in Edinburgh.
We are looking to build up our team and looking for like-minded people to fill all positions:
- KP
Please state which position you are applying for and send a CV and cover letter with two references to: vsohenderson@gmail.com The deadline for applications is Friday the 19th of May, 2017.
Get on it, Scotland!

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