Free vegan ice cream in London

Dappa is a vegan soft serve ice cream company currently taking London by storm.

Not only have they announced a fabulous Summer residency in the capital, but they are giving away 100 free ice creams on Saturday April 20, 2019 t0 celebrate.

The residency kicks off this weekend inside Sourced Market, which is located inside St Pancras Station. They start serving from midday and will be there each week until the end of Summer from Tuesday through Sunday.

To celebrate their opening, they are giving their Instagram followers a chance to nab a free ice cream.

All of the details on how to claim your ice cream are contained in this Instagram post.

Get on over there to register but remember to be early on the day.

If the whole free ice cream extravaganza is too much for you but you wanna stay updated with Dappa, follow them on Instagram.

Best dessert ever

Dear everyone.

This is the best dessert in the history of desserts.


  • Take one large Vego bar
  • Heat it until it is liquid (microwave or saucepan over moderate heat)
  • Fill a bowl with vegan vanilla ice cream
  • Pour hot liquid over ice cream
  • Devour

Additional steps:

  • Lick the bowl/cup/saucepan in which you melted the chocolate for added pleasure
  • Ask a friend to wash everything to allow you time to run to the shop for another Vego bar
  • Die happy

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We have a winner

If you are new to this blog, you might not know about the post category called Vegan Ice Cream Wars.

Reading these posts will open your eyes to all my frozen dessert adventures, although I mostly showcase store bought items due to a distinct lack of vegan ice cream parlours on the planet.

I don’t think NYC got the memo about vegan ice cream shops not being a thing because they have two (Blythe Ann’s and DF Mavens). I recently visited DF Mavens in the East Village and I walked away an extremely happy FGV.

The feeling of entering a gorgeous shop front and being confronted by a huge, 100% vegan ice cream selection can only be described as joyous. I actually got a bit emotional.

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Vegan action for Liverpool

Vegan comfort food enthusiasts in the Liverpool area have got a new reason to smile.

Say hello to The Old Hardware Shop.

This vegetarian coffee shop opened just weeks ago in the neighbourhood of Woolton Village, which is a bit of a posh area if you are to believe Wikipedia.

Amy and Rosie and the people behind this new meat free enterprise and wanted me to share some photos of their vegan options which include vegan cheese and chorizo toasties, vegan sausage and bacon butties, vegan hot dogs, vegan tuna mayonnaise sandwiches and vegan fish finger sandwiches.

They assure me they always stock a vegan cake option and vegan ice cream, while any coffee, milkshake or hot chocolate (with marshmallows) can be made vegan.

Check out the photos below, like The Old Hardware Shop on Facebook and get in there for some good eating.

Of course it is a shame the venture isn’t 100% vegan but this is sure to be a welcome addition to the Liverpool food scene for compassionate eaters.

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Never enough: the final chapter

Like all good love affairs, my recent dalliance with vegan snack across the USA had to end.

I’m sure it wasn’t the reality, but my memory leads me to believe I ate from the time I set foot on San Franciscan soil to the moment they rolled me onto a London-bound plane departing Philadelphia. Readers based in the US know how readily-available vegan junk food is and my chubby hands were rarely empty.

Following are a collection of photos documenting my final days of vegan vacation snacking. These pictures, together with the previous posts, detail the food adventures Josh and I experienced throughout San Francisco, Oakland, Mendocino, Bend, Portland, New York City and Philadelphia.

Enjoy the visuals!

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Give ’em the old Razzle Dazzle

I was starting to think I couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming Bowl For Oceans fundraising party for Sea Shepherd UK, but then this happened…

There are companies that make nice food, there are companies that do good things for others and there are companies that are run by lovely people. Razzle Dazzle Ices somehow manage the rare trifecta of possessing all of these traits.

Razzle Dazzle is a family-owned and operated company from Taunton, Somerset. As stated on their website, their drive to create a tasty dairy-free ice cream came from wanting their son (who can’t eat cow milk) to be included in treat time. But after setting out to perfect their recipes in their own home for their own enjoyment, Razzle Dazzle then put their efforts into spreading the vegan ice cream love far and wide across the land.

The Razzle Dazzle Ices range includes such tantalising flavours as Mango Sorbet, Coconilla and Hintamint. Check out where all five of their fun flavours are available right now! They even sell to stores, cafes and restaurants, just in case you are a business owner and want to impress your customers.

Razzle Dazzle tubs

But what was this blog post supposed to be about? Oh, that’s right! Razzle Dazzle Ices are coming to Bowl For Oceans!

January 6, 2013 is the date where compassionate party goers are in for a big treat. Not only does their ticket purchase get them bowling, karaoke, music, pool tables and crisps by Barrow Boys, it now also gives them a chance to sample Razzle Dazzle Ices for free.

The company will be on hand to dish out their tasty wares to attendees and talk about how they create such delicious, cruelty-free delights.

If you have already purchased your tickets for this mammoth event, congratulations are in order because you are in for one fun day out in London. If you are yet to snap up your entry, act fast to ensure you are part of what is surely going to be one of the most-talked about events of Winter.

Buy your Bowl For Oceans tickets online

Visit Razzle Dazzle Ices online

Like Razzle Dazzle Ices on Facebook

Follow Razzle Dazzle Ices on Twitter

Help a vegan business!

There is one thing I have discovered during my chubby, queer life. If we do not shop at (and support) independent vegan businesses, they will disappear.

Business life is tough enough for small businesses and even harder for the vegan variety. You have got to be extra resilient when you are cruelty-free. You sell to a niche market (admittedly getting larger) and you often have all sorts of accusations and prejudices fired your way, some sadly even from within the vegan community.

One of the true champions of the do-it-yourself vegan scene is the decadently-delicious  Ms. Cupcake of Brixton. This one-of-a-kind compassionate bakery pumps out glorious sugary treats and has gotten to the point where it is today through the sheer grit, determination and ferocious hard work of founder/owner/Chief Cupcaker Mellissa Morgan.

Ms Cupcake during the grand opening of the Brixton bakery

In just a few years, Mellissa has moved from humble beginnings selling her homemade wares at London markets to owning her own bakery that employs multiple staff members. Mellissa is a huge contributor to local animal charities and her surrounding communtiy. She has time and time again proven herself as an award-winning business person and highly-decorated baker.

But like every hardworking, independent business owner, Mellissa sometimes needs the help of her supporters and the broader community to get over hurdles as they present themselves. Namely financial hurdles.

The next stage in development for the Ms. Cupcake bakery is to offer frozen goods such as pre-packaged vegan ice cream, cheesecakes and their own frozen creations. The problem with frozen food however is that is requires a freezer to be stored in…. and there isn’t a freezer in Ms. Cupcake.

This is where you come in.

Ms. Cupcake is taking the fan-funded route to raise enough money to make the much-needed purchase. Mellissa is asking for donations from supporters in order to get her freezer and is even offering incentives to people willing to help out.

For a £5 donation you get a kiss from Ms. Cupcake herself. £10 will get you a cupcake and a kiss. Or you could splash out and show your commitment to helping small business with a £50 donation and be rewarded with a kiss, a cupcake, a tub of vegan ice cream AND a £10 voucher to spend at the shop!

Get behind this fundraising drive if you want to support a local business and help keep them away from nasty bank loans. Get behind it if you want to help a vegan business grow. Get behind it if you want to help Mellissa to be able to keep employing a large number of staff. In the long run, your donation will ultimately help Mellissa carry on with all of her charitable and community interactions that she is loved for.

And finally…. get behind this campaign if the thought of cupcakes topped with ice cream makes you do a happy dance.

Go the the donation page NOW and help a vegan indie business grow. Say hi from the FGV while you are there.

Who am I that I come to be here?

Time for a quick poll. What consumes the attention of a FGV most?

Choices for answers:

1. Eating vegan food    2. Traveling    3. Morrissey

Well done to the readers who put a circle around all three answers. Let me take you on a little journey as a reward for your astuteness. Hold on as we take in the delights of Rome, Morrissey in concert and vegan gelato.

A few weeks ago I took a trip to a far off place to see Morrissey in concert. It was my first time in Italy and Rome certainly left a huge impression on me. The city was gorgeous of course, but the immense wealth harnessed and displayed by organised religion left a rather sour taste in my mouth.

The remedy for this was to find my way to Gelarmony, a gelato outlet with an entire case of vegan options. From an overwhelming range of flavours, I was able to whittle my choice  down to just three plus a healthy dose of vegan soya cream on top.

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Vegan ice cream wars into overdrive

Every now and then something unexpected comes along and changes my life. My existence is peppered with random signposts, events and life-altering moments that have impacted deeply upon me.

One such occasion occurred last week as I was innocently trolling the Internet. I was casting an eye over the Vx website (as I had heard they were hosting a 2 year anniversary celebration) when I stumbled across an invaluable nugget of information: there is a new vegan ice cream on the market in the UK. My world was once again turned on its head.

The humans behind the new vegan desserts known as Bessant & Drury’s are wildly talented individuals. I can’t recall ever having been so instantly enamoured with a vegan ice cream in my life. Stunning doesn’t cut it. Would you like to share in my accidental, life-changing joy? Read on.

Bessant & Drury's

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Vegan ice cream wars are back on

Pompompous Maple Pecan by Booja-Booja

The lovely people of Booja-Booja recently got in touch with me to ask if I would be willing to give one of their vegan ice cream flavours a try. Ummm… how long do you think I needed to think about that one?  I’m not sure I finished reading their email before I hit the reply button.

If you cast your mind back a short while, you will remember my ecstatic review of the Booja-Booja Hunky Punky Chocolate variety. I have been a massive fan of their frozen treats since that day and the flavour that was recently delivered to me by the company has only cemented my love.

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