New vegan food outlet in Brighton

Here is a super cute vegan food adventure for those living in or visiting the seaside city of Brighton.

At the rear of Brighton station (and sometimes at the front) is a 100% vegan food trailer called CousCups and they are serving up some tasty-sounding takeaway food.

Owner/operator Marc told me all of the packaging they use is compostable which is obviously fabulous. The trailer sells a range of porridges including pesto porridge with toasted pine nuts plus couscous/quinoa salads with homemade seitan and hummus.

You’ll also find smoothies and launching soon (maybe it has already – I’m sometimes slow getting stories up) is a pearl barley dish with sautéed garlic mushrooms, caramelised onion, BBQ seitan, rice paper maple bacon, a cheese sauce core and topped with facon crispies and a piece of southern fried seitan. That sounds OUTRAGEOUS!

Before we check out some photos, be sure to follow CousCups on Instagram and Facebook.

Vegan cake in London

Here is a super quick blog post to let you know about a nifty little spot for picking up gorgeous vegan cake in central London.

MissFlits Bakes Vegan is on a mission to spread the good word about vegan cake and they are starting by selling their tasty treats at Forge & Co on Shoreditch High Street.

Check these out!

Of course Forge & Co is not a vegan establishment but if you are in the area and in need of cake, this is a very handy location of which to be aware as they have multiple vegan cakes each week.

You can see the exact location of Forge & Co thanks to Google Maps. It is only a few minutes on foot from Boxpark!

New cakes are delivered to the Shoreditch eatery by the MissFlits Bakes Vegan every Tuesday. You should follow them on Facebook and Instagram to keep updated.

New vegan kitchen in West London

West London is in the midst of a plant-based eating revolution with new businesses popping up all the time.

There is GreenBay Supermarket and Picky Wops pizza parlour within walking distance of each other. Sanctuary is just around the corner from both of these places in Fulham. Don’t forget the fab new café called Vegan HQ on South Ealing road.

That side of London is really gathering vegan steam and we now have a brand new plant-based café called The Retreat Kitchen in Richmond to add to the expanding list.

During the week at The Retreat Kitchen you can fill up at the seasonal salad bar and enjoy dishes such as the cashew ‘cheesy’ leek and broccoli quiche. You can devour homemade beetroot brownies or a refined sugar-free sticky toffee, date and cinnamon donut. You can enjoy a range of organic and vegan beer, wine, prosecco and cider.

The weekend at The Retreat Kitchen is a more laid back affair with an all day brunch menu where you can enjoy their version of traditional breakfast offerings including stuffed chickpea omelettes, mushroom florentine muffins and hollandaise sauce and loaded fresh fruit as well as banana and cinnamon pancake stacks.

The Retreat Kitchen is located on Hill Rise, Richmond (see the exact location via Google Maps) and is open Tuesdays-Fridays, 8:30am until 5:00pm and for brunch and cream teas at the weekends from 9:30am to 5:00pm.

You can visit The Retreat Kitchen online and follow them on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

Exclusive vegan supper club for London

London, I know you have a lot going on when it comes to vegan eating but you need to make a special effort to get along to this exclusive dining event in Hackney next week.

Plates is a company specialising in plant-based contemporary dining experiences with modern English menus and are about to launch a Saturday night residency in Hackney at Autumn Yard located at Hackney Downs Studios on Saturday August 5, 2017.

Check out the flyer for the launch night below.


The food they put together looks exquisite and the launch dinner includes a gorgeous 4-course menu crafted from fresh ingredients. I think it’s safe to say you will be very well fed (and satisfied) if you book a ticket for this exclusive event.

Autumn Yard is a stunning venue and this launch event for Plates is incredible value at £25. Book your ticket now.

You should also follow Plates on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to stay updated with this season of supper clubs in Hackney, plus all of their future events.

New vegan ingredients box

You all know and love Vegan Tuck Box, right?

You can subscribe to gorgeous monthly boxes stuffed solid with plant-based treats, or even buy one-off boxes for yourself or friends.

A new addition from this much-loved subscription box company is the Pantry Box.

The Pantry Box contains 5-7 hard to find vegan kitchen cupboard items that are ideal for preparing quick and easy tasty meals.

The contents of the box is set to change over time and this first edition is limited in quantities, so click here to order your own box now. The cost is £12.50 plus p&p.

You can follow Vegan Tuck Box on Instagram.

Vegan candles in jars

I know I post about food 99.9% of the time, so I’m shaking things up today by giving you some inedible news.


There is a person named Luke who got in touch with me and they wanted me to let you know about a fabulous vegan candle company they own. I’m a complete sucker for candles and couldn’t wait to give you these links.

Scentimental Jars is a London-based, independent candle company that creates vegan friendly scented soy wax candles. They hand make all of their own products and offer a wide variety of scents and sizes.

The company (which is over a year old) was started by Luke while recovering from a heart operation and is powered by a love and passion for candles. It all started one day experimenting at own home by creating some candles and after receiving a great response from family and friends, Scentimental Jars was born.

The range of products is now massive and I think that name is too cute!

You can shop online directly with Scentimental Jars by visiting their website. You can also follow the company on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Extra note: Scentimental Jars is looking for retail opportunities. Please get in touch with them if you run a store, café or website and you would like to sell their products.

Vegan in Blackpool

Given the rate at which veganism is spreading in popularity around the UK, I’m not often surprised when I hear of a new plant-based restaurant popping up.

But something about this latest news has me rattled in a good way. I never thought I would see the day that Blackpool was celebrating the addition of a 100% vegan restaurant focussed on eco-friendly practices, hearty cuisine and even live music in the dining room.

Yep, Blackpool is now on your vegan bucket list.

The menu at Faringo’s sounds like the sort of food you want when you are looking to be well fed.

You can marvel at the menu on their website but let me tell you it includes stone fired pizza, spaghetti bolognese, freshly baked breads, desserts, and a fabulous vegan alcohol list including wine, beer and more!

The food at Faringo’s is obviously heavily slanted to an Italian vibe but you won’t be served dishes exclusively from that country. Meals such as veggie burgers and Sunday roasts make an appearance, as well as child-friendly selections such as nuggets, chips and beans.

On top of this restaurant being committed to not hurting animals, the owners of Faringo’s are also on a journey to make their restaurant as environmentally responsible as they can.

They design their menu to use as little gas and electricity as possible, source local and organic produce, buy bulk and loose ingredients to reduce plastic packaging, and are aiming to become a zero waste business in the future.

Faringo’s is currently open Tuesday until Saturday from 6pm until 9pm and Sundays from 1pm until 9pm. Closed Mondays. You can see the exact location of the restaurant thanks to Google Maps by clicking here.

You can follow Faringo’s on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Vegan pizza in Manchester

Big news for the vegan and vegan-curious people of Manchester. A 100% vegan pizza and fast food joint has opened today!

Zad’s of Chorlton is boasting a pretty impressive menu that includes a huge range of pizzas, burgers, hot dogs, sides and more. Seriously, this menu is epic.

Check it out below.

What do you think?!

Zad’s threw open their doors today (Friday July 21, 2017) so get along as soon as you can to say hello and support this new plant-based business.

You can click here to see the exact location of Zad’s thanks to Google Maps. The restaurant is open from 4pm until 11pm every day of the week except Monday when it is closed.

Follow Zad’s on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

FGV on the radio

I was invited to be a guest on a radio show last week and now I’m sharing the online version with you in case you want to listen. You wanna hear me speak, right?!

My friend Tatum hosts a weekly show on Wandsworth Radio in London called The Social Hour with Tatum and she invited me along to discuss a whole big bunch of topics including my beer events, growing up in Australia, being an activist, and my debut book being released next year.

If the embedded player doesn’t work for you below, you can listen online here.

The show runs for an hour but it isn’t just me talking. I also got to pick a few tracks to play so it really is an enjoyable listen.

You can like The Social Hour on Facebook and follow Tatum on Instagram.

Vegan café in Hebden Bridge

You need proof that vegan food and the vegan lifestyle are both sweeping the UK?

Check out this incredibly cute vegan café that has recently opened in the West Yorkshire town of Hebden Bridge. The population of this gorgeous location is around 4,500.

The food menu sounds like a dream come to life.

There are full English breakfasts, main meals, pancakes with syrup, drinks, cakes, and so much more. I need to shift some plans around to make space for a trip to this new vegan business as soon as possible.

Follow Humblest of Pleasures on Instagram and Facebook, then check out the food photos below.

Full english and pancakes with bacon berries and maple syrup 💗😍

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