If you find yourself struggling to find something vegan to eat in Hackney (HA!!!!!!), you might decide to make your way to this new(ish) vegetarian café where you find a whole lot of vegan options.
Say g’day to Lele’s on Lower Clapton Road.
I’m not sure why a vegetarian business with a handful of animal-derived ingredients wouldn’t just launch as vegan instead, especially in Hackney. It seems so much easier to get press and attentions as a vegan place, too. Lele’s is going to have a tough time drawing the plant-eaters away from 100% vegan Black Cat and Temple of Hackney, which are both within strolling distance.
Anyway, my job is to show you the vegan food and where to find it so take a look at this scrumptious food.
Click here to see the exact location of Lele’s thanks to Google Maps.
You can follow Lele’s on Instagram.
Extra note: I’m not just talking shit about vegetarianism for fun. Click here to read my blog about why vegetarian isn’t really that much of a compassionate choice.