Vegan food on the road

There is this weird phenomenon in the UK called ‘services’.

People are apparently unable to drive more than half an hour without needing to stop for petrol, food, magazines, drinks, sweets and gambling. Yes, gambling.

Services is the name given to the large retail outlets dotted around the country’s motorways. Some of the services contain mini-supermarkets, others have walkways joining the two sections of the services that sit on either side of the motorway. Don’t like the shops you see? Cross the bridge to the other side of the motorway!

Vegans usually don’t find a whole lot to eat in services. My experiences have led me to believe all I could eat was potato crisps, hummus and fruit.

But that has changed!

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Tessa, Laura and Millie

Remember how I wasn’t so sure about the #TerryTheTurkey video made by Vodafone? Even though the fictional story had a happy ending, I was concerned for the real animals used in the production of the advert (you can read my post here).

I’ve since found another video about rescued turkeys that is much more to my liking.

This sweet video made by Animal Aid details the happy lives lived by three rescued turkeys at Hillside Animal Sanctuary in Norwich. Click play to say hello to Tessa, Laura and Millie.

You can dig deep into your Christmas savings and sponsor one of the turkeys featured in this video. For just £10, you can help care for Tessa for an entire year.

Click here to sponsor Tessa or here to see all the other animals featured on the site for sponsorship.

Help turkeys. Don’t eat them!

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Tofurky is here

I am super happy to have Tofurky roasts in the UK.

Yes, we have had a few stores carrying the Tofurky feast for years but you would have to pay over £30 for the pleasure of that product.

This new version features the roast with herb gravy and retails in the UK for just £9.99 (recommended).

Check out the photos below and click here to view an article about the roast featured on the Metro website. (It would be fantastic if you could also use the sharing tools on that site to spread news of the story. My friend Deni wrote the article and I cooked the roast that is pictured – we would love for it to be seen by lots of people.)

Tofurky Roast with Herb Gravy Tofurky cutaway Deni eating Tofurky On WFM shelf

The new Tofurky roast with herb gravy is available in Whole Foods, Planet Organic, As Nature Intended, Holland & Barrett and many independent health food stores. Just ask the person in the shop to get it in for you! I also picked one up in Vx in King’s Cross.

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Pasta in a pot

I don’t even drink coffee but find myself presenting you with a second piece of vegan news this week related to one of the biggest coffee chains in the country.

Two days ago I told you about the vegan mince pie being sold at Caffè Nero and today I bring you word of another plant-based offering from the country-wide high street business.

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New food alert

This is some tasty-looking food news.

Fry’s Family Foods have got new products launching in the UK and you can be one of the first people to sample them.

I know a lot of you already tried (and bought) the new Soy & Quinoa Country Roast when it was launched at VegfestUK London last month, but did you know there are three more brand new Fry’s products on UK shelves this month?

Check them out below.

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On the cover of a magazine

Check it out, people.

The words ‘Fat Gay Vegan’ have been emblazoned across the cover of the latest issue of Vegan Life Magazine.

vegan life cover

I was recently interviewed by editor Maria Chiorando about my blogging history, vegan food in the UK, why I do what I do and so much more.

This issue is now available via the Vegan Life app which can be downloaded here.

Physical copies of the issue will be hitting shops on Thursday. You can find Vegan Life Magazine in Sainsbury’sWH Smith and many independent and chain newspaper stores.

In addition, check out this story about my monthly Dear FGV advice column starting in Vegan Life Magazine this December!

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New vegan restaurant

This is the sort of scene-changing news that I just adore sharing.

There is a brand new vegan restaurant now open in the picturesque town of Nailsworth in the Cotswolds (roughly 3 hours west of London). Huge news!

If the name of the restaurant looks familiar to you, you are not imagining things.

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Best melting cheese?

Vegans are always on a mission to find the cheese with best melting qualities.

Is Violife the gold star winner in the UK?

Check out this sandwich I recently devoured. The Violife cheese was actually oozing out the sides as it melted. Is this the most meltable vegan cheese in the UK right now? Or do you have a preferred brand for when you need melted cheese in your life?

Answers below!
This photo originally appeared on my Instagram account.

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