One of my favourite vegan food traders in the UK has commenced an Indiegogo campaign in order to open their own bricks and mortar outlet in Birmingham.
And I think you might wanna get behind them!
Lisa and Andy of The Vegan Grindhouse make some of the most delicious vegan comfort food out there and I’d love to see them be able to expand their business.
They need a LOT of money to make their diner dream come alive, but the good news is they also have a few smaller goals just in case their fundraising drive falls short:
- Stretch Goal £30,000 The Vegan Grindhouse Diner and Bar will open!
- Main Goal £25,000 The Vegan Grindhouse Diner will open!
- Interim Goal 1 £20,000 The Vegan Grindhouse Take Away Shop will start trading.
- Interim Goal 2 £15,000 A new street food van and trailer upgrade so they can attend more events across the country.
- Interim Goal 3 £10,000 A street food van to add to their brand so they will be able to travel further to events and add to the TVG experience.
- Interim Goal 4 £5,000 A new trailer – their current trailer has seen better days and a new trailer with a better kitchen will mean faster, fresher food for you.
- Interim Goal 5 £2000 With this amount, they can repair their existing trailer and car and be able to continue trading at existing events.
As you can see, if we join forces we can help The Vegan Grindhouse step up their game even if we don’t get them all the way to their top goal.
Click here now to donate to their campaign (and check out the rewards for people who donate). The country NEEDS a vegan diner and you can help make it a reality.

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