Vegan ice cream shop in London!

London, I know I haven’t been the kindest to you when it comes to celebrating your vegan credentials. I’ve said you are behind the times. I’ve moaned about your lack of plant-based eateries. I’ve jetted off to all manner of glamorous locations in order to have my compassionate consumer needs met.

And now you do this. I feel so guilty, like I didn’t believe in you.

On Wednesday March 2, 2016 you are getting your very own 100% vegan ice cream, froyo and shake shop right in the middle of Soho. Can you handle this news?!

Yorica! is a revelation. This Wardour Street space is set to serve decadent ice cream flavours, mountains of toppings, frozen yoghurt tubs and some of the most outrageous shakes you will see anywhere. The toppings include gummy bears, marshmallows, cookies and sprinkles.

Every single thing served by Yorica!, from the cones to the cream, will be vegan. The company is crafting their creamy treats with rice milk and the entire range in store will be nut and gluten free.

Check out some of the photos being posted by the company on social media in the lead up to the grand opening.


Here is what you need to do:

  • Follow Yorica! on Twitter and Instagram
  • Attend the opening of the store this week (location on their website)
  • Take photos
  • Make me insanely jealous by tagging me on social media

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The revolution will be veganised

I think I am living in the wrong city.

I want vegan junk food. I want vegan comfort food. I want the food to be tasty. I want the food to have flair. I want to eat the food in a super cool setting. I want cake options. I want drinks like shakes and floats.

I got exactly what I wanted in Manchester.

V Revolution is the type of food provider the UK has been screaming out for and of which vegan Londoners are surely gravely jealous. Of course the food is incredible or I wouldn’t be considering moving back to Manchester, but I’ll get to that with photos shortly. Let’s first talk about the fucking coolness of the shop.

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My name is FGV and I’m a Shake’a’holic

Every vegan usually has a product, service or item of food they miss.

Vegan peanut butter milkshake from Shake'a'holic in Leeds

I don’t mean we aren’t committed to our cruelty-free stance, but sometimes you can find yourself daydreaming of more accessible foodstuff. How fantastic would it be to stumble out of a bar at 2am and devour a vegan kebab or a bag of chips? It is my dream to be able to walk into any pub in the world and order a pint of vegan cider. I am sure every vegan out there would have a different answer if poised with the question, but surely on demand milkshakes would rank favourably in a ‘what do you miss’ quiz.

Vegan milkshake lovers in the north of England, be prepared for this discovery. During a somewhat-hungover wander through Leeds city centre yesterday, my FGV eye was drawn to a colourful and cheery establishment known as Shake’a’holic. Being in a fragile state, I wholly intended to keep on until I spied the small print on the shop sign that sent my heart aflutter: “Ask us if you’d prefer vegan”.

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