More vegan options in Hackney

If you find yourself struggling to find something vegan to eat in Hackney (HA!!!!!!), you might decide to make your way to this new(ish) vegetarian café where you find a whole lot of vegan options.

Say g’day to Lele’s on Lower Clapton Road.

I’m not sure why a vegetarian business with a handful of animal-derived ingredients wouldn’t just launch as vegan instead, especially in Hackney. It seems so much easier to get press and attentions as a vegan place, too. Lele’s is going to have a tough time drawing the plant-eaters away from 100% vegan Black Cat and Temple of Hackney, which are both within strolling distance.

Anyway, my job is to show you the vegan food and where to find it so take a look at this scrumptious food.

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Click here to see the exact location of Lele’s thanks to Google Maps.

You can follow Lele’s on Instagram.

Extra note: I’m not just talking shit about vegetarianism for fun. Click here to read my blog about why vegetarian isn’t really that much of a compassionate choice.

1 thought on “More vegan options in Hackney”

  1. Thank you for coming, just seen this – really appreciate the mention. We love the market you organise, good stuff.


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