Vegan food from the TARDIS

Would you, if you could, buy vegan food from the TARDIS?

Doctor Who fans, please remain calm with your arms inside the blog post at all times.

Over the past week or so, I have been hearing rumours and rumblings of a police box in Glasgow that had been turned into a micro café that was vegan-friendly.

I wasted no time in reaching out to owner/operator Laura to see if I could get a bit of info and a few photos to share with you.

Laura wanted you all to know the following:

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Vegan diner in Birmingham

One of my favourite vegan food traders in the UK has commenced an Indiegogo campaign in order to open their own bricks and mortar outlet in Birmingham.

And I think you might wanna get behind them!

Lisa and Andy of The Vegan Grindhouse make some of the most delicious vegan comfort food out there and I’d love to see them be able to expand their business.

They need a LOT of money to make their diner dream come alive, but the good news is they also have a few smaller goals just in case their fundraising drive falls short:

  • Stretch Goal £30,000 The Vegan Grindhouse Diner and Bar will open!
  • Main Goal £25,000 The Vegan Grindhouse Diner will open!
  • Interim Goal 1 £20,000 The Vegan Grindhouse Take Away Shop will start trading.
  • Interim Goal 2 £15,000 A new street food van and trailer upgrade so they can attend more events across the country.
  • Interim Goal 3 £10,000 A street food van to add to their brand so they will be able to travel further to events and add to the TVG experience.
  • Interim Goal 4 £5,000 A new trailer – their current trailer has seen better days and a new trailer with a better kitchen will mean faster, fresher food for you.
  • Interim Goal 5 £2000 With this amount, they can repair their existing trailer and car and be able to continue trading at existing events.

As you can see, if we join forces we can help The Vegan Grindhouse step up their game even if we don’t get them all the way to their top goal.

Click here now to donate to their campaign (and check out the rewards for people who donate). The country NEEDS a vegan diner and you can help make it a reality.

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Resurrection in Ramsbottom!

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josh panel

Someone in the comments section on this blog recently alerted me to a 100% vegan restaurant and shop that opened in Ramsbottom last year. A few clicks later, I was scanning the enticing menu of Lolo’s Vegan and Raw Restaurant and Store.

Check it out below.

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Donuts are life

Facebook can be a tiresome place to hangout.

If you spend a lot of time on the social network, it can feel like you are learning a whole lot of information you really don’t want to know. My friends’ reaction to the latest Star Wars film nearly made me jump ship.

But occasionally the good ol’ FB gives us some truly valuable information. Specifically, where we can buy and eat gorgeous vegan donuts like these.


I saw the above photo posted on Facebook, so I wasted no time in reaching out to the poster to find out more info.

Lisa got back to me super quick with A LOT of details on what she is up to donut-wise. Scotland, you are in luck.

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Only UK vegan pizzeria

Have you made an effort to visit the only 100% vegan pizza restaurant in the UK?

Photos are starting to flow out of Purezza in Brighton and they are making me feel kinda sad that I’m on the other side of the world. I wonder if they deliver to Mexico?

The restaurant offers a huge range of about 20 pizzas and the menu includes such delicacies as four cheese pizza and chocolate calzone.

Keep scrollin’, scrollin’, scrollin’ to see some of the good stuff.

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ANOTHER vegan shop opens in UK

Cardiff. It’s your turn.

When news reached me of a 100% vegan grocery shop in Cardiff, I was ecstatic. The march of plant-based consumerism is fabulous news for our animal friends and compassionate people in Wales can now shop until they drop.

simply v photo

I reached out to Simply V co-founder Spencer to find out a little bit of inside information on his store:

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Eating in Glasgow

I am often found singing the praises of Glasgow. Well, not really singing because I can’t but I am known for seriously loving the city and its vegan food opportunities.

My recent-ish visit to the Scottish city had me all in a flap, trying to get my chubby paws on as much of the glorious plant-based offerings as possible.

Like I did with the following food/drink from The Flying Duck.

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New vegan shop alert

I have been the announcer of bad news lately, telling you all about the closure of vegan and vegan-friendly businesses all over the country.

But finally some happy news.

A 100% vegan shop is now trading in Sheffield.


The Incredible Nutshell has everything a compassionate Sheffield shopper needs.

I reached out to the owners of Incredible Nutshell to find out a little more information about their store.

Here is what you should know:

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Crafty nutters

josh panel

Earlier this month, FGV and I were up in Glasgow for VegFest Scotland where we got to meet lots of lovely people and cram lots of delicious food into our mouths. One of the products that really stood out was the Nutcrafter Creamery aged nut cheeses. So good in fact that I had to buy some to bring back to London with us.

Not having a fridge for our three-day journey back to London (we stopped in Manchester for a couple of nights on the way back) wasn’t a problem. These cheeses are air-aged which means that they can be kept out of the fridge. This is good new for those of you not in the Glasgow area as it means you can order them online. Check out the delicious flavours we brought back to London:

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Vegan beer in MK

Vegan beer fans, some news for you.

A new brewery has popped up in Milton Keynes and their gorgeous unfiltered and unfined artisan beer is made with organic grains.

Bucks Star beer

You can like Bucks Star on Facebook and follow them on Twitter.

Have you visited this new microbrewery and beer garden? What did you think of the brews?