Four good reasons

Do you need another reason to visit the Ms. Cupcake vegan bakery in Brixton? Well, I have four reasons under my FGV belt that will convince you to get down there. Enjoy!


The new mint Mini Moos by Moo Free Chocolates
The new mint Mini Moos by Moo Free Chocolates


The new Thumbs Up candy bar by Go Max Go Foods
The new Thumbs Up candy bar by Go Max Go Foods


Vegan biscotti
Vegan biscotti


Lovely people
Lovely people

Meet you there?

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There’s a moose on the loose

We can never have too many vegan food suppliers in the world, right? Well, we certainly can never have too many vegan food suppliers working towards building social capital in their neighbourhood, right? I knew you’d agree with me.

Moose’s Kitchen is a cafe set to open over the coming months and will focus on sustainable, organic, local and vegan food. The idea behind the eatery is to supply ethical and organic food to the community while working to educate people on healthy eating, collective organising and vegan cooking.

MK logo_brownBGorange

This initiative is set to transform the way people in Hastings and the South East approach food. The founder of Moose’s Kitchen sat down with me to explain the concept of the cafe and why she is asking you (yes, YOU!) to make a donation in order to make the idea a reality.

Read the interview below and make a donation to Moose’s Kitchen here.

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Rome (if you want to)

Last year I travelled to Rome to be in the presence of my spiritual leader. I lined up in the scorching heat with fellow disciples, for what seemed like eternity, to have my soul nourished by his teachings. Looking back on that trip to the Holy City, I recall vividly the wonder and grace exuded by this man and it is hard to believe it is the same person I heard about just last week. You can imagine my distress on hearing the news that the great one himself had taken gravely ill and could no longer fulfil his work commitments.

But enough about Morrissey. This is a food blog so strap yourself in.

In celebration of my trip to Rome last year, I wanted to share a few food photos of a friendly vegetarian eatery tucked ever-so-slightly behind Piazza del Popolo. FGV readers, I give you il Margutta.

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I long to nibble your ears

My love of Moo Free Dairy Free Chocolates is well documented and I jump at any opportunity to sing their praises. The confectionery company are unparalleled when it comes to making a vegan product that tastes like milk chocolate.

I have often proclaimed it the best vegan chocolate in the world, so obviously every new product must be chronicled. It is my FGV duty.

Wanna know what they have up their crafty sleeves for Easter this year? It is an organic Bunny Bar and it is delicious.

The Bunny Bar by Moo Free is perfect. It is just the right size for a snack, it is the same fabulous Moo Free taste we adore and it retails for a lot less the a pound. The recommended shop price is only 69p.

How terrific is that?! Get to a store or order online. Then I suggest starting with the ears…

Moo Free Bunny Bar
Moo Free Bunny Bar
It was made for my hand... & belly!
It was made for my hand… & belly!

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Visit Moo Free online



And I don’t even know what’s the tea!

Prepare for another level of indulgence as Fat Gay Vegan invites you to join the feasting and oppulence that is London Vegan High Tea.

Vegan supper clubs do not come a lot finer than what is being presented forLondon Vegan High Tea. An afternoon of plant-based culinary delights await, handcrafted by one of the finest vegan bakers in London. The Vegan Tart is adored by fans of fine eating familiar with his popular market stall and now it is your turn to sample his wares during this decadent event.

High tea is an indelible part of British life and has been enjoyed by food fans for decades. Unfortunately, the tradition of serving clotted cream has kept vegans longing to take part in this ritual at bay. Until now!

Purchase a ticket for London Vegan High Tea and you will experience the splendour of a full British high tea with all the trimmings.

Four Course Menu

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Got a nice package, alright

Do you like the idea of food swaps? You know… it is when you get a box of goodies together and send it to a stranger and they send you a box back with specialties they have picked out for you. If you are a fan of such activities, surely you are also excited about vegan food swaps. Who wouldn’t be?

But I have just discovered parcel and package swapping is being taken to the next level. I received some very exciting news from my friends over at All About Vegan Food and you will want to be quick to get involved in this special scheme.

Tell us what we need to know…….


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Vegan comedian on UK tour

Here is some exciting news that will brighten your pedestrian start to the week.

US Comedian Jamie Kilstein is gracing the UK with his irreverent presence this month during a live stand up tour that will make stops in London, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester and Edinburgh.


Jamie is well-known for his political comedy podcast Citizen Radio that he runs out of his Brooklyn apartment with his partner Allison Kilkenny. He has been featured as a comedian on many cable and TV shows including Conan O’Brien and these UK gigs come hot on the heels of two wildly successful shows in Seattle and Portland.

He is a funny person and many people love him for his social justice-charged brand of comedy, but you are probably wondering why a chubby, queer, food-obsessed blogger is hipping you to this news on a vegan blog.

Not only is Jamie Kilstein a progressive comedian resisting oppression of people, he is also a fierce advocate for non-human animals as a longtime vegan. Check out this excerpt about being vegan from one of his shows before checking below for dates and ticket details for the upcoming UK tour.

Be quick. Jamie is truly a sensation and tickets are already moving swiftly.

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Or probably more like hanging around

If you follow my ramblings online, you could not have missed the news of your friendly neighbourhood Fat Gay Vegan hosting a Google+ Hangout a few days ago.

Kip from Messy Vegetarian Cook and Laura from VeganSaurus joined me and a handful of other interested people to talk about living life as a vegan, eating out in London and why we choose plant-based diets.

The Hangout was a lot of fun and it has given me the idea to make it a regular event. What sort of guests would you like to see me interact with and what are the main topics you would like to see covered? It should be noted I will never agree to swimming pool/topless interviews.

To give you some inspiration to answer those questions, here is the full video of my recent Google+ Hangout, originally streamed live online. Enjoy!

BIG news about Vegfest UK

I like to break big news when I can get it and it rarely comes bigger than this.

As you know, Vegfest is a wildly successful food, music and lifestyle festival that takes place every year in Brighton and Bristol. Well, that used to be true. The huge news released just today by the organisers involves the festival expanding to a third location. London.

That’s right, people. One of the biggest and best healthy living events in the world is setting up shop this October 5 and 6 in London. The sprawling Olympia site will be taken over for the two day event featuring cookery demos, celebrities, live music and much more.

And if that isn’t enough to impress your vegan socks right off your feet, more staggering news has been leaked concerning the Bristol Vegfest event taking place on 24-26 May, 2013.

Legendary Mancunian band The Happy Mondays have been confirmed to appear at the Bristol stop of the festival, which is officially the world’s biggest vegan event. Also joining the Mondays will be Peter Hook (New Order), The Farm, 808State, Caravan Palace, The Abyssinians and Macka B.

Get all the finer details from the official press release below. If you are planning on attending the London leg of Vegfest, tickets go on sale February 13. If you are interested in hosting a stall at the event, be SUPER quick in contacting the organisers as the availability is sure to shrink rapidly.

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Who knows you can’t be replaced

I’m in love and for once it is something other than vegan food. Welcome to a music post with a vegan twist!

One of my hobbies is to troll around the Internet looking for music that tickles my fancy. I adore finding songs that speak to me. During my latest round of musical exploration I stumbled upon a track that was so instantly catchy, I had to walk out of the room and re-enter to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. The song I am referring to is Somebody Loves You by the artist Betty Who.

Betty Who 1

I am quickly discovering that the Australian-born, USA-residing Betty Who writes and delivers tunes that are smart, poppy, loveable and catchy as all get-out. Her powerhouse vocals take her songs to a level above the current cache of throwaway dance tracks and her Aussie twang instantly sets her apart from other vocalists.

Check out the song that has got me going weak at the knees for Betty Who (available as a free download!) before scrolling down to read my interview with the talented singer in which she shares her love of Kylie Minogue, vegan cupcakes and being an independent artist.

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