Down by the river

There are some restaurants I feel you should do anything to get to, some I think you should avoid completely and others that are to be recommended only if you are passing.

The latter is how I feel about Riverside Vegetaria in Kingston.

Walking into this restaurant is like stepping back into the 1980s. The decor recalls an episode of The Golden Girls which saw the group dining out at a local trendy restaurant. Think lots of exposed brick and yellow-tinged lighting.

The step back in time doesn’t end with the decor. The menu is straight up old school vegetarian. Not to say that it isn’t tasty and filling, but there are certainly no fashion forward moments to be had. Food items in Riverside Vegetaria often border on camp, such as the lemon sorbet served in a hollowed out lemon.

A room with a river view
A room with a river view

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I think I love you

I didn’t get to be the FGV by eating a well-balanced diet and attending pilates everyday. My kitchen has often witnessed crimes against food decency while oil, sugar and too much of too much are usually my staples.

However, I am trying to improve my outlook and intake when it comes to my health. For the past month I have been enjoying a breakfast of raw oats, fresh or dried fruits, seeds and almond milk. I have been devouring record amounts of fresh fruit and have managed to cut out most processed sugar.

Don’t fear, though. My run as the loveable gay carrying too much weight is not coming to an end anytime soon. I love cider and beer too much for that to happen. But I am searching out ways to eat more food that is less bad for me without giving up the sweet thrill I am addicted to… and today I hit the jackpot.

Wild Trail wholegrain bars
Wild Trail wholegrain bars

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Breaking: Jamie Kilstein heads back to London

As you may be aware, I am proudly involved with a mammoth vegan festival heading to London Olympia this October. VegfestUK is the biggest vegan festival in the world and is now, for the first time in its long history, heading to the capital.

The line up of talent and respected performers/speakers/specialists is growing weekly and there has been a slew of recent announcements around the personalities heading to VegfestUK London for the weekend of October 5th and 6th, 2013. But as far as I’m concerned, here is the major reason to make sure you are at the event come October time…

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You can crush us

You think you know a place and then BAM! You turn a corner and suddenly you realise how big and complex a city like London can be. The greatest wonders may very well have been under your nose the whole time.

I was surprised in just this manner during a recent food jaunt around the inner city London neighbourhood of Brixton. Strolling around like a vegan food-consuming superhero, I didn’t expect to be bowled over by a gorgeous juice bar serving plant-based drinks, sandwiches and salads.

Situated inside the bustling Market Place of Brixton Village, The Oracle’s Organic Juice Bar is a green oasis in a sea of shops and stalls offering all manner of animal products.

Oracle's of Brixton Village
Oracle’s of Brixton Village

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VegfestUK London latest

I love being involved in VegfestUK London. Not only am I helping promote the biggest vegan festival in the world as it sets sail for London for the first time in its ten year history, but I also get to break news about speakers as they are announced.

Just announced to be appearing at the London show on October 5th and 6th….

Mellissa Morgan of the world-famous vegan bakery Ms. Cupcake will de doing her thing in the Cookery Demo Area. Expect expert tips on how to make delicious vegan treats… and lots of smiles and sweet words!

Jill Swyers is a pioneer of the raw food scene in the UK and one of the most respected personalities in the field. She will be appearing in the Living Raw Zone. Learn to live a healthier life with wise words from this expert.

Patrick Baboumian is an inspiration to thousands of people around the world having been voted Vegan Athlete of the Year 2012. The popular powerhouse will be appearing in the Lifestyles Talks Room to inspire your inner weightlifter.

Wendy Turner Webster is a legendary animal rights campaigner and was the host of the long running TV show Pet Rescue. Wendy is also a patron of The Vegan Society and she will be appearing in the Lifestyle Talks Room where she will share her invaluable insights and knowledge.

These four personalities join an ever-expanding line up that gets more impressive with every announcement. VegfestUK London is something to mark in your calendar and get very excited about.

Remember… tickets are available for a limited time as part of a buy-one-get-one-free deal. Go here to buy your tickets now.

See you at the show!


Four good reasons

Do you need another reason to visit the Ms. Cupcake vegan bakery in Brixton? Well, I have four reasons under my FGV belt that will convince you to get down there. Enjoy!


The new mint Mini Moos by Moo Free Chocolates
The new mint Mini Moos by Moo Free Chocolates


The new Thumbs Up candy bar by Go Max Go Foods
The new Thumbs Up candy bar by Go Max Go Foods


Vegan biscotti
Vegan biscotti


Lovely people
Lovely people

Meet you there?

Follow Ms. Cupcake on Twitter

Like Ms. Cupcake on Facebook

Visit Ms. Cupcake online



There’s a moose on the loose

We can never have too many vegan food suppliers in the world, right? Well, we certainly can never have too many vegan food suppliers working towards building social capital in their neighbourhood, right? I knew you’d agree with me.

Moose’s Kitchen is a cafe set to open over the coming months and will focus on sustainable, organic, local and vegan food. The idea behind the eatery is to supply ethical and organic food to the community while working to educate people on healthy eating, collective organising and vegan cooking.

MK logo_brownBGorange

This initiative is set to transform the way people in Hastings and the South East approach food. The founder of Moose’s Kitchen sat down with me to explain the concept of the cafe and why she is asking you (yes, YOU!) to make a donation in order to make the idea a reality.

Read the interview below and make a donation to Moose’s Kitchen here.

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I long to nibble your ears

My love of Moo Free Dairy Free Chocolates is well documented and I jump at any opportunity to sing their praises. The confectionery company are unparalleled when it comes to making a vegan product that tastes like milk chocolate.

I have often proclaimed it the best vegan chocolate in the world, so obviously every new product must be chronicled. It is my FGV duty.

Wanna know what they have up their crafty sleeves for Easter this year? It is an organic Bunny Bar and it is delicious.

The Bunny Bar by Moo Free is perfect. It is just the right size for a snack, it is the same fabulous Moo Free taste we adore and it retails for a lot less the a pound. The recommended shop price is only 69p.

How terrific is that?! Get to a store or order online. Then I suggest starting with the ears…

Moo Free Bunny Bar
Moo Free Bunny Bar
It was made for my hand... & belly!
It was made for my hand… & belly!

Follow Moo Free on Twitter

Visit Moo Free online



Got a nice package, alright

Do you like the idea of food swaps? You know… it is when you get a box of goodies together and send it to a stranger and they send you a box back with specialties they have picked out for you. If you are a fan of such activities, surely you are also excited about vegan food swaps. Who wouldn’t be?

But I have just discovered parcel and package swapping is being taken to the next level. I received some very exciting news from my friends over at All About Vegan Food and you will want to be quick to get involved in this special scheme.

Tell us what we need to know…….


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Vegan comedian on UK tour

Here is some exciting news that will brighten your pedestrian start to the week.

US Comedian Jamie Kilstein is gracing the UK with his irreverent presence this month during a live stand up tour that will make stops in London, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester and Edinburgh.


Jamie is well-known for his political comedy podcast Citizen Radio that he runs out of his Brooklyn apartment with his partner Allison Kilkenny. He has been featured as a comedian on many cable and TV shows including Conan O’Brien and these UK gigs come hot on the heels of two wildly successful shows in Seattle and Portland.

He is a funny person and many people love him for his social justice-charged brand of comedy, but you are probably wondering why a chubby, queer, food-obsessed blogger is hipping you to this news on a vegan blog.

Not only is Jamie Kilstein a progressive comedian resisting oppression of people, he is also a fierce advocate for non-human animals as a longtime vegan. Check out this excerpt about being vegan from one of his shows before checking below for dates and ticket details for the upcoming UK tour.

Be quick. Jamie is truly a sensation and tickets are already moving swiftly.

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