Brotherly love

I recently discovered something that is drastically changing my drinking habits.

Most people I know would consider me a moderate to heavy drinker. The arrival of Brothers ciders into my life is pushing me ever closer to the more extreme end of that spectrum. This range of refreshing beverages is suitable for vegan drinkers as it is made without the use of animal by-products to filter or fine. Cider? Cruelty-free? Just take my wallet.

Vegan cider by Brothers accompanied by UK winter snow

Please check out the Brothers cider website to view all of the available flavours. My empty bottles of the strawberry and pear varieties can be seen nestled in the snow on this page, but I am beyond keen to get my FGV paws around a few bottles of the Toffee Apple cider. I know, right?!?! Sounds too good to be true. I’ll report back to you on that one.

Wait(rose) for sugar!

The UK has a knack of turning a short car journey up the motorway into an epic battle for survival.

If you have ever traversed one of the main vehicle routes, you would know that the slightest hint of adverse weather can bring proceedings to a standstill. A 4-hour trip between London and Manchester once took 9 hours due to snowfall. You never quite know what you are getting yourself into.

I think it is for this reason you will find highway stopping points jammed with petrol/gas stations, mini-supermarkets, fast food joints and motels every twenty miles or so. These hubs of consumerism are known as services and offer a place to sleep, eat and take shelter from multiple car pile ups and icy roads.

When it comes to finding vegan treats in these services,

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Nuts to you

I don’t celebrate Christmas but I do celebrate eating delicious, cruelty-free food.

Whole Foods Kensington has nut roasts covered

On a recent trip to the Whole Foods Market location in London I spied with my vegan eye a vegan sign near the back wall of the lower ground level. On closer inspection, I discovered a display containing every single ingredient you would require to bake a mouthwatering nut roast. From the yeast extract to the egg replacer, everything needed to create a turkey-free main was on display. What’s more, Whole Food Markets were supplying a recipe card for vegan nut roast with instructions on how to use all of the fine ingredients on show.

I know it is easy to be cynical about Whole Foods exploiting one of their target demographics, but it is still a thrill to see this in a large supermarket in central London. So whether you want to celebrate Christmas without meat or (like me) just want to eat continually in non-believing style, Whole Foods Market on Kensington High Street can hook you up.

Whole Food Markets The Barkers Building
London, W8 5SE UK

Nearest Underground station: High Street Kensington