ANOTHER new vegan product from Quorn

Following on from the disastrous incident involving non-vegan pieces added to vegan soups, Quorn continue their campaign to win over vegans by releasing another plant-based product to their range.

As seen in a screengrab from the official Quorn website, the new product from the meat-free company is a bag of vegan nuggets.


I’m not sure where you can currently find these nuggets, but seeing as Quorn is pretty much in every supermarket in the UK you shouldn’t have too much trouble locating them.

You can read more about the vegan nuggets here.


We said meh. M-E-H, meh.

After spending an entire weekend with other vegan bloggers at the Vida Vegan Con event in Portland, I am buzzing with possibility and new enthusiasm. There were so many interesting and compassionate people sharing news, views and practical advice. I personally got so much from the weekend and hopefully made a few new friends.

One of the themes of discussion I heard throughout the conference was bloggers not wanting to write negative or disparaging comments or reviews about vegan establishments. As much as I understand this approach in the writing of other people, it doesn’t float for me. Yes, I write this blog as a means to help people find veganism and also as a tool to entertain and show off my ready-wit, but I’m not going to say something is amazing when it isn’t in my opinion. I want to give my opinion and I want people to disagree if they feel compelled. It’s called open dialogue.

This is building to something. I’m just preparing you all for a rather negative review of a 100% vegan restaurant. Of course speak up in the comments if you have an opinion on the eatery. Don’t let my fat, gay mouth have the final word.

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